Discover more insights into Spin Boson Model 自旋玻色子模型

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Multi-state harmonic models with globally shared bath for nonadiabatic dynamics in the condensed phase.

General Bound on the Performance of Counter-Diabatic Driving Acting on Dissipative Spin Systems.

Non-Markovian effects in the spin-boson model at zero temperature

Constructing tensor network influence functionals for general quantum dynamics.

Master equation incorporating the system-environment correlations present in the joint equilibrium state

Three-state harmonic models for photoinduced charge transfer.

Non-Markovian dynamics of the driven spin-boson model

Energy storage and coherence in closed and open quantum batteries

Negative Zero-Point-Energy Parameter in the Meyer-Miller Mapping Model for Nonadiabatic Dynamics.

Matrix Product State Simulations of Non-Equilibrium Steady States and Transient Heat Flows in the Two-Bath Spin-Boson Model at Finite Temperatures

Forecasting Nonadiabatic Dynamics using Hybrid Convolutional Neural Network/Long Short-Term Memory Network

Effect of Active Photons on Dynamical Frustration in Cavity QED.

Exact Solution of a Non-Hermitian Generalized Rabi Model

Benchmarking the Surface Hopping Method to Include Nuclear Quantum Effects.

Quantum Heat Statistics with Time-Evolving Matrix Product Operators

Speeding up quantum dissipative dynamics of open systems with kernel methods

Electronic dephasing of polyatomic molecules interacting with mixed quantum-classical media.

Time Evolution of ML-MCTDH Wavefunctions II: Application of the Projector Splitting Integrator

Importance of Appropriately Regularizing the ML-MCTDH Equations of Motion.

Spin-boson model of quantum dissipation in graphene: Nonlinear electrical response

Quantum criticality of the Ohmic spin-boson model in a high dense spectrum: symmetries,quantum fluctuations and correlations

Quantum bath effects on nonequilibrium heat transport in model molecular junctions.

Strong coupling effects in quantum thermal transport with the reaction coordinate method

Dissipative dynamics of a driven qubit: interplay between non-adiabatic dynamics and noise effects from weak to strong coupling regime

Learn more from Spin Boson Model 自旋玻色子模型

Spin Boson Model 自旋玻色子模型

Spin Boson Model 自旋玻色子模型
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