Watermelon Fruits(西瓜水果)研究综述
Watermelon Fruits 西瓜水果 - The objective of this study was to evaluate the productivity and the vegetative development of the plant and the watermelon fruits of the ‘Top Gun’ cultivar submitted to Original Research Article Posse et al. [1] Pie melon and watermelon fruits were washed, cut with knife, it was deseeded from pulp, cleaned and washed properly with tap water respectively. [2] Among these, the RS841 rootstock was found to be the most suitable to maintain yield, quality parameters, sensory characteristic and volatile aroma compounds of the mini-watermelon fruits. [3] coli on the surface of watermelon fruits and the efficacy of aqueous chlorine treatment against strongly attached E. [4] While sharing the same main pigment, tomato and watermelon fruits show substantial biochemical and physiological differences during ripening. [5] Grafting with bottle gourd rootstock increased the size and rind thickness of watermelon fruits, whereas that with watermelon rootstock produced bottle gourd fruits with higher total soluble solid content and thinner rinds. [6]本研究的目的是评估提交给原始研究文章 Posse 等人的“壮志凌云”品种的植物和西瓜果实的生产力和营养发育。 [1] 馅饼瓜和西瓜果实洗净,用刀切开,去果肉,分别用自来水清洗干净。 [2] 其中,RS841 砧木被发现最适合维持迷你西瓜果实的产量、质量参数、感官特征和挥发性香气化合物。 [3] 西瓜果实表面大肠杆菌及氯水处理对强附着大肠杆菌的效果 [4] 虽然共享相同的主要色素,但番茄和西瓜果实在成熟过程中表现出显着的生化和生理差异。 [5] 葫芦砧木嫁接西瓜果实大小和果皮厚度增加,而西瓜砧木嫁接葫芦果实总可溶性固形物含量较高,果皮较薄。 [6]