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An Evolutionary-Optimized Surgical Path Planner for a Programmable Bevel-Tip Needle

A Recurrent Neural Network Approach to Roll Estimation for Needle Steering

Design Considerations for a Steerable Needle Robot to Maximize Reachable Lung Volume

Computer Assisted Planning for Curved Laser Interstitial Thermal Therapy

More Steerable Needles 可操纵的针 sentence examples

Needles and liver phantoms in interventional radiology: Design considerations

Human-Robot Visual Interface for 3D Steering of a Flexible, Bioinspired Needle for Neurosurgery

The Adaptive Hermite Fractal Tree (AHFT): a novel surgical 3D path planning approach with curvature and heading constraints

A Long Short-Term Memory Network for Vessel Reconstruction Based on Laser Doppler Flowmetry via a Steerable Needle

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