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Urbanization impacts on greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions of the water infrastructure in China: Trade-offs among sustainable development goals (SDGs)

Where do taxi trips start and end? Implications For Future Car-sharing For Commuting

Accessibility and mobility deficiencies of line 2 RUTA, case of San Ramón, Puebla

Understanding urban accessibility: A community-engaged pilot study of entrance features.

Spatially-Explicit Prediction of Capacity Density Advances Geographic Characterization of Wind Power Technical Potential

Developing Sustainable and Flexible Rural–Urban Connectivity through Complementary Mobility Services

Investigating Urban Crime Pattern and Accessibility Using Geographic Information System in Bandung City

Car Sharing as an Instrument for Urban Development

Unexpected consequences in the operation of urban environments

Smart Urban Accessibility and Mobility for Smart Economy in Africa

Towards a Smart Metropolitan Regional Development—Spatial and Economic Design Strategies: Johannesburg

A universal design approach to wayfinding and navigation


Resposta do Controle Postural em Superfície Inclinada: uma Revisão de Literatura

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Urban Accessibility 城市可达性

Urban Accessibility 城市可达性
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