Mediterranean journal of basic and applied sciences
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Research Scope
Scientific Writng Examples of Typical Mediterranean in a Sentence
With the principal aim to assess the typical Mediterranean profile of the PM2.
Scientific Writng Examples of Mediterranean Crops in a Sentence
The SWB was assessed over the “Sinistra Ofanto” irrigation scheme (Italy), characterized by a semi-arid climate and an extremely fragmented and heterogeneous landscape with the presence of the most significant Mediterranean crops.
Scientific Writng Examples of England Journal in a Sentence
New England Journal of Medicine, 375, 2023–2036.
Scientific Writng Examples of Journal Review in a Sentence
The curriculum included a dissection laboratory, lectures, and journal reviews of key topics in ophthalmology with a basic scientist and clinician.
Scientific Writng Examples of Weakly Basic in a Sentence
For a weakly basic chemotherapeutic drug such as PTX, the development of the acidic tumor microenvironment (Warburg effect) has a remarkable impact on therapeutic resistance.
Scientific Writng Examples of Basic Educational in a Sentence
In the proposed model the theory of the triple helix University-Company-State is applied, where the Government of Cordoba, and the Municipal Government, manage, coordinate, and execute policies, and resources, through their development plans, programs, and projects; the Basic Educational Institutions, together with the Seine, and the University of Cordoba (Ceres), provide training to human resources and research to have a final product with added value; the suppliers offer the inputs for the development of the fishing activity; the fishermen as leading actors in charge of the capture, extraction and cultivation of fish; the processor, and the marketer, produce and sell the final products respectively.
Scientific Writng Examples of Measures Applied in a Sentence
The question that naturally arises is: how much the measures applied have given rise to a positive change for the existence of the welfare state and to what extent it can be estimated that the social policies undertaken were influenced by ideological preferences? What is the legacy with the former state-socialist welfare tradition? Which were the main influences in the establishment of the welfare state in North Macedonia? Methodologically, this research is mainly characterized by literature review with the aim to analyze the social context in which reforms have undergone and being implemented.
Scientific Writng Examples of Applied Issues in a Sentence
Within the national technology development initiative, the project to create 15 research and educational centres puts forward theoretical and applied issues on designing a new type of universities' structural organization, which would represent diffusion, interpenetration of universities and their key stakeholders.
Scientific Writng Examples of Aquatic Sciences in a Sentence
1 School of Biological Sciences, University of Bristol, Bristol, United Kingdom, Department of Biology, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, Woods Hole, MA, United States, 3 Institute for Environmental Sciences, University of Koblenz-Landau, Landau, Germany, Department of Aquatic Sciences and Assessment, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Uppsala, Sweden, 5 Institute of Environmental Sciences, Leiden University, Leiden, Netherlands.
Scientific Writng Examples of Sciences University in a Sentence
President Dr Seth Love Institute of Clinical Neurosciences School of Clinical Sciences University of Bristol Level 2, Learning & Research Southmead Hospital Bristol BS10 5NB UK Email: pasl@bristol.
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