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System Detects sentence examples within Proposed System Detects

Accident Detection System for Bicycle Riders

Noncontact Monitoring of Heartbeat and Movements during Sleep Using a Pair of Millimeter-Wave Ultra-Wideband Radar Systems

System Detects sentence examples within My System Detects

A New Qualitative RT-PCR Assay Detecting SARS-CoV-2

A new qualitative RT-PCR assay detecting SARS-CoV-2

System Detects sentence examples within Immune System Detects

Signaling by cGAS–STING in Neurodegeneration, Neuroinflammation, and Aging

DNA vaccines for SARS-CoV-2: towards third generation vaccination era.

System Detects sentence examples within Monitoring System Detects

Driver Monitoring Systems: Perceived Fairness of Consequences when Distractions are Detected

Embedded Wireless Dissolved Oxygen Monitoring Based on Internet of Things Platform

System Detects sentence examples within Surveillance System Detects

Assessment of the Chad guinea worm surveillance information system: A pivotal foundation for eradication

Immunometabolism at the Nexus of Cancer Therapeutic Efficacy and Resistance

System Detects sentence examples within Designed System Detects

Malware Classification using Machine Learning Algorithms and Tools

A 2.52 μΑ Wearable Single Lead Ternary Neural Network Based Cardiac Arrhythmia Detection Processor

System Detects sentence examples within system detects three

A New Qualitative RT-PCR Assay Detecting SARS-CoV-2

A new qualitative RT-PCR assay detecting SARS-CoV-2

System Detects sentence examples within system detects obstacle

Smart Alert and Intimation System for Vip (Visually Impaired Person)

A Sensor Fused Rear Cross Traffic Detection System Using Transfer Learning

System Detects sentence examples within system detects fire

IoT based Safety System: LPG/CNG Detection and Alert

Rancang Bangun Prototipe Pengaman Ruangan dengan Input Kode PIN dan Multi Sensor Berbasis Mikrokontroller

System Detects sentence examples within system detects object

Estimating Context Aware Human-Object Interaction Using Deep Learning-Based Object Recognition Architectures

Indoor Distance Measurement System COPS (COVID-19 Prevention System)

System Detects sentence examples within system detects drowsines

Road Accident Prevention by Detecting Drowsiness & Ensure Safety Issues

Artificial Intelligence based Driver Vigilance System for Accident Prevention

System Detects sentence examples within system detects fault

Detecting industrial motor faults with current signatures

Robust fault diagnosis for DC–DC Boost converters via switched systems

System Detects sentence examples within system detects six

Emotion detection on Myanmar texts

Emotion detection on Myanmar texts

System Detects sentence examples within system detects person

MonoMR: Synthesizing Pseudo-2.5D Mixed Reality Content from Monocular Videos

Development of Bi-Directional Portable People Counter System based IoT

System Detects sentence examples within system detects dangerou

Multimodal Corpus Design for Audio-Visual Speech Recognition in Vehicle Cabin


Traffic Rules Violation Detection System

Robust Detection of Fatigue Parameters Based on Infrared Information

More System Detects 系统检测 sentence examples

Quantum Checkout: An Improved Smart Cashier-less Store Checkout Counter System with Object Recognition

More System Detects 系统检测 sentence examples

The Effects of Vertical and Horizontal Distance on The Performance of QR Code Detection System

ActiviX: Noninvasive Solution to Mental Health

Automatic Baseball Pitch Overlay

Development of a 3D visualization system for the cerebral aneurysm coil embolization

Design and Implementation of Intelligent Temperature and Humidity Control System for Small and Medium Grain Depots

Vision-Based Lane Line Detection System

Automatic Vehicle Overspeed Detection and Recognition

Catch and Contain Novel Pathogens Early!—Assessing U.S. Medical Isolation Laws as Applied to a Future Pandemic Detection and Prevention Model

Real-Time V2V Communication With a Machine Learning-Based System for Detecting Drowsiness of Drivers

A Vision Based approach for Fall Detection System for Elderly People

Interactive Holographic Display for Real-Time Drawing and Erasing of 3D Point-Cloud Images With a Fingertip

More System Detects 系统检测 sentence examples

Dimensionally improved residual neural network to detect driver distraction in real time

System Detects 系统检测

System Detects 系统检测
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