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How Do Art Skills Influence Visual Search? – Eye Movements Analyzed With Hidden Markov Models

Kenneth Boulding’s Visual Imagination

Visual imagination and cognitive mapping of a virtual building

5 The First World War in British Narrative Film and Television: From Visual Archive to Filmic Imagination

Generative Imagination Elevates Machine Translation

Образные составляющие целостности в сценографии и кинодизайне: феномены, понятия, критерии

More Visual Imagination 视觉想象 sentence examples

Stuart Sillars. Shakespeare and the visual imagination

Painting Literature: Tullio Pericoliʼs Robinson Crusoe

The Roving Eye

Salient images: Evidence for a component process architecture for visual imagination

Caribbean Landscape and Visual Imagination: An analysis of Derek Walcott’s Poems by Barbara D. Constance

Six memos for teaching Italian as a foreign language: Creativity, storytelling, and visual imagination in the language classroom

History in Sight and Sound

“Ode to a Nightingale”: Poetry and the Particularity of Sense

Hypnotic State Modulates Sensorimotor Beta Rhythms During Real Movement and Motor Imagery

Marshall H. Lewis, Viktor Frankl and the Book of Job: A Search for Meaning

Learn more from Visual Imagination 视觉想象

Visual Imagination 视觉想象

Visual Imagination 视觉想象
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