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Clinical High-Resolution 3D-MR Spectroscopic Imaging of the Human Brain at 7 T

Magnetic resonance Spectrum simulator (MARSS), a novel software package for fast and computationally efficient basis set simulation.

Tensor-Based Method for Residual Water Suppression in $^1$H Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopic Imaging

Characterization of Brain Metabolism by Nuclear Magnetic Resonance.

Multiparametric statistical quantification of pH heterogeneity by 1H MRS and MRSI of extracellular pH markers: Proof of principle

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Chitosan-based nitric oxide-releasing dressing for anti-biofilm and in vivo healing activities in MRSA biofilm-infected wounds.

Biodegradable Supramolecular Materials Based on Cationic Polyaspartamides and Pillar[5]arene for Targeting Gram‐Positive Bacteria and Mitigating Antimicrobial Resistance

Review of recent applications of the conventional and derivative fast Padé transform for magnetic resonance spectroscopy

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Nonwoven fabric supported, chitosan membrane anchored with curcumin/TiO2 complex: Scaffolds for MRSA infected wound skin reconstruction.

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Versatile Chlorin e6-based magnetic polydopamine nanoparticles for effectively capturing and killing MRSA.

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Vivo Mrs 我住夫人

Vivo Mrs 我住夫人
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