Internet Research
Peer-Review Duration · Review Speed · Revision Process · Submission Timeline
Internet Research
Manuscript Revision Process
Research is often a slow process, requiring the careful design, optimization, and replication of experiments. By the time you have accrued enough data to write a manuscript, you will likely want to publish as soon as possible. Rapid publication can accelerate the dissemination of findings, decrease the likelihood of being scooped, and allow a quicker return to the laboratory to work on the next study. Whether you are currently performing experiments or are in the midst of writing, the following Internet Research - Review Speed data may help you to select an efficient and right journal for your manuscripts.
Journal Title | Internet Research |
Duration from Manuscripts Submission to First Editorial Decision | 14.7 Days |
Duration from Manuscripts Submission to First Revision Report | - Days |
Duration from Manuscripts Submission to Manuscripts Acceptance | - Days |
Duration from Manuscripts Acceptance To Publication | - Days |
Duration from Manuscripts Submission to Publication | - Days |
Number of Reviewers during Revision Process | 1-3 Reviewer |
Number of Peer-Review Rounds during Revision Process | 1-3 Round |
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Internet Research
Submission Timeline & Revision Speed
Duration from Submission to 1st Editorial Decision
14.7 days
The average number of days from manuscript submission to the initial editorial decision on the article. If your manuscript is rejected by the editor without the peer-reviewed process, please share with the community how many days you got the rejection email from the editor's office. If your manuscript is sent to reviewers, please share with the community how many days the evaluated process took by editor's office (not include the evaluated process of reviewers). Based on the Internet Research Review Speed Feedback System, it takes authors 14.7 days to get the first editorial decision.
Submission Experiences
Duration from Submission to the First Editorial Decision
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Duratiom form Submission to 1st Revision Report
- days
The average number of days between the date of manuscript submission and date of receiving the revision report after the first review round (only the manuscript with peer-reviewed process). Please share with the community how many days the entire process took by the editor's office. Based on the Internet Research Review Speed Feedback System, it takes authors - days to get the first revision report.
Submission Experiences
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How many days did the entire process take ?
Duration from Submission to Acceptance
- days
The average number of days between the date of manuscript submission and date of receiving the editorial acceptance decision. Please share with the community how many days the entire process took by the editor's office. Based on the Internet Research Review Speed Feedback System, it takes editor - days to accept manuscript.
Submission Experiences
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How many days did the entire process take ?
Duration from Acceptance to Publication
- days
The average number of days from manuscript acceptance to the first appearance of the article online. Please share with the community how many days the entire process took by the editor's office. Based on the Internet Research Review Speed Feedback System, it takes publisher - days to publish the accepted manuscript online.
Submission Experiences
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How many days did the entire process take ?
Duration form Submission to Publication
- days
The average number of days from manuscript submission to the first appearance of the article online. Please share with the community how many days the entire process took by the editor's office. Based on the Internet Research Review Speed Feedback System, it takes publisher - days to publish manuscript from receiving manuscript.
Submission Experiences
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How many days did the entire process take ?
Number of Reviewers
The average number of reviewers during the entire peer-reviewed process (include both accepted and rejected manuscript). Please share your experiences with the community. Based on the Internet Research Review Speed Feedback System, authors receive approximately 1-3 revision reports during the paper submission.
Submission Experiences
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How many reviewers are in the entire revision process ?
Number of Revision Round
The average number of external revision rounds during the entire peer-reviewed process (include both accepted and rejected manuscript). Please share your experiences with the community. Based on the Internet Research Review Speed Feedback System, it takes 1-3 revision rounds during the entire peer-review process.
Submission Experiences
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How many rounds of external review did you go through ? (0 is also possible)
Editor Revision Duration
Internet Research
1st Editor Decision | 1st Rev. Report | Sub. to Acc. | Acc. to Pub. | Sub. to Pub. | # of Reviewers | # of Rev. Rnd. |
14.7 Days | - Day | - Day | - Day | - Day | 1-3 Reviewer | 1-3 Round |
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This wide-ranging interdisciplinary journal looks at the social, ethical, economic and political implications of the internet. Recent issues have focused on online and mobile gaming, the sharing economy, and the dark side of social media. None