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Transboundary Groundwater Management Issues in the Nubian Sandstone Aquifer System (NSAS)

Rich water, poor people: Potential for transboundary flood management between Nepal and India

Operationalizing Integrated Water Resource Management in Latin America: Insights from Application of the Freshwater Health Index

Marine Spatial Planning cross-border cooperation in the ‘European Macaronesia Ocean’: A participatory approach

Spatio-Temporal Analysis of the Ecological State of the Dniester River Transboundary Water

Match words with deeds : Curbing water risk with the Sustainable Development Goal 6 index

Ecosystem-Based Approaches for Water Stress Management—Lessons from Nagpur Metropolitan Area, India

Epidemic disease risks and implications for Veterinary Services.

Human-wildlife conflict in the roof of the world: Understanding multidimensional perspectives through a systematic review.

Operational planning of WEF infrastructure: quantifying the value of information sharing and cooperation in the Eastern Nile basin

Illegal wildlife trade is threatening conservation in the transboundary landscape of Western Himalaya

Environmental and anthropogenic factors synergistically affect space use of jaguars

Proposed methodology for the assessment of groundwater chemical and quantitative status in the Republic of Belarus (in accordance with the principles of the EU Water Framework Directive)

Sustainable Management Options for Healthy Rivers in South Asia: The Case of Brahmaputra

Organochlorine compounds pose health risks to the Qinling Giant Panda (Ailuropoda melanoleuca qinlingensis).

Network analysis of collaboration and information sharing in the management of the Lower Mekong River Basin

Governance: Key for Environmental Sustainability in the Hindu Kush Himalaya

Protected Areas Managers, Local Authorities, and Transboundary Conservation: The French Experience

Трансграничное сотрудничество Беларуси и Европейского союза в сфере культуры

Water allocation and governance in multi-stakeholder environments: Insight from Axios Delta, Greece.

A transboundary study of spatiotemporal patterns of livestock predation and prey preferences by snow leopard and wolf in the Pamir

Monarch Butterfly Conservation Through the Social Lens: Eliciting Public Preferences for Management Strategies Across Transboundary Nations

Selection principles and focuses of landscape planning of protected areas

Scenario-building for Marine Spatial Planning

Realistic fisheries management reforms could mitigate the impacts of climate change in most countries

Evolution of a transboundary landscape approach in the Hindu Kush Himalaya: Key learnings from the Kangchenjunga Landscape


Between Emulation and Assemblage: Analysing WFD Policy Transfer Outcomes in Turkey

Biodiversidade, Sociedades e Estados: lições de cooperação em áreas protegidas transfronteiriças

A Transdisciplinary Approach to Identifying Transboundary Tipping Points in a Contentious Area: Experiences from across the Jordan River Region

A return to the tragedy of the commons? Brexit trade-offs and spatial analysis, an Irish perspective

Comparative Analysis of Carbon Budget in Forests of the Selenga River Transboundary Basin

Політико-правове забезпечення публічного управління у сфері охорони та використання транскордонних вод в Україні

Assessment of transboundary risks and global effects of climate change and economic activities in the basins of the arctic seas

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Transboundary Cooperation 跨界合作

Transboundary Cooperation 跨界合作
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