Transboundary River
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Transboundary River sentence examples within water resources management
5, regarding integrated water resources management, highlight the need for the implementation of successful environmental water quality monitoring programs of transboundary river waterbodies.
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Prediction of water consumption is one of the most significant water resources management tasks in the transboundary river basins.
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Transboundary River sentence examples within Important Transboundary River
The Lancang River (LR, or the Upper Mekong River) in China, among the most important transboundary rivers originating from the Tibetan Plateau, features active dam construction and complex water resources allocation of various stakeholders in Southeast Asian countries under climate change.
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However, in many undeveloped areas, it is hard to obtain reliable and appropriate ground observed precipitation data for hydrology studies, such as the Lower Mekong River Basin (LMRB), which is the most important transboundary river basin in Southeast Asia with sparse coverage of ground level rain gauges.
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Transboundary River sentence examples within Major Transboundary River
This study evaluates the short-to-medium range precipitation forecasts from Global Forecast System for 14 major transboundary river basins in Africa against GPM IMERG “Early”, IMERG “Final”, and CHIRPSv2 products.
本研究根据 GPM IMERG“早期”、IMERG“最终”和 CHIRPSv2 产品评估全球预报系统对非洲 14 个主要跨界河流流域的中短期降水预报。
本研究根据 GPM IMERG“早期”、IMERG“最终”和 CHIRPSv2 产品评估全球预报系统对非洲 14 个主要跨界河流流域的中短期降水预报。
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The headwaters of the Blue Nile River in Ethiopia contain fragile mountain ecosystems and are highly susceptible to land degradation that impacts water quality and flow dynamics in a major transboundary river system.
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Transboundary River sentence examples within Within Transboundary River
In this paper, we analyse a long-term emergent social learning process within transboundary river basin management.
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8 billion people (roughly 41 per cent of the world’s population) living within transboundary river basins that cover more than 40 per cent of the earth’s total land area.
80 亿人(约占世界人口的 41%)生活在跨界河流流域,覆盖了地球总陆地面积的 40% 以上。
80 亿人(约占世界人口的 41%)生活在跨界河流流域,覆盖了地球总陆地面积的 40% 以上。
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Transboundary River sentence examples within Large Transboundary River
In this study, we evaluated the feasibility of DNA barcoding for the classification of benthic macroinvertebrates and investigated the genetic differentiation in seven orders (Insecta: Ephemeroptera, Plecoptera, Trichoptera, Diptera, Hemiptera, Coleoptera, and Odonata) from four large transboundary rivers of northwest China and further explored its potential application to biodiversity assessment.
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Transboundary River sentence examples within Global Transboundary River
Transboundary River sentence examples within Managing Transboundary River
Managing transboundary river basins proves a challenge for China when encountering disagreements with its neighbors that experience different political and social conditions.
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Application of such thresholds creates problems for planning strategies to achieve good ecological status and for managing transboundary river basins.
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Transboundary River sentence examples within transboundary river basin
In large complex transboundary river basins without well codified operating rules and extensive historical data, it can be difficult to assess the benefits of cooperating, in particular in relation to new dams.
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This study evaluates the short-to-medium range precipitation forecasts from Global Forecast System for 14 major transboundary river basins in Africa against GPM IMERG “Early”, IMERG “Final”, and CHIRPSv2 products.
本研究根据 GPM IMERG“早期”、IMERG“最终”和 CHIRPSv2 产品评估全球预报系统对非洲 14 个主要跨界河流流域的中短期降水预报。
本研究根据 GPM IMERG“早期”、IMERG“最终”和 CHIRPSv2 产品评估全球预报系统对非洲 14 个主要跨界河流流域的中短期降水预报。
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Transboundary River sentence examples within transboundary river system
Water security in Central Asia (CA) plays a vital role because of transboundary river systems and interconnected infrastructure assets.
由于跨界河流系统和相互关联的基础设施资产,中亚 (CA) 的水安全发挥着至关重要的作用。
由于跨界河流系统和相互关联的基础设施资产,中亚 (CA) 的水安全发挥着至关重要的作用。
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We provide evidence of climate change impacts on TWS and basin discharge over an upstream region of the transboundary river system.
我们提供了气候变化对跨界河流系统上游地区 TWS 和流域排放的影响的证据。
我们提供了气候变化对跨界河流系统上游地区 TWS 和流域排放的影响的证据。
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Transboundary River sentence examples within transboundary river water
Sustainable, transboundary river water management is essential to ensure water of suitable quality for different sectoral uses during future projected droughts.
