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Meteorological Characteristics during Periods of Greatly Reduced PM2.5 Concentrations in March 2020 in Seoul

Analysis of long-range transboundary transport (LRTT) effect on Korean aerosol pollution during the KORUS-AQ campaign

Influence of transboundary air pollution on air quality in southwestern China

Big Data Analysis for Effects of the COVID-19 Outbreak on Ambient PM2.5 in Areas that Were Not Locked Down

Comparative Numerical Study of PM2.5 in Exit-and-Entrance Areas Associated with Transboundary Transport over China, Japan, and Korea

Presence and Source Attribution of Airborne Anthropogenic/Non-Sea-Salt Inorganic Chloride Determined by Filter-Pack Method at Eastern Edge in East Asia

Particulate PAH Transport Associated with Adult Chronic Cough Occurrence Closely Connected with Meteorological Conditions: A Modelling Study

Effectiveness of emission control in reducing PM2.5 pollution in central China during winter haze episodes under various potential synoptic controls

Assessment of mercury levels in modern sediments of the East Siberian Sea.

The role of a distant typhoon in extending a high PM2.5 episode over Northeast Asia

The synoptic conditions of air pollution in Temirtau

Impact of Trans-Boundary Pollution (PM-2.5) on the Air Quality of Dhaka City in Bangladesh

Speciated atmospheric mercury during haze and non-haze periods in winter at an urban site in Beijing, China: Pollution characteristics, sources, and causes analyses

Continuous multi-component MAX-DOAS observations for the planetary boundary layer ozone variation analysis at Chiba and Tsukuba, Japan, from 2013 to 2019

Aerosol transport pathways and source attribution in China during the COVID-19 outbreak

Integrative and Comprehensive Understanding on Polar Environments (iCUPE) – concept, results and outlook

Local and transboundary transport contributions to the wintertime particulate pollution in the Guanzhong Basin (GZB), China: A case study.

Regulatory measures significantly reduced air-pollutant concentrations in Seoul, Korea

Coupled modeling studies over East Asia during the KORUS-AQ field campaign

Characteristics and source attribution of PM2.5 during 2016 G20 Summit in Hangzhou: Efficacy of radical measures to reduce source emissions.

Mineralogical–Geochemical Characteristics of the Snow Cover in Areas with Mining and Ore-Processing Facilities

The Impact of Solid Fuel Residential Boilers Exchange on Particulate Matter Air Pollution

Validation, comparison, and integration of GOCI, AHI, MODIS, MISR, and VIIRS aerosol optical depth over East Asia during the 2016 KORUS-AQ campaign

Validation , comparison , and integration of GOCI , AHI , MODIS , MISR , and VIIRS aerosol optical depth over East Asia during the 2016 KORUS-AQ campaign

Distribution of Policyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in a snow cover in the territory of Ivanovo city, Russia.

The transboundary transport of air pollutants and their environmental impacts on Tibetan Plateau

Influence of the Anthropogenic Fugitive, Combustion, and Industrial Dust on Winter Air Quality in East Asia

Contribution of the atmospheric channel to lead contamination of soils in the Arctic territories

First measurement of atmospheric mercury species in Qomolangma Natural Nature Preserve, Tibetan Plateau, and evidence oftransboundary pollutant invasion

Estimating transboundary transported anthropogenic sulfate deposition in Japan using the sulfur isotopic ratio.

Southern Ocean Ecosystem Status and Perspectives on Whale Population Recovery

Nitrate sources and formation of rainwater constrained by dual isotopes in Southeast Asia: Example from Singapore.

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Transboundary Transport 跨境运输

Transboundary Transport 跨境运输
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