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An evapotranspiration model driven by remote sensing data for assessing groundwater resource in karst watershed

Analisa Model Evaporasi dan Evapotranspirasi Menggunakan Pemodelan Matematika pada Visual Basic di Kabupaten Maros

Effect of Greenhouse Design Parameters on the Heating and Cooling Requirement of Greenhouses in Moroccan Climatic Conditions

A new approach for estimating and delineating within-field crop water stress zones with satellite imagery

Exploring Effect of Mature Tree on Suction Distribution in a Natural Slope

Development of a transpiration model for precise tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.) irrigation control under various environmental conditions in greenhouse.

An Evapotranspiration Model for Arid Land to Estimate Water Loss in Hotan River Basin

Model predictive control of a Venlo-type greenhouse system considering electrical energy, water and carbon dioxide consumption

The data-driven solution of energy imbalance-induced structural error in evapotranspiration models

Experimental and theoretical study of urban tree instantaneous and hourly transpiration rates and their cooling effect in hot and humid area

Simplified Version of the METRIC Model for Estimation of Actual Evapotranspiration

A Novel Approach for the Simulation of Reference Evapotranspiration and Its Partitioning

Construction of an evapotranspiration model and analysis of spatiotemporal variation in Xilin River Basin, China

A Review of Evapotranspiration Measurement Models, Techniques and Methods for Open and Closed Agricultural Field Applications

More Transpiration Model 蒸腾模型 sentence examples

A combined mathematical model to represent transpiration, respiration, and water activity changes in fresh cape gooseberry (Physalis peruviana) fruits

Evaluation of Penman-Monteith Model Based on Sentinel-2 Data for the Estimation of Actual Evapotranspiration in Vineyards

Description and validation of an intermediate complexity model for ecosystem photosynthesis and evapotranspiration: ACM-GPP-ETv1

Decision Support System for Variable Rate Irrigation Based on UAV Multispectral Remote Sensing

Climate change model as a decision support tool for water resources management in northern Iraq: a case study of Greater Zab River

Evaluation and validation of the ASCE standardized reference evapotranspiration equations for a subhumid site in northeastern Austria

Effect of the Evapotranspiration of Thornthwaite and of Penman-Monteith in the Estimation of Monthly Streamflows Based on a Monthly Water Balance Model

Drought-stress modified crop coefficients for estimation of evapotranspiration of spring wheat in the southwest Loess Plateau of China

Modelling reference evapotranspiration for Megecha catchment by multiple linear regression

Evapotranspiration evaluation models based on machine learning algorithms—A comparative study

Automated Measurement and Control of Germination Paper Water Content

Variable Rate Irrigation of Maize and Soybean in West-Central Nebraska Under Full and Deficit Irrigation

A thermodynamic model for plant growth, validated with Pinus sylvestris data

Increased Bias in Evapotranspiration Modeling Due to Weather and Vegetation Indices Data Sources

Long-term hydraulic performance of landfill cover system in extreme humid region: Field monitoring and numerical approach.

Coupled estimation of 500 m and 8-day resolution global evapotranspiration and gross primary production in 2002–2017

Intercomparison of remote-sensing based evapotranspiration algorithms over amazonian forests

Coupling index of water consumption and soil fertility correlated with winter wheat production in North China Region

Dissipation of water in urban area, mechanism and modelling with the consideration of anthropogenic impacts: A case study in Xiamen

Modelling crop transpiration in greenhouses: Different models for different applications

Climate, forest growing season, and evapotranspiration changes in the central Appalachian Mountains, USA.

A hybrid transpiration model for water-limited conditions

Implication of evaporative loss estimation methods in discharge and water temperature modelling in cool temperate climates.

Actual Evapotranspiration Model Based on the Irrigation Volume of the Maize Fields on Alfisols

Improving evapotranspiration estimation in pasture and native vegetation models using flux tower data, remote sensing and global optimisation

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Transpiration Model 蒸腾模型

Transpiration Model 蒸腾模型
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