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Interstate and intrastate linkage of water security and climate change in India and China has significantly impacted the two states’ relations, particularly over their shared transboundary river water.
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Transboundary River sentence examples within transboundary river conflict
The model discussed in this paper can be easily applied to any transboundary river conflict where pollution plays an important role.
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This research aims to understand transboundary river conflict and cooperation in the context
of the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam.
本研究旨在了解背景下的跨界河流冲突与合作 埃塞俄比亚复兴大坝。
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Transboundary River sentence examples within transboundary river management
Transboundary River sentence examples within transboundary river shared
Study Region The Pungwe River Basin, which is predominantly rural, is a transboundary river shared between Zimbabwe and Mozambique.
研究区 Pungwe 河流域主要是农村地区,是津巴布韦和莫桑比克共享的跨界河流。
研究区 Pungwe 河流域主要是农村地区,是津巴布韦和莫桑比克共享的跨界河流。
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The Nile River is a transboundary river shared by 11 countries: Burundi, Egypt, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Kenya, Rwanda, South Sudan, Sudan, Tanzania and Uganda.
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Mano River is a transboundary river that runs through Cote d’Ivoire, Liberia,
Guinea, and Sierra Leone.
这 马诺河是一条跨界河流,流经科特迪瓦、利比里亚、 几内亚和塞拉利昂。
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Culture, we argue, can be a non-verbal communicator not only for constituting water communities but also for giving meaning to water flowing in transboundary rivers in holistic terms.
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This review was done by searching and reviewing of papers published in reputable journals (peer reviewed and open access) focused on Abbay Basin, GERD and transboundary rivers.
这项审查是通过搜索和审查发表在著名期刊(同行评审和开放获取)上的论文来完成的,重点是 Abbay 盆地、GERD 和跨界河流。
这项审查是通过搜索和审查发表在著名期刊(同行评审和开放获取)上的论文来完成的,重点是 Abbay 盆地、GERD 和跨界河流。
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Transboundary rivers like the Nile River Basin represent an enormous source of water, energy, food, and ecosystems (WEFE), which often brings conflicts and individualistic policies among the sharing countries.
像尼罗河流域这样的跨界河流代表着巨大的水、能源、食物和生态系统 (WEFE) 来源,这经常在共享国家之间带来冲突和个人主义政策。
像尼罗河流域这样的跨界河流代表着巨大的水、能源、食物和生态系统 (WEFE) 来源,这经常在共享国家之间带来冲突和个人主义政策。
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Eventually, the conflict also exists among the co-riparian states of transboundary rivers contributed by the surrounding lands.
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It then highlights the extent to which China and India already cooperate over this transboundary river, and asks whether the impacts of climate change on the YTB might precipitate further collaboration between the two neighbours.
然后,它强调了中国和印度在这条跨界河流上的合作程度,并询问气候变化对 YTB 的影响是否会促进两个邻国之间的进一步合作。
然后,它强调了中国和印度在这条跨界河流上的合作程度,并询问气候变化对 YTB 的影响是否会促进两个邻国之间的进一步合作。
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The results of the research confirm and indicate that the growth of the economic potential in industry and the transition to market mechanisms for the development of the economy gave rise to a reduction in reserves of clean water, shallowing of mountain and transboundary rivers, the decrease in fish populations, and the emergence of a real threat of a water ecological crisis in the republic.
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This article considers the trends in use of water resources of transboundary rivers in the adjacent regions of Russia and Kazakhstan.
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The present study defines ecological risk profiles for surface water concentrations of eight APIs (carbamazepine, ciprofloxacin, cyclophosphamide, diclofenac, erythromycin, 17α-ethinylestradiol, metformin and metoprolol) in the Vecht River, a transboundary river that crosses several German and Dutch regions.
本研究定义了穿越德国和荷兰多个地区的跨界河流 Vecht 河中八种 API(卡马西平、环丙沙星、环磷酰胺、双氯芬酸、红霉素、17α-炔雌醇、二甲双胍和美托洛尔)地表水浓度的生态风险概况。
本研究定义了穿越德国和荷兰多个地区的跨界河流 Vecht 河中八种 API(卡马西平、环丙沙星、环磷酰胺、双氯芬酸、红霉素、17α-炔雌醇、二甲双胍和美托洛尔)地表水浓度的生态风险概况。
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We consider the problem of cleaning a transboundary river, proposed by Ni and Wang (Games Econ Behav 60:176–186, 2007).
