Water Resources
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Water Resources sentence examples within semi arid region
Despite the high content of soluble salts in the water resources available in arid and semi-arid regions, the use of irrigation leaching fraction has been considered a viable alternative for the production of tolerant forage crops.
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Groundwater resources are facing increasing pressure especially in semi-arid regions where they often represent the main freshwater resource to sustain human needs.
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Water Resources sentence examples within climate change impact
Coastal aquifers world-wide are being confronted with several major challenges, such as overextraction of groundwater, climate change impacts, contamination by wastewater, and saltwater intrusion into water resources.
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<p>Groundwater resources in Mediterranean coastal aquifers are under threat due to overexploitation and climate change impacts, resulting in saltwater intrusion.
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Water Resources sentence examples within land use change
The aims of this study are: i) to better understand the coupled interactions between land use changes, climate change and the aquatic ecosystem in a small agricultural catchment (<100 km2) with a long observation history (1963–2018) and a known land use history, and ii) to test available approaches to separate land use and climate change impacts on water resources in such a small catchment.
本研究的目的是:i) 更好地了解具有长期观测历史(1963-2018 年)和已知土地的小型农业集水区(<100 平方公里)中土地利用变化、气候变化和水生生态系统之间的耦合相互作用使用历史,以及 ii) 测试可用的方法来区分土地利用和气候变化对如此小流域水资源的影响。
本研究的目的是:i) 更好地了解具有长期观测历史(1963-2018 年)和已知土地的小型农业集水区(<100 平方公里)中土地利用变化、气候变化和水生生态系统之间的耦合相互作用使用历史,以及 ii) 测试可用的方法来区分土地利用和气候变化对如此小流域水资源的影响。
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Global change that results from population growth, global warming, and land use change (especially rapid urbanization) directly affects the complexity of water resources management problems and the uncertainty they are exposed to.
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Water Resources sentence examples within global climate change
Under the background of global climate change, drought is causing devastating impacts on the balance of the regional water resources system.
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Various processes triggering global climate change and climate change have been accepted by many parties as a necessity characterized by global warming, with a direct impact on the hydrological cycle, so that climate change is believed to have a real impact on water resources.
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Water Resources sentence examples within water use efficiency
Real-time non-destructive monitoring of water use efficiency (WUE) is important for screening high-yielding high-efficiency varieties and determining the rational allocation of water resources in winter wheat production.
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The management of water resources in irrigated agriculture is a basic method of guaranteeing water use efficiency in agricultural crops.
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Water Resources sentence examples within water resource management
In Brazil, the improvement of water resource management faces the difficulty of implementing the instruments of the National Water Resources Policy, such as classification of water bodies.
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We propose a workflow for the modeling and simulation of sustainable urban water resource management and develop an integrated framework for the evaluation and planning of water resources in a typical urban setting.
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Water Resources sentence examples within future climate change
Understanding the current regional climate is of great importance for better estimating future climate change and assessing its influence on water resources and ecosystems.
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In order to assess the impacts of environmental changes, outputs from a regional climate model and the SWAT hydrological model were used to analyze the future climate change scenarios to water resources quantitatively.
为了评估环境变化的影响,区域气候模型和 SWAT 水文模型的输出用于定量分析未来气候变化情景对水资源的影响。
为了评估环境变化的影响,区域气候模型和 SWAT 水文模型的输出用于定量分析未来气候变化情景对水资源的影响。
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Water Resources sentence examples within socio economic development
Water resources are a crucial factor that determines the health of ecosystems and socio-economic development; however, they are under threat due to climate change and human activities.
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Water resources are under increasing pressure from population growth, socio-economic development, and climate change.
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Water Resources sentence examples within sea level rise
During the past decades, glacier mass loss is becoming increasingly significant worldwide but knowledge about the acceleration is still limited despite its potentially profound impacts on sea level rise, water resources availability and glacial hazards.
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In the coastal areas worldwide, saltwater intrusions caused by sea-level rise, overuse of freshwater resources and changing groundwater recharge is a major threat to the availability of freshwater.
