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Transboundary Water sentence examples within ecological compensation standard

Study on Trans-Boundary Water Quality and Quantity Ecological Compensation Standard: A Case of the Bahao Bridge Section in Yongding River, China

Transboundary Water sentence examples within International Transboundary Water

Quantitative evaluation of ‘No-harm’ rule in international transboundary water law in the Helmand River basin

Intergovernmental River Basin Management: The Role of the International Joint Commission in the Great Lakes Basin between the United States and Canada

Transboundary Water sentence examples within Improve Transboundary Water

Socio-hydrologic modeling of the dynamics of cooperation in the transboundary Lancang–Mekong River

Transboundary Water Governance in the Kabul River Basin: Implementing Environmental and Public Diplomacy Between Pakistan and Afghanistan

Transboundary Water sentence examples within Share Transboundary Water

Groundwater irrigation and implication in the Nile river basin

The effect of issue linkage on cooperation in bilateral conflicts: An experimental analysis

Transboundary Water sentence examples within Shared Transboundary Water

Sixty Years of the Indus Waters Treaty in the Era of Climate Change: A Look Ahead in Hydro-diplomacy and Treaty Law

+50 Years of Terrestrial Hydroclimatic Variability in Africa’s Transboundary Waters

Transboundary Water sentence examples within Effective Transboundary Water

Youth waves in transboundary water diplomacy

From securitization to security complex: climate change, water security and the India–China relations

Transboundary Water sentence examples within transboundary water resource

Environmentalization of the Law Applicable to Fresh Water

Indigenous paradiplomacy and the Orokawe hydroelectric dam on the Kunene River

Transboundary Water sentence examples within transboundary water management

Flood Risk Management with Transboundary Conflict and Cooperation Dynamics in the Kabul River Basin

Downstream State and Water Security in the Mekong Region: A Case of Cambodia between Too Much and Too Little Water

Transboundary Water sentence examples within transboundary water governance

Occurrence and risk assessment of pesticides in a Mediterranean Basin with strong agricultural pressure (Guadiana Basin: Southern of Portugal).

Using indicators to assess transboundary water governance in the Great Lakes and Rio Grande-Bravo regions

Transboundary Water sentence examples within transboundary water cooperation

Water diplomacy paths – An approach to recognise water diplomacy actions in shared waters

National Sovereignty Versus Transboundary Water Cooperation: Can You See International Law Reflected in the Water?

Transboundary Water sentence examples within transboundary water conflict

Desalination and hydrodiplomacy: Refreshening transboundary water negotiations or adding salt to the wounds?

Resolving Transboundary Water Conflicts: Dynamic Evolutionary Analysis Using an Improved GMCR Model

Transboundary Water sentence examples within transboundary water pollution

Can China’s pollution reduction mandates improve transboundary water pollution?

Incentive coordination for transboundary water pollution control: The case of the middle route of China’s South-North water Transfer Project

Transboundary Water sentence examples within transboundary water transfer

Decline in nitrogen concentrations of eutrophic Lake Dianchi associated with policy interventions during 2002-2018.

An Overview of Water Markets in Southern Africa: An Option for Water Management in Times of Scarcity

Transboundary Water sentence examples within transboundary water basin

Hydropolitics and issue-linkage along the Orontes River Basin: an analysis of the Lebanon–Syria and Syria–Turkey hydropolitical relations

+50 Years of Terrestrial Hydroclimatic Variability in Africa’s Transboundary Waters

Transboundary Water sentence examples within transboundary water relation

Water and ‘imperfect peace’ in the Euphrates–Tigris river basin

Assessing water consumption and aquifer discharge through springs based on the joint use of rain and flow data in the Yarmouk River Basin

Transboundary Water sentence examples within transboundary water body

Landslide-Induced Mass Transport of Radionuclides along Transboundary Mailuu-Suu River Networks in Central Asia

Optimization of load norms for transfrontier water bodies taking into account natural processes of self-purification

Transboundary Water sentence examples within transboundary water quality

Study on Trans-Boundary Water Quality and Quantity Ecological Compensation Standard: A Case of the Bahao Bridge Section in Yongding River, China

Threats to Common‐Pool Resources and the Importance of Forums: On the Emergence of Cooperation in CPR Problem Settings

Transboundary Water sentence examples within transboundary water use

Problems and trends in water resources use in the Russian-Kazakhstan transboundary region

Water, energy and food nexus of Indus Water Treaty: Water governance

Transboundary Water sentence examples within transboundary water allocation

The Analysis of Water Wars in Order to Achieve Sustainable Water Peace

Analysis of Cauvery water-sharing award using an analytical framework model

Transboundary Water sentence examples within transboundary water interaction

The Role of SADC in Transboundary Water Interactions: The Case of the Incomati International River Basin

Analyzing the coexistence of conflict and cooperation in a regional delta management system: Tidal River Management (TRM) in the Bangladesh delta

Transboundary Water sentence examples within transboundary water issue

A community-based approach to sustainable transboundary water resources management and governance in the South-West Coastal region of Bangladesh

Contrasting water securities: the Mexican state facing downstream stakeholders in the Suchiate transboundary river basin

Transboundary Water sentence examples within transboundary water source

Groundwater irrigation and implication in the Nile river basin

Global groundwater: from scarcity to security through sustainability and solutions

Transboundary Water sentence examples within transboundary water diplomacy

The worst 2020 saline water intrusion disaster of the past century in the Mekong Delta: Impacts, causes, and management implications

Youth waves in transboundary water diplomacy

Modern Trends in the Field of Solving Transboundary Problems in Groundwater Extraction

More Transboundary Water 跨界水 sentence examples

Transboundary aquifers: a shared subsurface asset, in urgent need of sound governance

On Care for Our Common Home: Ecological Materiality and Sovereignty over the Lempa Transboundary Watershed

Optimization-Based Proposed Solution for Water Shortage Problems: A Case Study in the Ismailia Canal, East Nile Delta, Egypt

Spatio-Temporal Analysis of the Ecological State of the Dniester River Transboundary Water

Deficient Developmental Planning Leading to Water Conflicts across Political Borders: The Way Forward

Multidimensional trust and its impact on the willingness to pay for ecological compensation in China’s transboundary watersheds—taking the largest tributary of the Yellow River as an example

Transboundary Cooperation Through Water Related EU Directives’ Implementation Process. The Case of Shared Waters Between Bulgaria and Greece

Editors’ Introduction

Editors’ introduction

The concept of hydrohegemony as a framework for analyzing transborder conflicts over water. Thinking about the Chinese case

Sustainable management of freshwater resources: Linking international water law and the Sustainable Development Goals

River Basin Management Plans as a tool for sustainable transboundary river basins’ management

Central Asian Transboundary Waters in the Age of Globalization: Problems of Legal Regulation and International Cooperation


Water Cooperation Priorities in the Lancang-Mekong River Basin Based on Cooperative Events Since the Mekong River Commission Establishment