Discover more insights into Two Fluid Model 两流体模型

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Two Fluid Model sentence examples within two phase flow

Coupled two-fluid flow and wall heat conduction modeling of nucleate pool boiling

Studies on the critical heat flux in fuel assembly using a modified two-phase multi-scale interface model—validation and sensitivity analysis

Two Fluid Model sentence examples within transfer matrix method

Transmittance spectrum in a Rudin Shapiro quasiperiodic one-dimensional photonic crystal with superconducting layers

Investigation of transmission properties in defective one dimensional superconductive photonic crystal for ultralow level bioethanol detection

Two Fluid Model sentence examples within interfacial friction factor

A Two-Fluid Model for High-Viscosity Upward Annular Flow in Vertical Pipes

A Two-Fluid Model for High Viscosity Upward Annular Flow in Vertical Pipes

Learn more from Two Fluid Model 两流体模型

Two Fluid Model sentence examples within population balance model

Numerical Simulation of Gas-Liquid-Solid Three Phase in Bubble Column

Effects of flow velocity and bubble size distribution on oxygen mass transfer in bubble column reactors - A critical evaluation of the CFD-PBM model.

Two Fluid Model sentence examples within Eulerian Two Fluid Model

New methodology for modeling pressure drop and thermal hydraulic characteristics in long vertical boiler tubes at high pressure

Effect of non-uniform concentrated solar flux on direct steam generation in vertical pipes of solar tower receivers

Self-consistent hydrodynamic two-fluid model of vortex plasma

Comparing Turbulence Models for Swirling Flows

Numerical and experimental analysis of vertically ascending swirling liquid film flow

Two-fluid modeling of direct steam generation in the receiver of parabolic trough solar collector with non-uniform heat flux

Numerical modeling of a batch fluidized-bed gasifier: Interaction of chemical reaction, particle morphology development and hydrodynamics

Numerical simulation of bubble columns: LES turbulence model and interphase forces blending approach

Comparative CFD modeling of a bubbling bed using a Eulerian–Eulerian two-fluid model (TFM) and a Eulerian-Lagrangian dense discrete phase model (DDPM)

Meissner Effect: History of Development and Novel Aspects

Sub-grid Scale Modelling and a-Posteriori Tests with a Morphology Adaptive Multifield Two-Fluid Model Considering Rising Gas Bubbles

Validation of a morphology adaptive multi-field two-fluid model considering counter-current stratified flow with interfacial turbulence damping

Gas/Liquid Two-Phase Flow in Pipes: Slugs, Classical Flow-Map, and 1D Compositional Simulation

More Two Fluid Model 两流体模型 sentence examples

A review on numerical modelling of flashing flow with application to nuclear safety analysis

Systematic derivation of hydrodynamic equations for viscoelastic phase separation

On global solutions to a viscous compressible two-fluid model with unconstrained transition to single-phase flow in three dimensions

Investigation on Bubble Diameter Distribution in Upward Flow by the Two-Fluid and Multi-Fluid Models

A novel pressure-free two-fluid model for one-dimensional incompressible multiphase flow

Simulations of liquid-vapor water flows with non-condensable gases on the basis of a two-fluid model

A Computational Study on Inter-Phase Heat Transfer in a Conical Fluidized Bed Reactor Using Hot Air

Influence of Stokes number on the particle phase distribution behaviors in a rolling circulating fluidized beds (RCFB)

Hydrodynamics of wet particles in liquid-solid fluidized beds using kinetic theory of rough spheres model

Experimental and numerical study of liquid–liquid interphase mass transfer in a pilot-scale extraction column

Two-fluid model for the breakdown of flow alignment in nematic liquid crystals.

CFD simulation of tailings slurry thickening in a gravity thickener

Progress in two-phase flow modeling: Interfacial area transport

Simulation study on cutting transport in a horizontal well with hydraulic pulsed jet technology

The development of ARSAC for modeling nuclear power plant system

Backreaction from inhomogeneous matter fields during large-scale structure formation

Computational study of bubble coalescence/break-up behaviors and bubble size distribution in a 3-D pressurized bubbling gas-solid fluidized bed of Geldart A particles

Three-dimensional computational fluid dynamics investigation of hydrodynamics behaviour of gas–solid flow in fluidized bed of Geldart D particles

A finite-size correction model for two-fluid large-eddy simulation of particle-laden boundary layer flow

Comparison of Two-Fluid Model Simulations of Freely Bubbling Three-Dimensional Gas-Fluidized Beds with Magnetic Resonance Imaging Results

Two-Fluid Modeling of Dense Particulate Suspensions for Electronics Cooling

The I-Love-Q Relations for Superfluid Neutron Stars

An historical account of the two-fluid theory for superfluidity

A numerical study of orientated-type flow channels with porous-blocked baffles of proton exchange membrane fuel cells

A fully implicit EOS based compositional two-phase transient flow simulator in wellbores

Models results Comparison of different approaches to turbulence for flow past a heated flat plate

Scale-up of aerated bioreactors: CFD validation and application to the enzyme production by Trichoderma reesei

Estimation of the spatial discretization error in numerical simulations of bubbly flows

The effects of solid shear stress and wall roughness on the simulation of cylindrical hydrocyclone classification

Gas–solid flow in a diffuser: Effect of inter-particle and particle–wall collisions

Computational Study of Gas-Solid Flow in a Horizontal Stepped Pipeline

Comprehensive investigation and comparison of TFM, DenseDPM and CFD-DEM for dense fluidized beds

More Two Fluid Model 两流体模型 sentence examples

Simulation on direct contact heat transfer in gas-molten salt bubble column for high temperature solar thermal storage

Dynamics of dusty vortices - I. Extensions and limitations of the terminal velocity approximation

More Two Fluid Model 两流体模型 sentence examples

Elongated particles in fluidized beds: From lab-scale experiments to constitutive models

Assessment of the TFM in predicting the onset of turbulent fluidization

Simulation of the internal kink mode in visco-resistive regimes

Simulation on gas-molten salt heat transfer in bubble column for solar thermal storage

Solitary and shock wave in magnetized collisional pair-ion plasmas

Learn more from Two Fluid Model 两流体模型

Two Fluid Model 两流体模型

Two Fluid Model 两流体模型
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