Sucking Pest
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Sucking Pest sentence examples within Major Sucking Pest
gossypii (Homoptera: Aphididae) is a major sucking pest of okra, causing considerable losses in the form of curling and distortion of the young leaves.
gossypii (Homoptera: Aphididae) 是秋葵的主要吸食性害虫,以卷曲和嫩叶变形的形式造成相当大的损失。
gossypii (Homoptera: Aphididae) 是秋葵的主要吸食性害虫,以卷曲和嫩叶变形的形式造成相当大的损失。
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Two field experiments were conducted to evaluate the bioefficacy of cyantraniliprole 10 OD as foliar application against the major sucking pests and armyworm of potato, safety against natural enemies, phytotoxicity study and harvest time residue in/on potato tubers in open field condition.
进行了两次田间试验,以评估氰虫酰胺 10 OD 叶面施用对马铃薯主要吸食性害虫和粘虫的生物效力、对天敌的安全性、植物毒性研究和露地条件下马铃薯块茎中/上的收获时间残留。
进行了两次田间试验,以评估氰虫酰胺 10 OD 叶面施用对马铃薯主要吸食性害虫和粘虫的生物效力、对天敌的安全性、植物毒性研究和露地条件下马铃薯块茎中/上的收获时间残留。
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Sucking Pest sentence examples within Pod Sucking Pest
linearis as a pest needs to be monitored because it is an important pod sucking pest.
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The study included the preparation of test plants and test insects, pest infestations, observations, and looking for a practical screening method for pod sucking pests.
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Sucking Pest sentence examples within Agricultural Sucking Pest
However, the mechanism behind the cellular uptake of dsRNA in aphids, a group of important agricultural sucking pests, remains unknown.
然而,在蚜虫(一组重要的农业吸食害虫)中细胞摄取 dsRNA 背后的机制仍然未知。
然而,在蚜虫(一组重要的农业吸食害虫)中细胞摄取 dsRNA 背后的机制仍然未知。
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Finally, we selected 13 as a new insecticide candidate for agricultural sucking pests, which is now commercialized under the common name afidopyropen.
最后,我们选择了 13 种作为农业吸食性害虫的新杀虫剂候选物,现在以通用名称 afidopyropen 商业化。
最后,我们选择了 13 种作为农业吸食性害虫的新杀虫剂候选物,现在以通用名称 afidopyropen 商业化。
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Sucking Pest sentence examples within Important Sucking Pest
Efficacy of PFP aqueous extract has also been evaluated against aphids (Macrosiphum roseiformis), thrips (Scirthothrips dorsalis) as important sucking pests of ornamental rose and for two generalist predators of these pests viz.
还评估了 PFP 水提取物对作为观赏玫瑰的重要吸吮性害虫的蚜虫 (Macrosiphum roseiformis)、蓟马 (Scirthrips dorsalis) 和这些害虫的两种通才捕食者的功效。
还评估了 PFP 水提取物对作为观赏玫瑰的重要吸吮性害虫的蚜虫 (Macrosiphum roseiformis)、蓟马 (Scirthrips dorsalis) 和这些害虫的两种通才捕食者的功效。
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biguttula biguttula also referred, as leafhopper is important sucking pest.
biguttula biguttula 也称为叶蝉,是重要的吸食性害虫。
biguttula biguttula 也称为叶蝉,是重要的吸食性害虫。
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Sucking Pest sentence examples within Control Sucking Pest
5 per cent of the sample farmers used Monocrotophos 36% SL for cotton and used as the first spray of insecticide in cotton to control sucking pests by every farmer.
5% 的样本农民将久效磷 36% SL 用于棉花,并用作棉花中的第一剂杀虫剂,以控制每个农民的吸食性害虫。
5% 的样本农民将久效磷 36% SL 用于棉花,并用作棉花中的第一剂杀虫剂,以控制每个农民的吸食性害虫。
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There has been a steep decline in insecticide applications to control bollworms, the target pest of Bt cotton, by 97%; however, this has been offset by an increase in the insecticide application by 154% to control sucking pests.
