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Transboundary Management sentence examples within Effective Transboundary Management

Genome Assembly of the Roundjaw Bonefish (Albula glossodonta), a Vulnerable Circumtropical Sportfish

Transboundary river basins: Scenarios of hydropower development and operation under extreme climate conditions.

State border fences as a threat to habitat connectivity

A Conceptual Framework for Flood Impact Mitigation Through Transboundary River Management

Stock assessment of Scomberomorus commerson (Kingfish) fishery of Oman: Perspectives of sustainability

A micro scale study of climate change adaptation and disaster risk reduction in coastal urban strategic planning for the Jakarta

Nexus of water, energy and ecosystems in the upper Mekong River: A system analysis of phosphorus transport through cascade reservoirs

Learn more from Transboundary Management 跨境管理

Transboundary Management 跨境管理

Transboundary Management 跨境管理
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