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Spherical Mirror sentence examples within Concave Spherical Mirror

A Scientific Mystery

The testing and analysis of accuracy of a large space optical window

Spherical Mirror sentence examples within Darus Spherical Mirror

Pengenalan Posisi Multi Objek Menggunakan Neural Network dan Scan Lines Pada Robot Sepak Bola

Pengenalan Posisi Objek dari Sistem Kamera Omni-Vision Menggunakan PSO-NN dan Scan Lines Pada Robot Sepak Bola

Spherical Mirror sentence examples within Annular Spherical Mirror

Table-top focused EUV optical system with high energy density and its application on EUV damage tests

Ultra-long optical needles with controllable homogeneously 3D spin-orientation produced with an annular spherical mirror

Learn more from Spherical Mirror 球面镜

Spherical Mirror sentence examples within Segmented Spherical Mirror

Simulation of the optical performance of the Fluorescence detector Array of Single-pixel Telescopes

Creating a NASA Deep Space Optical Communications System

Spherical Mirror sentence examples within spherical mirror atau

Pengenalan Posisi Multi Objek Menggunakan Neural Network dan Scan Lines Pada Robot Sepak Bola

Pengenalan Posisi Objek dari Sistem Kamera Omni-Vision Menggunakan PSO-NN dan Scan Lines Pada Robot Sepak Bola

The measure method for eccentricity of large aperture aspheric mirror

Fabrication of Aberration-corrected Diffraction Grating for Soft X-ray Grating Monochromator

Towards a low cost and high speed mobile eye tracker

More Spherical Mirror 球面镜 sentence examples

Experimental investigation on the eliminating astigmatism in off-axis parabolic mirror ring cavity

The measure method for eccentricity of large aperture aspheric mirror

Uniform long focal depth with centimeter-scale range produced by an aspherical mirror

Optical system design of star sensor with long-life

One-dimensional ion-beam figuring solution from Brookhaven National Laboratory

More Spherical Mirror 球面镜 sentence examples

Improving Focusing Properties of Gradient Annular Metal Gratings of Terahertz Range

Development of a mirascope using 3D printing

Bimorph deformable mirror-based adaptive optics scanning laser ophthalmoscope for the clinical design and performance

Calibration of polarization effect of a high-numerical-aperture objective lens with Mueller matrix polarimetry

Transfer of autocollimator calibration for use with scanning gantry profilometers for accurate determination of surface slope and curvature of state-of-the-art x-ray mirrors

A Methodology for Measuring the Parameters of Large Concave Aspherical Mirrors by Means of a Wavefront Sensor

Study on an effective one-dimensional ion-beam figuring method.

A Two-Channel Optical Circuit for the Delivery of Incoherent Radiation into the Illumination Channel of a Medical Endoscope

Monolithic multi-surface concentric folded visible imaging system

Use of coordinate measuring machines for the assembly of axisymmetric two-mirror objectives with aspherical mirrors

A new lidar scanning system for autonomous vehicles for a reduced calibration processing time

Experimental study on hybrid compensation testing of an off-axis convex ellipsoid surface.

Technical research on fabricating steep off-axis aspherical mirror based on infrared interferometric testing

More Spherical Mirror 球面镜 sentence examples

Bironchigram processing method for quantitative evaluation of optical focusing mirrors

A spherical mirror-based illumination system for fluorescence excitation-scanning hyperspectral imaging

Alignment procedure for the Gregorian telescope of the Metis coronagraph for the Solar Orbiter ESA mission

More Spherical Mirror 球面镜 sentence examples

Comparative Study of Harmonic Generation in Air and Argon in Light Filaments Driven by Circularly Polarized Mid-IR Pulses

Learn more from Spherical Mirror 球面镜

Spherical Mirror 球面镜

Spherical Mirror 球面镜
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