我们考虑由 Ni 和 Wang 提出的清理跨界河流的问题(Games Econ Behav 60:176-186, 2007)。
我们考虑由 Ni 和 Wang 提出的清理跨界河流的问题(Games Econ Behav 60:176-186, 2007)。
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The growing water crisis in Central Asia (CA) and the complex water politics over the region's transboundary rivers have attracted considerable attention; however, they are yet to be studied in depth.
中亚 (CA) 日益严重的水危机以及该地区跨界河流复杂的水政治引起了相当大的关注;但是,它们还有待深入研究。
中亚 (CA) 日益严重的水危机以及该地区跨界河流复杂的水政治引起了相当大的关注;但是,它们还有待深入研究。
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<p>Transboundary rivers flow across political boundaries, requiring riparian countries to share a complex network of environmental, economic, political, social and security interdependencies.
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It is noted that this problem is relevant for the region due to the peculiarities of the position and legal regime of transboundary rivers in Central Asia.
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The present study aims to conduct trend analysis on the annual average temperature and precipitation values for the basin of the Maritsa (Meriç) River, one of the most important boundary and transboundary rivers in Turkey.
本研究旨在对土耳其最重要的边界和跨界河流之一 Maritsa (Meriç) 河流域的年平均气温和降水值进行趋势分析。
本研究旨在对土耳其最重要的边界和跨界河流之一 Maritsa (Meriç) 河流域的年平均气温和降水值进行趋势分析。
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Twice as many TBAs and shared groundwater bodies have been identified globally as compared to transboundary rivers and lakes, and the volume of accessible groundwater exceeds all surface waters by a factor of one hundred.
与跨界河流和湖泊相比,全球确定的 TBA 和共享地下水体的数量是其两倍,可利用的地下水量超过所有地表水的 100 倍。
与跨界河流和湖泊相比,全球确定的 TBA 和共享地下水体的数量是其两倍,可利用的地下水量超过所有地表水的 100 倍。
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The Chinese and the Russian parts of the transboundary river have developed independently of each other.
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Management of transboundary rivers will be one of the great political and environmental challenges of the 21st century if knowledge of conflict and cooperation is not fully developed.
如果对冲突与合作的认识没有得到充分发展,跨界河流的管理将成为 21 世纪重大的政治和环境挑战之一。
如果对冲突与合作的认识没有得到充分发展,跨界河流的管理将成为 21 世纪重大的政治和环境挑战之一。
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They support valuable environmental functions and provide key ecosystem goods and services to the arid downstream regions which strongly depend on the melting snowpack and glaciers for the provision of water by the transboundary rivers starting in the mountains.
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In China, under the premise that the water quantity allocation and water quality control targets for transboundary rivers have been determined, ecocompensation between upstream and downstream areas is urgently needed in management practice when targets cannot be met in the transboundary section.
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Water issues occupy a special place in the system of environmental security: water resources deficit, pollution, provision of drinking water to the population, use of transboundary rivers.
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Parameters of effective use of water resources were analyzed in the transboundary river-steppe zone within the Russian-Kazakhstan sector.
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This study cannot be defined as socio-hydrology research; however, their focus is still on a transboundary river.
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In the past Tor tor was reported to be available in some rivers of different parts of Bangladesh, but at present this species is very rarely found only in Someshwari, one of the transboundary rivers of Bangladesh.
过去,据报道在孟加拉国不同地区的一些河流中都有 Tor tor,但目前该物种仅在孟加拉国的跨界河流之一 Someshwari 中很少见。
过去,据报道在孟加拉国不同地区的一些河流中都有 Tor tor,但目前该物种仅在孟加拉国的跨界河流之一 Someshwari 中很少见。
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They contain the problems of sharing water in a transboundary river and of allocating expedition rewards in projects.
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The Hooghly River (HR) estuary is the first deltaic off-shoot of the perennial and transboundary river, Ganga, India.
胡格利河 (HR) 河口是印度恒河常年跨界河流的第一个三角洲分支。
胡格利河 (HR) 河口是印度恒河常年跨界河流的第一个三角洲分支。
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It can change flow magnitude and regime along a river, particularly for Transboundary Rivers shared by multiple jurisdictions.
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The article is an attempt to verify a hypothesis: is there a correlation between hydro power control system and regional polticial order? We study the relations between Russia, China, and Mongolia that deal with transboundary rivers which fl ow into Lake Baikal.
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Self-enforceable and sustainable management strategies for transboundary rivers necessitate synchronously considering fairness and stability, which involves synthesizing the multidimensional nature of hydrology, environment, and socio-economy.