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Water Resources sentence examples within increasing water demand
Several major cities in central Mexico suffer from aquifer depletion and land subsidence driven by overexploitation of groundwater resources to address increasing water demands for domestic, industrial and agricultural use.
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The increasing water demand, especially in developing regions, continuously puts pressure on groundwater resources both quantitatively and qualitatively.
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Water Resources sentence examples within water quality monitoring
It’s recommended that a continuous water quality monitoring program be put in place and development of effective management practices for utilization of the surface water resources be instituted.
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Underwater sensor networks are widely used in water quality monitoring and underwater resources detection.
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Water Resources sentence examples within inter basin water
The results show that, based on the vision of specialists with enough experience for the case studied, it was possible to structure the problem, and therefore propose a set of strategies (alternatives), which were: water loss control, wastewater reuse, application of more efficient tariffs to reduce water waste, inter-basin water transfer, and awareness regarding the use of water resources.
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Inter-basin water transfer projects play an important role in allocating water resources that vary both in temporal and spatial scale while supporting regional development.
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Water Resources sentence examples within semi arid climate
The management of groundwater resources is an important issue in arid and semi-arid climates because they are among the main water resources in these areas.
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Iraq has a subtropical semi-arid climate; it was previously considered to be rich in water, but for several reasons, including climate change and dam construction by neighbouring countries, a shortage of water resources has developed in recent years.
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Water Resources sentence examples within drinking water supply
The decision on the possibility of using the water resources of Polyakovskoe and Chernovskoe reservoirs for drinking water supply can be made after additional safety studies on microbiological indicators.
在对微生物指标进行额外的安全研究后,可以决定使用 Polyakovskoe 和 Chernovskoe 水库的水资源供应饮用水的可能性。
在对微生物指标进行额外的安全研究后,可以决定使用 Polyakovskoe 和 Chernovskoe 水库的水资源供应饮用水的可能性。
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With a favorable ratio of fresh water resources and the actual volume of water consumption in this region of Russia, the issue of drinking water supply from underground aquifers remains acute due to the problematic water quality and low efficiency of the treatment facilities.
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Water Resources sentence examples within river water quality
Thus, quantitative analysis of the relationship between different land cover types and river water quality contributes to a better understanding of the effects of land cover on water quality, the landscape planning of water quality protection, and integrated water resources management.
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The principal constraints are river water quality and available water resources under the three hydrological scenarios (low, medium, and high).
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Water Resources sentence examples within fragile ecological environment
For a long time, the annual distribution of precipitation in the Biliu River Basin is extremely uneven, the river runoff varies greatly from year to year and season to year, floods and droughts occur frequently, and serious soil erosion results in fragile ecological environment and severe shortage of water resources.
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Alar city is located in the upper reaches of the tarim river, with arid climate, scarce precipitation throughout the year, strong evaporation, lack of water resources, and fragile ecological environment.
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Water Resources sentence examples within heavy metal pollution
A typical integration area between urban and rural areas is selected to understand the current situation of heavy metal pollution in groundwater, analyze the spatial distribution characteristics of heavy metal ions, and conduct qualitative and quantitative research on heavy metal pollution sources in groundwater, which has important theoretical and practical value for promoting urban sprawl, It also provides a scientific basis for the local government to formulate the strategy of protecting water resources.
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Presently, heavy metal pollution in natural water resources is considered very hazardous.
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Water Resources sentence examples within & # 160
Some of the countries with the highest rates of groundwater abstraction (India, the USA, Pakistan and Iran), receive low volumes of Pgw </span><span>and are net losers of groundwater resources.
一些地下水抽取率最高的国家(印度、美国、巴基斯坦和伊朗)获得的 Pgw </span><span>的数量很少,并且是地下水资源的净输家。
一些地下水抽取率最高的国家(印度、美国、巴基斯坦和伊朗)获得的 Pgw </span><span>的数量很少,并且是地下水资源的净输家。
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 </p><p>Taking into account the above-mentioned aspects, Latvian and Estonian groundwater and groundwater dependent ecosystems specialists from research, nature protection and groundwater resources management institutions have joined forces in the project funded by the Interreg Estonia-Latvia program: "Joint actions for more efficient management of common groundwater resources in Estonia and Latvia "(WaterAct).