用于控制 Bt 棉花的目标害虫棉铃虫的杀虫剂应用急剧下降了 97%;然而,这被用于控制吸食性害虫的杀虫剂应用增加了 154% 所抵消。
用于控制 Bt 棉花的目标害虫棉铃虫的杀虫剂应用急剧下降了 97%;然而,这被用于控制吸食性害虫的杀虫剂应用增加了 154% 所抵消。
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Sucking Pest sentence examples within Destructive Sucking Pest
Background: Whitefly is one of the most destructive sucking pest in the tropical and subtropical regions of the world and causing significant crop losses directly by sucking sap from the plants and indirectly through the transmission of viral diseases specifically caused by the genus Begomovirus.
背景:粉虱是世界热带和亚热带地区最具破坏性的吸食性害虫之一,直接通过吸食植物的汁液和间接通过传播由 Begomovirus 引起的病毒性疾病造成重大作物损失。
背景:粉虱是世界热带和亚热带地区最具破坏性的吸食性害虫之一,直接通过吸食植物的汁液和间接通过传播由 Begomovirus 引起的病毒性疾病造成重大作物损失。
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Sugarcane plant hopper (Pyrilla perpusilla Walker) is a most destructive sucking pest of sugarcane in Chhattisgarh and it’s appearing sporadically on sugarcane though out the sugarcane growing areas of this state.
甘蔗跳虫(Pyrilla perpusilla Walker)是恰蒂斯加尔邦最具破坏性的甘蔗吸食害虫,它在该州的甘蔗种植区外偶尔出现在甘蔗上。
甘蔗跳虫(Pyrilla perpusilla Walker)是恰蒂斯加尔邦最具破坏性的甘蔗吸食害虫,它在该州的甘蔗种植区外偶尔出现在甘蔗上。
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Sap-sucking pests such as aphids also excrete honeydew as food reward for ants, leading to potential conflict where ants could preferentially defend either the plant or the aphid.
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Thus, an environmentally safe and economical method, comprising sticky traps, was evaluated for the management of sucking pests of tomato grown under protected conditions.
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Sucking pests are major threat to cotton field crop which cause unbearable losses to the crop yield.
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The article presents the results of research on the bioecology of development of sucking pests, damage caused by dominant species, in wheat grown in Karakalpak agrobiocenosis.
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Grape phylloxera, Daktulosphaira vitifoliae, is a small, invasive, sap-sucking pest that is widely present in most viticulture regions all over the world.
葡萄根瘤蚜 (Daktulosphaira vitifoliae) 是一种小型侵入性吸汁害虫,广泛存在于全世界大多数葡萄种植区。
葡萄根瘤蚜 (Daktulosphaira vitifoliae) 是一种小型侵入性吸汁害虫,广泛存在于全世界大多数葡萄种植区。
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The objective was to determine their efficacy against sucking pests, leafhoppers Jacobiella facialis, aphids Aphis gossypii, thrips Thrips tabaci, whiteflies Bemisia tabaci, red spider mite Tetranychus urticae, and cotton stainers Dysdercus spp.
目的是确定它们对吸吮性害虫、叶蝉 Jacobiella facialis、蚜虫 Aphis gossypii、蓟马蓟马、粉虱 Bemisia tabaci、红叶螨 Tetranychus urticae 和棉花染色剂 Dysdercus spp 的功效。
目的是确定它们对吸吮性害虫、叶蝉 Jacobiella facialis、蚜虫 Aphis gossypii、蓟马蓟马、粉虱 Bemisia tabaci、红叶螨 Tetranychus urticae 和棉花染色剂 Dysdercus spp 的功效。
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The productivity of Black gram is low in Patan district because non-adoption of scientific technologies by the farmers like use of poor quality seeds, water stress at critical stages, imbalance use of plant nutrient, infestation of weeds and incidence of pest especially mosaic, blight, tobacco caterpillar and sucking pest.
