Theological Imagination(神学想象)研究综述
Theological Imagination 神学想象 - Reformed Evangelicals need to learn from the theological imaginations of such Black theologians as James Cone and Allan Boesak. [1] A different picture emerges if we deepen our historical horizon, and explore the reflexes, aspirations, and norms that have found a home in the Christian (in this case, Protestant) theological imagination. [2] Finally, the chapter addresses the question of how the theological imagination, in particular the apocalypse, influenced and inspired the expected future and the political logic of Revolution, first by Thomas Muntzer and later within Marxism, thus exploring its utopian expectations and theological mystery. [3] It argues that recent trauma studies can be of great service to the theological imagination and to the concrete practices of the church. [4] ABSTRACT This article uses the notion of theological imagination, a term describing how the divine interacts with the human on an emotional and embodied level, to bring Margaret Farley, M. [5]改革宗福音派需要向詹姆斯·康内和艾伦·博萨克等黑人神学家的神学想象学习。 [1] 如果我们加深我们的历史视野,探索在基督教(在这种情况下是新教)神学想象中找到家的反应、愿望和规范,就会出现不同的画面。 [2] 最后,本章讨论了神学想象,尤其是启示录,如何影响和激发了革命的预期未来和政治逻辑,首先由托马斯·蒙策尔(Thomas Muntzer),后来在马克思主义内部,从而探索其乌托邦式的期望和神学奥秘。 [3] 它认为最近的创伤研究对神学想象和教会的具体实践有很大的帮助。 [4] 摘要 本文使用神学想象的概念,描述神如何在情感和体现层面上与人类互动的术语,将玛格丽特·法利 (Margaret Farley, M. [5]