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The species diversity of freshwater fishes from the transboundary river, Jaldhaka is still unknown to the scientific communities.
来自跨界河流 Jaldhaka 的淡水鱼类的物种多样性仍然不为科学界所知。
来自跨界河流 Jaldhaka 的淡水鱼类的物种多样性仍然不为科学界所知。
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Meric (Maritsa, Evros) River is not only a transboundary river but also a border river among Turkey, Bulgaria and Greece.
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This is achieved via a novel application of the Water Framework Directive (WFD) Explorer water quality model, allowing for the distribution of different flow components—namely TWW and flow from transboundary rivers—to be discerned for the national surface water network.
这是通过水框架指令 (WFD) Explorer 水质模型的新应用实现的,允许为国家地表水网络识别不同流量成分的分布——即 TWW 和跨界河流的流量。
这是通过水框架指令 (WFD) Explorer 水质模型的新应用实现的,允许为国家地表水网络识别不同流量成分的分布——即 TWW 和跨界河流的流量。
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ABSTRACTThis study examines management approaches for hydropower generation and irrigation and domestic water supply for the Tekeze-Atbara, a transboundary river between Ethiopia, Eritrea and Sudan.
摘要本研究探讨了埃塞俄比亚、厄立特里亚和苏丹之间的跨界河流 Tekeze-Atbara 的水力发电、灌溉和生活用水管理方法。
摘要本研究探讨了埃塞俄比亚、厄立特里亚和苏丹之间的跨界河流 Tekeze-Atbara 的水力发电、灌溉和生活用水管理方法。
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SfWI2 was applied to the 2010 Indus flood event, a recent extreme flood case, in order to achieve more accurate flood detection at a transboundary river-basin level and an effective emergency response in the early stage of a flood disaster.
将 SfWI2 应用于 2010 年印度河洪水事件,即最近的特大洪水案例,以实现跨界流域层面更准确的洪水检测和洪水灾害早期的有效应急响应。
将 SfWI2 应用于 2010 年印度河洪水事件,即最近的特大洪水案例,以实现跨界流域层面更准确的洪水检测和洪水灾害早期的有效应急响应。
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Therefore, as the article shows, it is necessary to formulate a unified regulatory framework; to establish a resource protection zone; to enhance joint monitoring of the water quality in transboundary rivers as well as soil and air quality in adjacent areas; and, finally, to raise public awareness in both countries of environmental security and nature conservation.
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The upstream of the Lancang-Mekong River (transboundary river in Southeast Asia) was served as an example and three types of rainfall data (gauged, CFSR, and corrected CFSR rainfall data) were applied to establish the Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) model, which was used to simulate runoff in the upstream of the Lancang-Mekong River (UL-MR) at monthly scales.
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During inter-regional breakout sessions, the participants exchanged experiences on IWRM plans, public participation and transboundary rivers.
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However, we also found the following pathways toward improving water cooperation: (1) A national cooperation mechanism on transboundary rivers has been established, which may be beneficial for further water cooperation; and (2) a channel for interdisciplinary dialogue should be encouraged to bridge the disparate outlooks and improve interactions between policymakers and scientific experts.
但是,我们也发现了以下改善水合作的途径:(1)建立了跨界河流的国家合作机制,这可能有利于进一步开展水合作; (2) 应鼓励跨学科对话的渠道,以弥合不同的观点并改善决策者和科学专家之间的互动。
但是,我们也发现了以下改善水合作的途径:(1)建立了跨界河流的国家合作机制,这可能有利于进一步开展水合作; (2) 应鼓励跨学科对话的渠道,以弥合不同的观点并改善决策者和科学专家之间的互动。
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Spatially extensive stable isotope data, however, are sparse, which constrains the understanding of hydrological processes in transboundary rivers across Kazakhstan.
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Article reveals vulnerability of position of Republic of Kazakhstan in negotiations on transboundary rivers with the People’ Republic of China and necessity to resolve this problem with the participation of the Russian side.
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Sustainable management of transboundary rivers, especially in water-scarce regions is increasingly becoming more challenging
due to the collective adverse impact of upstream development and climate change on transboundary scale.
跨界河流的可持续管理,特别是在缺水地区,变得越来越具有挑战性 由于上游发展和气候变化对跨境规模的集体不利影响。
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: Benefit sharing on transboundary rivers is an approach to address equitable and reasonable development and utilization of transboundary water resources (TWR).