Thought Styles(思想风格)研究综述
Thought Styles 思想风格 - Civil Rights Act of 1964, has been expanding to include an ever-growing list of identities—from race, gender, and sexual orientation to physical appearance, belief systems, thought styles, socioeconomic status, and rural/urban geographic location, among others. [1] We discuss the results on the basis of a qualitative content analysis and against the background of Fleck’s concept of thought styles. [2] Sherif took issue with many thought styles of orthodox psychology, particularly the dicta that limited psychological inquiry to narrow space-time frameworks, thus erasing culture, history, and social structure. [3] Received: October 06, 2018 Approved: October 30, 2018 Philosophers and scientists have approached science and research according to their style of thought, expressed in a set of convictions developed in depth in the framework of science, research and scientific knowledge, in this sense, the perception of science will correspond to such thought styles; and these to the epistemological approaches. [4]1964 年的《民权法案》一直在扩大,以包括不断增长的身份列表——从种族、性别和性取向到外貌、信仰体系、思想风格、社会经济地位和农村/城市地理位置等。 [1] 我们在定性内容分析的基础上讨论结果,并以弗莱克的思想风格概念为背景。 [2] 谢里夫对正统心理学的许多思想风格提出了质疑,尤其是那些将心理探究限制在狭窄时空框架内的格言,从而抹去了文化、历史和社会结构。 [3] 收稿日期:2018 年 10 月 6 日 批准日期:2018 年 10 月 30 日 哲学家和科学家根据他们的思想风格接近科学和研究,表达为在科学、研究和科学知识框架内深入发展的一套信念,在这个意义上,对科学的感知将与这种思维方式相对应;以及这些认识论的方法。 [4]