帕坦地区黑克的生产力很低,因为农民没有采用科学技术,如使用劣质种子、关键阶段缺水、植物养分使用不平衡、杂草侵扰和害虫特别是花叶病、枯萎病的发生、 烟草毛虫和吸吮害虫。
帕坦地区黑克的生产力很低,因为农民没有采用科学技术,如使用劣质种子、关键阶段缺水、植物养分使用不平衡、杂草侵扰和害虫特别是花叶病、枯萎病的发生、 烟草毛虫和吸吮害虫。
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The Rhodniini tribe is one of the five tribes in the subfamily Triatominae and is notorious for its domestic blood-sucking pests and vectors of Trypanosoma cruzi across Latin America.
Rhodniini 部落是 Triatominae 亚科的五个部落之一,因其在拉丁美洲的国内吸血害虫和克氏锥虫病媒而臭名昭著。
Rhodniini 部落是 Triatominae 亚科的五个部落之一,因其在拉丁美洲的国内吸血害虫和克氏锥虫病媒而臭名昭著。
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The crop is attacked severely by sucking pests, viz.
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To assess the impact of insecticidal spray on leaf curling caused due to sucking pest and phytotoxic effect of higher doses of insecticides in chilli.
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Entomopathogenic fungi (EPF) are biological control agents mainly used by foliar application to control herbivores, including sap-sucking pests such as aphids.
昆虫病原真菌 (EPF) 是一种生物防治剂,主要通过叶面施用来防治食草动物,包括蚜虫等吸汁害虫。
昆虫病原真菌 (EPF) 是一种生物防治剂,主要通过叶面施用来防治食草动物,包括蚜虫等吸汁害虫。
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The article presents the monitoring of sucking pests of vegetable crops of the families Aphrophoridae and Cicadellidae from the Auchenorrhyncha series, their sistematic position, food connections, harmfulness, and modern control measures are recommended.
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Cyantraniliprole targets the ryanodine receptor and shows cross-spectrum activity against a broad range of chewing and sucking pests.
Cyantraniliprole 靶向兰尼碱受体,并显示出对广泛的咀嚼和吸吮害虫的跨谱活性。
Cyantraniliprole 靶向兰尼碱受体,并显示出对广泛的咀嚼和吸吮害虫的跨谱活性。
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The experiment was conducted in the laboratory and the species was recognized as plant-sucking pest and mostly recorded on Ocimum basilicum (L.
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The sucking pests, especially whitefly, have damaged various fields and fruit crops across the globe.
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Evaluating the efficacy of some chemical insecticides and botanical oils were sprayed against sap-sucking pest, the whitefly, B.
评估一些化学杀虫剂和植物油对吸汁害虫粉虱 B.
评估一些化学杀虫剂和植物油对吸汁害虫粉虱 B.
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An increase of the number of sucking pests - the main vectors of viral and phytoplasmic diseases on pines and junipers can negatively affect the decorative and sanitary condition of coniferous plantations in Donbass.
吸食性害虫数量的增加 - 松树和杜松上病毒和植物病害的主要载体会对顿巴斯针叶林的装饰和卫生条件产生负面影响。
吸食性害虫数量的增加 - 松树和杜松上病毒和植物病害的主要载体会对顿巴斯针叶林的装饰和卫生条件产生负面影响。
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Result: The experiments concluded that the reduction of sucking pests population like thrips, jassid and whitefly and larval population of Maruca vitrata and Helicoverpa armigera was found in seed treated with imidacloprid 48 FS and spray of flubendiamide at 50 per cent flowering stage in green gram with Rs.
