Discover more insights into Water Resources 水资源

Water Resources sentence examples within semi arid region

Mineral and Fermentative Profile of Forage Sorghum Irrigated with Brackish Water

Coastal Aquifer Salinization in Semi-Arid Regions: The Case of Grombalia (Tunisia)

Water Resources sentence examples within climate change impact

Predicting groundwater level fluctuations under climate change scenarios for Tasuj plain, Iran

3D modelling of a hydrological structure combining spatial data science and geophysics: Application to a coastal aquifer system in the island of Crete, Greece

Water Resources sentence examples within land use change

An Attempt to Decompose the Impact of Land Use and Climate Change on Annual Runoff in a Small Agricultural Catchment

Water resources management – towards performance based approach.

Water Resources sentence examples within global climate change

River Runoff Modelling and Hydrological Drought Assessment Based on High-Resolution Brightness Temperatures in Mainland China

Adaptation of Climate Change to Vulnerability of Raw Water Availability in Bantaeng, South Sulawesi

Water Resources sentence examples within water use efficiency

Estimations of Water Use Efficiency in Winter Wheat Based on Multi-Angle Remote Sensing

Soil irrigation management: the effect on production and water productivity in the marigold

Water Resources sentence examples within water resource management

Influence of land use and occupation on the water quality of a microbasin in the southwestern Amazon

A Water Evaluation and Planning-based framework for the long-term prediction of urban water demand and supply

Water Resources sentence examples within future climate change

Evaluation of a climate simulation over the Yellow River Basin based on a regional climate model (REMO) within the CORDEX

Future climate changes under different scenarios and their effects on runoff in the upper Taohe River Basin

Water Resources sentence examples within socio economic development

Effects of climate change and land-use changes on spatiotemporal distributions of blue water and green water in Ningxia, Northwest China

Future virtual water flows under climate and population change scenarios: focusing on its determinants

Water Resources sentence examples within sea level rise

Climate-driven acceleration of glacier mass loss on global and regional scales during 1961–2016

Long-term monitoring of coastal saltwater intrusion using the geoelectrical monitoring system SAMOS

Water Resources sentence examples within increasing water demand

Sentinel-1 InSAR survey to constrain subsidence-induced surface faulting and quantify its induced risk in major cities of central Mexico

Application of Visual MODFLOW to the Analysis of Boundary Conditions for a Phreatic Porous Aquifer Using Limited Available Information: A Case Study

Water Resources sentence examples within water quality monitoring

Quality Assessment of Surface Water for Domestic and Agricultural Purposes Using Hydro-chemical and Microbial Studies in Kilifi County, North Coast Region of Kenya

Optimal Deployment of Underwater Sensor Networks Based on Hungarian Algorithm

Water Resources sentence examples within inter basin water

Development of a Multi-Methodological Approach to Support the Management of Water Supply Systems

Research on the Dispatching Rules of Inter-Basin Water Transfer Projects Based on the Two-Dimensional Scheduling Diagram

Water Resources sentence examples within semi arid climate

Long-term investigation of subsidence rate and its environmental effects using the InSAR technique and geospatial analyses

Evaluation of the scheduling of an existing drip irrigation network: Fadak Farm, Karbala, Iraq

Water Resources sentence examples within drinking water supply

Study of application prospects of water resources of some water storage basins of Samara region for the purposes of drinking water supply

Integrated technology for conditioning low-mineralized cold ground water

Water Resources sentence examples within river water quality

Spatiotemporal Characteristics of the Water Quality and Its Multiscale Relationship with Land Use in the Yangtze River Basin

An Improved Inexact Two-Stage Stochastic with Downside Risk-Control Programming Model for Water Resource Allocation under the Dual Constraints of Water Pollution and Water Scarcity in Northern China

Water Resources sentence examples within fragile ecological environment

Flood Simulation Analysis of the Biliu River Basin Based on the MIKE Model

Research on water ecological security in alar section of tarim river basin

Water Resources sentence examples within heavy metal pollution

Spatial distribution of heavy metals in groundwater based on structural equation and development of leisure agriculture tourism

Effect of Chelating Agents on Removal of Heavy Metal Cations of Cellulose-based Ion Exchange Resins from Water Hyacinth

Water Resources sentence examples within & # 160

The spatio-temporal evolution of groundwater dependent precipitation

Joint actions for more efficient management of common groundwater resources in Estonia and Latvia

Water Resources sentence examples within long term sustainability

A Scenario-Based Management of Water Resources and Supply Systems Using a Combined System Dynamics and Compromise Programming Approach

Effects of land use configuration, seasonality and point source on water quality in a tropical watershed: A case study of the Johor River Basin.

Water Resources sentence examples within geographical information system

Meteorolojik Verilerin Bağlantılı Veriye Dönüştürülmesi: Karadeniz Bölgesi Örneği

Modeling Groundwater Potential Zones for Sustainable Water Resource Management in Khyrasol Block, Birbhum District West Bengal India Using Remote Sensing and GIS Techniques

Water Resources sentence examples within & # 8217

Integrated Platform for Smart Operational Monitoring and Efficient Energy Management of Water Supply Networks

Disentangling uncertainties in risk-based planning of water resources in the UK

Water Resources sentence examples within water scarce country

Virtual water trade and its implications on water sustainability


Water Resources sentence examples within provide useful information

Future Changes in Simulated Evapotranspiration across Continental Africa Based on CMIP6 CNRM-CM6

Conversion of degraded farmlands to orchards decreases groundwater recharge rates and nitrate gains in the thick loess deposits

Water Resources sentence examples within decision support tool

Parameter Identification by High-Resolution Inverse Numerical Model Based on LBM/CMA-ES: Application to Chalk Aquifer (North of France)

Evaluating management strategies for sustainable crop production under changing climate conditions: A system dynamics approach.

Water Resources sentence examples within water supply system

Preservation of drinking water demand from water reservoirs in climate change conditions

Gender Mainstreaming in Drought Disaster Risk Reduction

Water Resources sentence examples within & # 8211

Space-Time Analysis of Precipitation Reanalysis Data for the Island of Crete using Gaussian Anamorphosis with Hermite Polynomials

Simple numerical strategies to model freezing in variably-saturated soil with the standard finite element method

Water Resources sentence examples within evaluation index system

Evaluation of Water Resources Vulnerability in the Coastal Areas of the Yellow Sea and Bohai Sea under Seawater Intrusion——A case study of Longkou City, Shandong Province

A study on the construction and application of the evaluation index system for the water conservancy photography creation base

Water Resources sentence examples within water quality management

Isotopic compositions reveal the driving forces of high nitrate level in an urban river: Implications for pollution control

Response of Hydrodynamics and Water-quality Conditions to Climate Change in a Shallow Lake

Water Resources sentence examples within safe drinking water

Karstik Bölgelerde Bulunan İçme Suyu Şebekelerinde Fiziki Su Kayıplarının Gürültü Korelatörleri ve Basınç Optimizasyonu ile Yönetimi

Nanotechnology for water processing

Water Resources sentence examples within rapid population growth