 </p><p>考虑到上述方面,来自研究、自然保护和地下水资源管理机构的拉脱维亚和爱沙尼亚地下水和依赖地下水的生态系统专家联手参与了由 Interreg Estonia 资助的项目-拉脱维亚计划:“为更有效地管理爱沙尼亚和拉脱维亚共同地下水资源而采取的联合行动”(WaterAct)。
 </p><p>考虑到上述方面,来自研究、自然保护和地下水资源管理机构的拉脱维亚和爱沙尼亚地下水和依赖地下水的生态系统专家联手参与了由 Interreg Estonia 资助的项目-拉脱维亚计划:“为更有效地管理爱沙尼亚和拉脱维亚共同地下水资源而采取的联合行动”(WaterAct)。
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Water Resources sentence examples within long term sustainability
4 Long-term sustainability in water supply systems is a major challenge due to water resources 5 depletion, climate change and population growth.
4 由于水资源枯竭、气候变化和人口增长,供水系统的长期可持续性是一项重大挑战 5。
4 由于水资源枯竭、气候变化和人口增长,供水系统的长期可持续性是一项重大挑战 5。
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In the recent years, there have been several occurrences of pollution in these rivers, which has generated concerns over the long-term sustainability of the water resources in the JRB.
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Water Resources sentence examples within geographical information system
It is necessary and important to transform meteorological data, which are used significantly in many areas such as geographical information systems, risk management, weather forecasts, modeling of air pollution, water resources, agriculture, air traffic and industry, into linked open data.
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Remote sensing and Geographical Information System (GIS) have played an important role in exploration and management of groundwater resources.
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Water Resources sentence examples within & # 8217
The development of the integrated platform is expected to have significant scientific, financial, societal and environmental impacts including: i) efficient water resources management and environmental protection, ii) reduction of the operational costs and regulator expenses for system maintenance and management, iii) promotion of citizens’ awareness regarding environmental issues, and iv) significant improvement of the quality of services offered, including pricing and emergency planning.
集成平台的开发预计将产生重大的科学、财务、社会和环境影响,包括:i) 高效的水资源管理和环境保护,ii) 降低系统维护和管理的运营成本和监管费用,iii) 推广公民’对环境问题的认识,以及 iv) 显着提高所提供服务的质量,包括定价和应急计划。
集成平台的开发预计将产生重大的科学、财务、社会和环境影响,包括:i) 高效的水资源管理和环境保护,ii) 降低系统维护和管理的运营成本和监管费用,iii) 推广公民’对环境问题的认识,以及 iv) 显着提高所提供服务的质量,包括定价和应急计划。
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In the UK Government’s 2020 Water Resources Planning Guidelines, the word “uncertainty” appears 48 times in 82 pages.
在英国政府的 2020 年水资源规划指南中,“不确定性”一词在 82 页中出现 48 次。
在英国政府的 2020 年水资源规划指南中,“不确定性”一词在 82 页中出现 48 次。
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Water Resources sentence examples within water scarce country
Limited and declining water resources, increasing demand of water resources from different sectors has posed a major challenge for maintaining water sustainability and thus overall sustainability for a populous and water scarce country like India.
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With South Africa being one of the most water-scarce countries in the world, the limited water resources available must be well preserved and consciously utilized.
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Water Resources sentence examples within provide useful information
The findings provide useful information for water resources managers to develop specific measures to mitigate extreme events in the regions most affected by possible changes in the region’s climate.
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Our results provide useful information for management of agriculture and groundwater resources in regions with thick vadose zones.
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Water Resources sentence examples within decision support tool
The model can be used and developed as a decision support tool for integrated water resources management in the region.
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Overall, the model findings add significant insight into drought and water resources management for sustainable crop production and the developed model can serve as a decision-support tool to inform strategic policy-making.