结果:实验得出结论,在用吡虫啉 48 FS 和在 50%开花期喷洒氟虫胺处理的种子中发现吸吮性害虫数量减少,如蓟马、茉莉和粉虱,以及 Maruca vitrata 和棉铃虫的幼虫数量。卢比。
结果:实验得出结论,在用吡虫啉 48 FS 和在 50%开花期喷洒氟虫胺处理的种子中发现吸吮性害虫数量减少,如蓟马、茉莉和粉虱,以及 Maruca vitrata 和棉铃虫的幼虫数量。卢比。
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After application, Azadirachtin is an active ingredient in neem oil which appears to cause 90% of the effect on most sucking pests.
应用后,印楝油中的印楝素是一种活性成分,似乎对大多数吸吮性害虫有 90% 的作用。
应用后,印楝油中的印楝素是一种活性成分,似乎对大多数吸吮性害虫有 90% 的作用。
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Two types of pests, namely the piercing-sucking pests and chewing pests, are associated with tea.
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Background: The biting midge, Forcipomyia taiwana, is one of the most annoying blood-sucking pests in Taiwan.
背景:台湾蠓蠓(Forcipomyia taiwana)是台湾最令人讨厌的吸血害虫之一。
背景:台湾蠓蠓(Forcipomyia taiwana)是台湾最令人讨厌的吸血害虫之一。
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ABSTRACT Gossypium arboreum (Desi Cotton) holds a special place in cotton industry because of its inherent ability to withstand drought, salinity, and remarkable resistance to sucking pests and cotton leaf curl virus.
摘要 树木棉(Desi Cotton)因其固有的耐旱、耐盐碱能力以及对吸食性害虫和棉花卷叶病毒的显着抵抗力而在棉花工业中占有特殊的地位。
摘要 树木棉(Desi Cotton)因其固有的耐旱、耐盐碱能力以及对吸食性害虫和棉花卷叶病毒的显着抵抗力而在棉花工业中占有特殊的地位。
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Among the insect pests, sucking pests impose serious crop damage.
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It is still vague how SA activates plant defence against herbivores such as chewing and sucking pests.
SA 如何激活植物对食草动物(如咀嚼和吸吮害虫)的防御仍不清楚。
SA 如何激活植物对食草动物(如咀嚼和吸吮害虫)的防御仍不清楚。
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Cattle might also benefit from bat foraging activity if this leads to suppression of blood-sucking pests.
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Peanut burrower bug, Pangaeus bilineatus (Say), is a piercing-sucking pest of peanut, Arachis hypogaea (L.
花生穴居虫,Pangaeus bilineatus (Say),是花生的一种刺吸式害虫,Arachis hypogaea (L.
花生穴居虫,Pangaeus bilineatus (Say),是花生的一种刺吸式害虫,Arachis hypogaea (L.
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This is an excerpt giving an overview of the Special Issue: Biology and Management of Sap-Sucking Pests [.
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Combining these EPF with sub-lethal concentration of neonicotinoids could minimize the chemical insecticides input in the environment and contribute towards a greener, ecofriendly control option of this sucking pest.
将这些 EPF 与亚致死浓度的新烟碱类化合物相结合,可以最大限度地减少环境中的化学杀虫剂输入,并有助于为这种吸吮性害虫提供更绿色、环保的控制选择。
将这些 EPF 与亚致死浓度的新烟碱类化合物相结合,可以最大限度地减少环境中的化学杀虫剂输入,并有助于为这种吸吮性害虫提供更绿色、环保的控制选择。
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Flupyradifurone (FPF) is a novel systemic nAChR agonist that interferes with signal transduction in the central nervous system of sucking pests.
Flupyradifurone (FPF) 是一种新型的全身性 nAChR 激动剂,可干扰吸吮性害虫中枢神经系统的信号转导。
Flupyradifurone (FPF) 是一种新型的全身性 nAChR 激动剂,可干扰吸吮性害虫中枢神经系统的信号转导。
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The green lacewing or aphid lion, Chrysoperla zastrowi sillemi (Esben-Petersen) is an important predator of sucking pests, and eggs and neonate larvae of lepiodopteran pests under many crop ecosystems of India.
