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Strict Feedback sentence examples within output feedback control

Robust adaptive fuzzy control for non-strict feedback switched nonlinear systems with unmodeled dynamics

Fuzzy Adaptive Practical Finite-Time Control for Time Delays Nonlinear Systems

Strict Feedback sentence examples within finite time adaptive

A Novel Finite-Time Adaptive Fuzzy Tracking Control Scheme for Nonstrict Feedback Systems

Finite-Time Adaptive Control for Non-Strict Feedback Stochastic Nonlinear Systems

Strict Feedback sentence examples within finite time control

A Novel Finite-Time Control for Nonstrict Feedback Saturated Nonlinear Systems With Tracking Error Constraint

Neural adaptive fault-tolerant finite-time control for nonstrict feedback systems: An event-triggered mechanism.

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Strict Feedback sentence examples within fault tolerant control

Finite-Time Consensus Tracking Neural Network FTC of Multi-Agent Systems

Observer-Based Fault Tolerant Control for a Class of Nonlinear Systems via Filter and Neural Network

Strict Feedback sentence examples within finite time tracking

Adaptive Fuzzy Finite-Time Control for a Class of Stochastic Nonlinear Systems with Input Saturation

Finite-Time Adaptive Output Feedback Control for MIMO Nonlinear Systems With Actuator Faults and Saturations

Strict Feedback sentence examples within event triggered output

Output regulation for the parametric strict-feedback system via the event-triggered adaptive updating algorithm

Fuzzy adaptive event-triggered output feedback control for nonlinear systems with tracking error constrained and unknown dead-zone

Strict Feedback sentence examples within high order nonlinear

Finite-Time Adaptive Fuzzy Prescribed Performance Control for High-Order Stochastic Nonlinear Systems

Nonsingular Global Fixed-Time Stabilization for Nonlinear Systems

Strict Feedback sentence examples within adaptive neural network

Adaptive Neural Network Control Design for Uncertain Nonstrict Feedback Nonlinear System With State Constraints

Adaptive neural network asymptotic tracking control for nonstrict feedback stochastic nonlinear systems.

Strict Feedback sentence examples within tracking control problem

Event-Triggered Adaptive Controller Design with Reduced-Order Observer for Constrained Nonlinear Systems

Adaptive neural network H∞ tracking control for a class of nonlinear fractional order systems

Strict Feedback sentence examples within nonlinear multi agent

Distributed Adaptive Consensus Tracking Control for Multi-Agent System With Communication Constraints

Strict Feedback sentence examples within Order Strict Feedback

Neural Network Backstepping Controller Design for Fractional-Order Nonlinear Systems

Adaptive neural network H∞ tracking control for a class of nonlinear fractional order systems

Strict Feedback sentence examples within Uncertain Strict Feedback

Adaptive leaderless consensus control of a class of strict feedback nonlinear systems with guaranteed transient performance under actuator faults

Adaptive neural dynamic surface control of MIMO uncertain nonlinear systems with time-varying full state constraints and disturbances

Strict Feedback sentence examples within Parametric Strict Feedback

Output regulation for the parametric strict-feedback system via the event-triggered adaptive updating algorithm

Non-Overparametrized Adaptive Backstepping Control of PWM DC-DC Non-Inverting Buck-Boost Power Converter

Strict Feedback sentence examples within Nonlinear Strict Feedback

Consensus of Strict Feedback Multi-agent Systems via Event-triggered Approach

Integrated design of guidance and control system considering body line-of-sight angle and input constraints

Strict Feedback sentence examples within strict feedback form

Discrete-time backstepping control with nonlinear adaptive disturbance attenuation for the inverted-pendulum system

Composite adaptive dynamic programming for missile interception systems with multiple constraints and less sensor requirement.

Strict Feedback sentence examples within strict feedback system

Output regulation for the parametric strict-feedback system via the event-triggered adaptive updating algorithm

An introduction to backstepping control

Strict Feedback sentence examples within strict feedback nonlinear

A Novel Finite-Time Control for Nonstrict Feedback Saturated Nonlinear Systems With Tracking Error Constraint

Neural adaptive fault-tolerant finite-time control for nonstrict feedback systems: An event-triggered mechanism.

Strict Feedback sentence examples within strict feedback formulation

Adaptive neural network disturbance observer based nonsingular fast terminal sliding mode control for a constrained flexible air-breathing hypersonic vehicle

Guaranteeing Prescribed Performance Control for Gyrostabilized Platform with Unknown Control Direction Preceded by Hysteresis

Strict Feedback sentence examples within strict feedback switched

Robust adaptive fuzzy control for non-strict feedback switched nonlinear systems with unmodeled dynamics

Co-Design of Controllers and a Switching Policy for Nonstrict Feedback Switched Nonlinear Systems Including First-Order Feedforward Paths

Strict Feedback sentence examples within strict feedback state

Integrated design of guidance and control system considering body line-of-sight angle and input constraints

Integrated strapdown missile guidance and control based on neural network disturbance observer

Adaptive Neural Control for Nonlinear Systems in Non-strict-feedback Form

Strict Feedback 严格反馈

Strict Feedback 严格反馈
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