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Research on the Key Technology of Propulsion Drag System Division and Performance Analysis of Turboprop-powered Aircraft

Experimental and Numerical Investigation on the Flow-Induced Interior Noise Based on Pellicular Analysis

End-gas autoignition fraction and flame propagation rate in laser-ignited primary reference fuel mixtures at elevated temperature and pressure

How the COVID-19 pandemic is changing clinical trial conduct and driving innovation in bioanalysis

Evaluation of low-cost eddy covariance for CO2 fluxes over agroforestry and grassland

Forward-Looking Volatility Estimation for Risk-Managed Investment Strategies during the COVID-19 Crisis

The Role of Zakat During Pandemic Crisis and Post Recovery

Effectiveness of rotary and reciprocating systems on microbial reduction: A systematic review

Impact of vessels on sediment transport and diversity in Lake Taihu, China

Numerical simulation of the wave-induced Stokes drift effect on sea surface temperature in the North Pacific

Expanding the sample of radio minihalos in galaxy clusters.

Effect of a hinged rotating vent cover on a vented explosion

Wave-Induced Oscillatory Flow Over a Sloping Rippled Bed

On the Performance of DF Based Dual-Hop Mixed RF/UWOC System

Hydrodynamic characteristics of bubble-induced three-phase inverse fluidized bed (BIFB)

Turbulence exerts nutrients uptake and assimilation of bloom-forming Dolichospermum through modulating morphological traits: Field and chemostat culture studies.

Indications for the transition of Kelvin-Helmholtz instabilities into propagating internal waves in a high turbid estuary and their effect on the stratification stability

Vorticity and quantum turbulence in the merging of superfluid Helium nanodroplets

Turbulence velocity spectra and intensities in the inflow of a turbine rotor

Restauration ou bouleversement ? La reconstitution des espaces diocésains dans la péninsule Ibérique au Haut Moyen Âge

Aircraft Fuselage Recent Developments - A Review

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Turbulence Caused 引起的湍流

Turbulence Caused 引起的湍流
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