绿色草蛉或蚜虫狮 Chrysoperla zastrowi sillemi (Esben-Petersen) 是印度许多作物生态系统下吸吮害虫、鳞翅目害虫卵和幼虫的重要捕食者。
绿色草蛉或蚜虫狮 Chrysoperla zastrowi sillemi (Esben-Petersen) 是印度许多作物生态系统下吸吮害虫、鳞翅目害虫卵和幼虫的重要捕食者。
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The results of the field study revealed that the sucking pest (whiteflies and jassids) population were maximum at highest temperature.
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Mung bean also provided habitat for key predators and parasitoids that spilled over to adjacent rice; however, mung bean was also associated with higher numbers of lepidopteran and grain-sucking pests in the adjacent rice, albeit without increased damage to the rice.
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Further exploration of insect salivary proteins, their composition and structure will provide powerful information, especially when these proteins are interacting with plant proteins, and specific information about the sheath protein, which is interacting with plants at a molecular/cellular level, will be important to progress strategies aimed specifically against sucking pests such as aphids.
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In the present study of two cropping periods, nutrient concentration and early infestation of plant-sucking pests are known to trigger different degrees of interactions (plant’s parameters) which potentially alert abundance and diversity of the insect pests.
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Propylea dissecta (Mulsant) (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae) is one of the most promising ladybird beetle against many sucking pests.
Propylea dissecta (Mulsant) (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae) 是最有前途的瓢虫之一,可以对抗许多吸吮性害虫。
Propylea dissecta (Mulsant) (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae) 是最有前途的瓢虫之一,可以对抗许多吸吮性害虫。
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Experiment was conducted to evaluate the efficacy of six different strains of entomopathogenic fungi and one insecticide molecule against sucking pests of Bhut Jalakia during 2014-15 to 2016-17.
在 2014-15 至 2016-17 期间,进行了实验以评估六种不同的昆虫病原真菌菌株和一种杀虫剂分子对 Bhut Jalakia 吸食性害虫的功效。
在 2014-15 至 2016-17 期间,进行了实验以评估六种不同的昆虫病原真菌菌株和一种杀虫剂分子对 Bhut Jalakia 吸食性害虫的功效。
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The present study was taken to assess the performance of Rolling stem applicator in comparison with normal traditional method of hand spraying in cotton for sucking pests.
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Crop pest diversity analysis indicated that the foliage feeders were dominant group (54%) comprising both sucking pests (Orosius albicinctus, Nesidiocoris tenuis, Bemisia tabaci and Aphis gossypi) and defoliators (Antigastra catalaunalis, Spilosoma obliqua, Acherontia lachesis and A.
作物害虫多样性分析表明,以叶面为食者占优势组(54%),包括吸食害虫(Orosius albicinctus、Nesidiocoris tenuis、Bemisia tabaci 和 Aphis gossypi)和落叶害虫(Antigastra catalaunalis、Spilosoma obliqua、Acherontia lachesis 和 A.
作物害虫多样性分析表明,以叶面为食者占优势组(54%),包括吸食害虫(Orosius albicinctus、Nesidiocoris tenuis、Bemisia tabaci 和 Aphis gossypi)和落叶害虫(Antigastra catalaunalis、Spilosoma obliqua、Acherontia lachesis 和 A.
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The egg parasitoid Gryon fulviventre is a potential biological control agent of Clavigralla tomentosicollis, a coreid pod-sucking pest of Vigna unguiculata.
卵寄生蜂 Gryon fulviventre 是毛囊绒毛球菌的潜在生物防治剂,绒毛球菌是 Vigna unguiculata 的核心豆荚吸食害虫。
卵寄生蜂 Gryon fulviventre 是毛囊绒毛球菌的潜在生物防治剂,绒毛球菌是 Vigna unguiculata 的核心豆荚吸食害虫。
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The present study was carried out to find out the impact of plant spacing on population dynamics of sucking pest of cotton from June 2018 to February 2019.
