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Violence Toward sentence examples within Sexual Violence Toward

The case against removing intellectual disability and autism from the Mental Health Act

Normalising sexualised violence in popular culture: eroding, erasing and controlling women in rock music

Violence Toward sentence examples within Polouse Violence Toward

Exposure to anti-Black Lives Matter movement and obesity of the Black population.

A Tale of Two Crises: Addressing Covid-19 Vaccine Hesitancy as Promoting Racial Justice

Violence Toward sentence examples within Workplace Violence Toward

Experience of Violence and Factors Influencing Response to Violence Among Emergency Nurses in South Korea: Perspectives on Stress-Coping Theory.

The Effects of Emergency Room Violence toward Nurse′s Intention to Leave—Resilience as a Mediator

Violence Toward sentence examples within Symbolic Violence Toward


Symbolic Violence Towards Precarious Worker of E-Commerce Company of Transportation Services

Violence Toward sentence examples within Physical Violence Toward

The Distance Learning as the Reason of Child Abuse under Pandemic of COVID-19

Intimate partner abuse among couples during pregnancy and its predictors as reported by pregnant women visiting governmental health care centres in Tabriz, Iran.

Violence Toward sentence examples within Regarding Violence Toward

The role of sex and family status on the relationship between exposition to violence and child-to-parent violence

Public knowledge, attitudes, and intention to act violently, with regard to violence directed at health care staff.

Violence Toward sentence examples within School Violence Toward

Academic Competence, Teacher–Student Relationship, and Violence and Victimisation in Adolescents: The Classroom Climate as a Mediator

School Violence towards Peers and Teen Dating Violence: The Mediating Role of Personal Distress

Violence Toward sentence examples within Family Violence Toward

Effect of cognitive-behavioral therapy on domestic violence and its consequences in transgender youth: a randomized clinical trial, parallel group study

Effect of Cognitive-behavioral Therapy on Domestic Violence and Its Consequences in Transgender Youth: a Randomized Clinical Trial, Parallel Group Study

Violence Toward sentence examples within violence toward woman

Intimate Partner Aggression Committed by Prison Inmates with Psychopathic Profile

Does Forum Theater Help Reduce Gender Inequalities and Violence? Findings From Nepal.

Violence Toward sentence examples within violence toward black

Exposure to anti-Black Lives Matter movement and obesity of the Black population.

A Tale of Two Crises: Addressing Covid-19 Vaccine Hesitancy as Promoting Racial Justice

Violence Toward sentence examples within violence toward health

Tough Love Lessons: Lateral Violence among Hospital Nurses

Public knowledge, attitudes, and intention to act violently, with regard to violence directed at health care staff.

Violence Toward sentence examples within violence toward sexual

Minority stress, distress, and suicide attempts in three cohorts of sexual minority adults: A U.S. probability sample

Preventing Violence toward Sexual and Cultural Diversity: The Role of a Queering Sex Education

Violence Toward sentence examples within violence toward emergency

Experience of Violence and Factors Influencing Response to Violence Among Emergency Nurses in South Korea: Perspectives on Stress-Coping Theory.

Violence toward emergency physicians: A prospective-descriptive study.

A feminist theoretical exploration of misogyny and hate crime

Increasing the cost of female representation? The gendered effects of harassment, abuse and intimidation towards Parliamentary candidates in the UK


“The influence of Melody upon man in the wild state of nature”: Enslaved Parishioners, Anglican Violence, and Racialized Listening in a Jamaica Parish

Violence Against Psychiatric Trainees: Findings of a European Survey

Authoritarian Violence, Public Health, and the Necropolitical State: Engaging the South African Response to COVID-19

How do lipids influence risk of violence, self-harm and suicidality in people with psychosis? A systematic review.

More Violence Toward 暴力倾向 sentence examples

Violencia de género en Temporada de huracanes, de Fernanda Melchor: de la violencia subjetiva a la violencia sistémica.

Child-to-Parent Aggression and Dating Violence: Longitudinal Associations and the Predictive Role of Early Maladaptive Schemas

Creencias sexistas y actitudes de violencia de género. Situación de estudiantes universitario del área de la salud. Cartagena - Colombia

More Violence Toward 暴力倾向 sentence examples

Transgender-Specific Politics and Policy in Asia

Los principios filosóficos del neoliberalismo: una aproximación a sus consecuencias políticas en Colombia

More Violence Toward 暴力倾向 sentence examples

Adolescents, Ambivalent Sexism and Social Networks, A Conditioning Factor in the Healthcare of Women

COVID-19—Related Assault on Asians: Economic Hardship in the United States and India Predicts Diminished Support for Victim Compensation and Assailant Punishment

Social and environmental effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on children

#MeToo – second wave a concern in health care, general practice included

Violencia de control en las redes sociales y en el móvil en jóvenes universitarios

Magnitude and Consequences of Sexual Violence among Female High School and Preparatory School Students in Goba Town,Southeast Ethiopia

Assessing the feasibility and acceptability of a financial versus behavioural incentive-based intervention for community health workers in rural Indonesia

Coming out to the streets: LGBTQ youth experiencing homelessness

Discrimination and Violence Due to Diversity of Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity: Explanatory Variables

Women Healing the Globe, Preserving the Tibetan Plateau

Rise in violence in general practice settings during the COVID-19 pandemic: implications for prevention

Learn more from Violence Toward 暴力倾向

Violence Toward 暴力倾向

Violence Toward 暴力倾向
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