Strict Comparison(严格比较)研究综述
Strict Comparison 严格比较 - It is well established that differences in injury definition and recording methodology restrict comparisons between injury surveillance programmes. [1] The developed pipeline uses a two-step approach, where candidate families are initially selected using HMM profiles with minimal similarity scores against the Virulence Factors DataBase (VFDB), followed by strict comparisons against positive and negative control datasets, greatly reducing the number of false positives. [2] MethodsThe numbers of the CD cases from the national register were used for the hospital district comparison. [3] The developed pipeline uses a two-step approach, where candidate Aeromonas gene families are initially selected using Hidden Markov Model (HMM) profile searches against the Virulence Factors DataBase (VFDB), followed by strict comparisons against positive and negative control datasets, greatly reducing the number of false positives. [4] However, there has been no strict comparison of the two methods in treating facial/neck vitiligo. [5] Intra-district comparison in PPM supported districts was also carried out. [6] We restrict comparisons to Sp. [7]众所周知,伤害定义和记录方法的差异限制了伤害监测计划之间的比较。 [1] 开发的管道使用两步方法,最初使用 HMM 配置文件选择候选家族,其与毒力因子数据库 (VFDB) 的相似性得分最小,然后与阳性和阴性对照数据集进行严格比较,大大减少了误报的数量. [2] 方法使用全国登记的CD病例数进行医院区域比较。 [3] 开发的管道使用两步方法,其中候选气单胞菌基因家族最初使用隐马尔可夫模型(HMM)配置文件搜索对毒力因子数据库(VFDB)进行选择,然后与阳性和阴性对照数据集进行严格比较,大大减少误报的数量。 [4] 然而,对于这两种治疗面部/颈部白癜风的方法,并没有严格的比较。 [5] 还对 PPM 支持的地区进行了地区内比较。 [6] 我们将比较限制在 Sp。 [7]