本研究旨在了解 2018 年 6 月至 2019 年 2 月间株距对棉花吸吮性害虫种群动态的影响。
本研究旨在了解 2018 年 6 月至 2019 年 2 月间株距对棉花吸吮性害虫种群动态的影响。
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This insecticide has excellent bioactivity for sucking pests, such as the brown planthopper (Nilaparvata lugens), and was registered in China in 2016 for its control.
该杀虫剂对褐飞虱(Nilaparvata lugens)等吸食性害虫具有优异的生物活性,并于2016年在中国注册用于防治。
该杀虫剂对褐飞虱(Nilaparvata lugens)等吸食性害虫具有优异的生物活性,并于2016年在中国注册用于防治。
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These results showed OsABA8ox3 gene played an important role in rice resistance to BPH, and also provided new insights into the mechanism of callose deposition regulation in response to the piercing-sucking pest.
这些结果表明 OsABA8ox3 基因在水稻对 BPH 的抗性中发挥了重要作用,也为研究胼胝质沉积调控响应刺吸式害虫的机制提供了新的见解。
这些结果表明 OsABA8ox3 基因在水稻对 BPH 的抗性中发挥了重要作用,也为研究胼胝质沉积调控响应刺吸式害虫的机制提供了新的见解。
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(Tripidae; Thysanoptera), horn beetle Oryctes rhinoceros (Scarabaeidae; Coleoptera), wild silkworm Attacus atlas (Saturniidae; Lepidoptera), leaf-sucking pests Lawana sp.
(Tripidae;Thysanoptera),角甲虫 Oryctes rhinoceros (Scarabaeidae; Coleoptera),野蚕 Attacus atlas (Saturniidae; Lepidoptera),吸叶害虫 Lawana sp.
(Tripidae;Thysanoptera),角甲虫 Oryctes rhinoceros (Scarabaeidae; Coleoptera),野蚕 Attacus atlas (Saturniidae; Lepidoptera),吸叶害虫 Lawana sp.
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Synthesized PP derivatives also show a narrow insecticidal spectrum but high insecticidal activities against such sucking pests.
合成的 PP 衍生物也显示出较窄的杀虫谱,但对此类吸食性害虫具有较高的杀虫活性。
合成的 PP 衍生物也显示出较窄的杀虫谱,但对此类吸食性害虫具有较高的杀虫活性。
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The aim was, to investigate the effect of different nitrogen fertilization rates (control, 50, 75 and 100% of recommended N rate), amino acids type (control, L-tryptophan, phenylalanine and L-tryptophan + phenylalanine) as a foliar spray at 150 mg/l for each one and their interactions on growth and production of coriander andpiercing–sucking pests infestation.
目的是研究不同施氮量(对照、推荐施氮量的 50%、75% 和 100%)、氨基酸类型(对照、L-色氨酸、苯丙氨酸和 L-色氨酸 + 苯丙氨酸)作为叶面喷雾剂的效果每种浓度为 150 mg/l 及其对香菜生长和生产以及刺吸式害虫侵染的相互作用。
目的是研究不同施氮量(对照、推荐施氮量的 50%、75% 和 100%)、氨基酸类型(对照、L-色氨酸、苯丙氨酸和 L-色氨酸 + 苯丙氨酸)作为叶面喷雾剂的效果每种浓度为 150 mg/l 及其对香菜生长和生产以及刺吸式害虫侵染的相互作用。
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BackgroundWhiteflies (Bemisia tabaci) are phloem sap-sucking pests that because of their broad host range and ability to transmit viruses damage crop plants worldwide.
背景粉虱 (Bemisia tabaci) 是一种以韧皮部吸食汁液的害虫,由于其宿主范围广且能够传播病毒,因此会损害全世界的农作物。
背景粉虱 (Bemisia tabaci) 是一种以韧皮部吸食汁液的害虫,由于其宿主范围广且能够传播病毒,因此会损害全世界的农作物。
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which suppress the diverse group of insect pest such as coleopterans, lepidopterous, sucking pest.
