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Spherical Waves sentence examples within Two Spherical Waves

Poincare–Einstein approach to Penrose’s conformal cyclic cosmology * * Dedicated to C Robin Graham for the occasion of his 65th birthday.

Fundamental precision bounds for three-dimensional optical localization microscopy using self-interference digital holography.

Spherical Waves sentence examples within spherical waves propagating

Temporal frequency spread of optical waves propagating in anisotropic maritime atmospheric turbulence.

Study on the wave structure function and spatial coherence radius with a power-law spectrum of oceanic turbulence

Spherical Waves sentence examples within spherical waves produced

Prediction of three-dimensional scattering by pressure-release sinusoidal surfaces.

Flat lens design using phase correction technique for horn antenna applications

Learn more from Spherical Waves 球面波

Investigation of temporal properties of optical wave irradiance fluctuations in anisotropic marine turbulence

More Spherical Waves 球面波 sentence examples

On Acoustic Modeling for Broadband Beamforming

Fast Fourier-Based Implementation of Synthetic Aperture Radar Algorithm for Multistatic Imaging System

Reference radius in Fresnel Zone Plates to control ultrasound beamforming

Numerical simulation for echo characteristics of laser beams reflected by retro-reflectors in atmospheric turbulence

Gaussian beam scintillation index for slant path in weak turbulence: closed form expressions

Optical Fiber Point-Source for Digital Lensless Holographic Microscopy

Acoustic Transmission Characteristics Based on H-Type Metamaterials

Validation of Electromagnetic Compatibility Chambers with a Spherical Wave Expansion Approach

Non-planar electron-acoustic waves with hybrid Cairns–Tsallis distribution

Quantitative analysis and modeling of line edge roughness in near-field lithography: toward high pattern quality in nanofabrication

Optical servo with high design freedom using spherical-wave Bragg degeneracy in a volume holographic optical element.

Propagation of Waves of Different Geometries in a Porous Medium Saturated with Two Immiscible Liquids

A Geometric Model for Prediction of Spatial Aliasing in 2.5D Sound Field Synthesis

Underwater optical communication performance under the influence of the eddy diffusivity ratio.


Scattering of an elastic wave by a rigid sphere in a semi-bounded domain

Resolution and sampling analysis in digital in-line holography with spherical wave illumination

Scintillation index of an optical wave propagating through moderate-to-strong oceanic turbulence.

Learn more from Spherical Waves 球面波

Spherical Waves 球面波

Spherical Waves 球面波
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