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Study on TMD Control on Stability Improvement of Barge-Supported Floating Offshore Wind Turbine Based on the Multi-Island Genetic Algorithm

Sensitivity analysis of the effect of wind characteristics and turbine properties on wind turbine loads

Turbulence Spectrum sentence examples within Atmospheric Turbulence Spectrum

Outer scale of turbulence and its influence on fluctuations of optical waves

Numerical predictions of wind-induced buffeting vibration for structures by a developed pseudo-excitation method

Particle acceleration in shearing flows: the case for large-scale jets

Modelling the Dissipation Range of von Kármán Turbulence Spectrum

Sounding rocket project “PMWE” for investigation of polar mesosphere winter echoes

Characteristics of the N-component of the heliospheric magnetic field observed by IMP and ACE over 46 years

Atmospheric turbulence spectrum in high resolution mode detected by a high power-aperture sodium lidar over Yanqing, Beijing (40.47°N, 115.97°E)

The structure of turbulence and mixed-phase cloud microphysics in a highly supercooled altocumulus cloud

Transmittance of finite-energy frozen beams in oceanic turbulence

LES Simulation of Heat Transfer in a Turbulent Pipe Flow with Lead Coolant at Different Reynolds Numbers

Application of small, untethered Ocean Landers for Current, Wave, and Turbulence Measurements

Improved Calculation of Turbulence Parameters Based on Six Tropical Cyclone Cases: Implication to Wind Turbine Design in Typhoon-Prone Areas

Measurement of unsteady wind loads in a wind tunnel: Scaling of turbulence spectra

A quantitative nonequilibrium phase transition theory for analyzing the turbulence development process

Particle Energy Diffusion in Linear Magnetohydrodynamic Waves

More Turbulence Spectrum 湍流谱 sentence examples

Transmittance of Diffraction- and Attenuation-resistant Vortex Frozen Beams in Oceanic Turbulence

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Turbulence Spectrum 湍流谱

Turbulence Spectrum 湍流谱
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