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The overall data indicated that fourth instar larvae of Zigzag beetle was more voracious feeder of different sucking insect pests of brinjal as compare to 1st, 2nd and 3rd instar larvae and female adults of Zigzag beetle consumed more sucking pests of brinjal than male adults.
总体数据表明,与 1、2 和 3 龄幼虫相比,Zigzag 甲虫的 4 龄幼虫是不同吸食性害虫的贪食者,Zigzag 甲虫雌性成虫比雄性成虫消耗更多的吸食性害虫。
总体数据表明,与 1、2 和 3 龄幼虫相比,Zigzag 甲虫的 4 龄幼虫是不同吸食性害虫的贪食者,Zigzag 甲虫雌性成虫比雄性成虫消耗更多的吸食性害虫。
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78 %) and control measures for sucking pests (84.
78 %) 和吸吮害虫的控制措施 (84.
78 %) 和吸吮害虫的控制措施 (84.
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Various type of sticky traps is frequently used for monitoring the sucking pests like jassid, aphid, whitefly, and thrips.
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The novel insecticidal mechanism of afidopyropen can be substituted for traditional pesticides to control sap-sucking pests in cotton field.
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Yield losses in cotton are often attributed, worldwide, to biotic factors, of which insect pests, categorized as sucking pests and bollworms, are dominant.
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BackgroundAphis gossypii is a worldwide sap-sucking pest with a variety of hosts and a vector of more than 50 plant viruses.
背景棉蚜是一种世界性的吸汁害虫,具有多种宿主和 50 多种植物病毒的载体。
背景棉蚜是一种世界性的吸汁害虫,具有多种宿主和 50 多种植物病毒的载体。
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Among the insect pests, the sucking pests like aphid, Aphis craccivora Koch; jassid, Empoasca kerri Pruthi; whitefly, Bemisia tabaci Gennadius, thrips, Thrips palmi Karny and flower thrips, Megalurothrips usitatus Bagnall are known to cause significant damage to the pulse crops and also indirectly acting as a vectors in transmitting the deadly diseases resulting in severe loss in grain yields of the legume crops.
害虫中,吸食性害虫如蚜虫、Aphis craccivora Koch; jassid, Empoasca kerri Pruthi;粉虱、烟粉虱、蓟马、棕榈蓟马和花蓟马、Megalurothrips usitatus Bagnall 已知会对豆类作物造成重大损害,并且还间接作为传播致命疾病的媒介,导致豆类粮食产量严重下降庄稼。
害虫中,吸食性害虫如蚜虫、Aphis craccivora Koch; jassid, Empoasca kerri Pruthi;粉虱、烟粉虱、蓟马、棕榈蓟马和花蓟马、Megalurothrips usitatus Bagnall 已知会对豆类作物造成重大损害,并且还间接作为传播致命疾病的媒介,导致豆类粮食产量严重下降庄稼。
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Introduction of synthetic pyrethroids, though brought desirable control of bollworms, resulted in resurgence of sucking pests viz.
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Homopterans are sucking pests that result in decreasing plant vigour and also transmitting more than 260 plant viruses.
同翅目昆虫会吸食害虫,导致植物活力下降并传播 260 多种植物病毒。
同翅目昆虫会吸食害虫,导致植物活力下降并传播 260 多种植物病毒。
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One method each for chewing and sucking pests has been described in this chapter.
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Sulfoxaflor is the first sulfoximine insecticide registered for controlling piercing-sucking pests in agricultural settings.
Sulfoxaflor 是第一种注册用于控制农业环境中刺吸式害虫的亚砜亚胺杀虫剂。
Sulfoxaflor 是第一种注册用于控制农业环境中刺吸式害虫的亚砜亚胺杀虫剂。