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Water Resources sentence examples within water supply system
Hydrological and water sources and demands balance procedures have been applied, including modelling of the storage ability of water resources and water supply systems.
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This research meets conclusions that: (1) Several programs and planned actions in water supply system and infrastructure development have become initiatives of government agencies of village authorities, BPBD and Public Work Agency of Central Sumba Regency; (2) People demonstrated vulnerability to drought as well as lack of water supply and also water resources; (3) Strong efforts should be conducted to educate people and increase women capacity in coping issues of poverty, drought, and lack of water supply; and (4) Government agencies and other private institutions have to build women capacity as their participation in enhancing gender equality and mainstreaming gender.
本研究得出以下结论: (1) 供水系统和基础设施发展方面的若干计划和计划行动已成为村政府机构、BPBD 和中央松巴县公共工作局的倡议; (2) 人们表现出对干旱的脆弱性以及缺乏供水和水资源; (三)大力开展群众教育,提高妇女应对贫困、干旱、缺水等问题的能力; (4) 政府机构和其他私人机构必须建设妇女参与促进性别平等和性别主流化的能力。
本研究得出以下结论: (1) 供水系统和基础设施发展方面的若干计划和计划行动已成为村政府机构、BPBD 和中央松巴县公共工作局的倡议; (2) 人们表现出对干旱的脆弱性以及缺乏供水和水资源; (三)大力开展群众教育,提高妇女应对贫困、干旱、缺水等问题的能力; (4) 政府机构和其他私人机构必须建设妇女参与促进性别平等和性别主流化的能力。
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Water Resources sentence examples within & # 8211
A spatiotemporal precipitation generator based on a censored latent Gaussian field, Water Resources Research, <strong>51</strong>(6), 4338–4358.
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Water Resources sentence examples within evaluation index system
In view of the increased vulnerability of water resources system caused by seawater intrusion in the coastal areas of the Yellow Sea and Bohai Sea, this paper based on the VSD(Vulnerability Scoping Diagram) model to construct the water resource vulnerability evaluation index system of “exposure-sensitivity-adaptive capacity” under seawater intrusion.
针对黄渤海沿岸海水入侵导致水资源系统脆弱性增加的问题,本文基于VSD(Vulnerability Scoping Diagram)模型构建“暴露度”水资源脆弱性评价指标体系。海水入侵下的“敏感性-适应能力”。
针对黄渤海沿岸海水入侵导致水资源系统脆弱性增加的问题,本文基于VSD(Vulnerability Scoping Diagram)模型构建“暴露度”水资源脆弱性评价指标体系。海水入侵下的“敏感性-适应能力”。
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In order to improve the evaluation system for the water conservancy photography creation base, evaluation indicators regarding the aspects of photographic resources, photographic elements, and water resources were selected to construct an evaluation index system, and the evaluation criteria for each index were provided.
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Water Resources sentence examples within water quality management
High levels of nitrogen (N) in urban rivers are a global concern, but key evidence is lacking about their driving forces, which has limited the efficiency of water quality management and the sustainability of water resources.
城市河流中的高水平氮 (N) 是全球关注的问题,但缺乏有关其驱动力的关键证据,这限制了水质管理的效率和水资源的可持续性。
城市河流中的高水平氮 (N) 是全球关注的问题,但缺乏有关其驱动力的关键证据,这限制了水质管理的效率和水资源的可持续性。
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Lake water resources operation and water quality management come up with higher challenges due to climate change.
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Water Resources sentence examples within safe drinking water
Global warming, population growth and increasing need for clean and safe drinking water, create a negative pressure on water resources.
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Innovative methods to achieve clean, potable, and safe drinking water have drawn global attention as available water resources are being affected by organic, inorganic, and biological contaminants at an alarming rate.
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Water Resources sentence examples within rapid population growth
The suitable location selection for artificial recharge with treated wastewater is an important issue, especially in arid and semiarid countries as a result of rapid population growth, increasing water demand, excessive use of groundwater resources, and mismanagement of limited freshwater resources.