Discover more insights into Spherical Harmonic 球面谐波

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Spherical Harmonic sentence examples within global gravity field

Joint analysis of selected GRACE monthly spherical harmonic solutions and monthly MASCON solutions

An Improved Model of the Earth’s Static Gravity Field Solely Derived from Reprocessed GOCE Data

Spherical Harmonic sentence examples within gray level co

A Novel Computer-Aided Diagnostic System for Early Assessment of Hepatocellular Carcinoma

A Comprehensive Computer-Assisted Diagnosis System for Early Assessment of Renal Cancer Tumors

Spherical Harmonic sentence examples within terrestrial water storage

Closing the water budget at the global scale using observations, remote sensing, and reanalyses

Evaluation of hydrological and cryospheric angular momentum estimates based on GRACE, GRACE-FO and SLR data for their contributions to polar motion excitation

Spherical Harmonic sentence examples within Vector Spherical Harmonic

Towards a robust estimation of orientation parameters between ICRF and Gaia celestial reference frames

Towards analytical calculation of the magnetic flux measured by magnetometers

Spherical Harmonic sentence examples within Order Spherical Harmonic

Modeling the Variable Polarization of ϵ Aurigae In and Out of Eclipse

Magnetic Field Mapping and Correction for Moving OP-MEG.

Spherical Harmonic sentence examples within Generalized Spherical Harmonic

Characterization and Statistical Modeling of Texture and Microstructure Evolution in Dynamically Fractured Electron Beam Melted Ti-6Al-4V

Texture-sensitive prediction of micro-spring performance using Gaussian process models calibrated to finite element simulations

Spherical Harmonic sentence examples within Weighted Spherical Harmonic

Eccentric binary black hole surrogate models for the gravitational waveform and remnant properties: Comparable mass, nonspinning case

Multiscale Optimal Filtering on the Sphere

Spherical Harmonic sentence examples within Real Spherical Harmonic

Globally hyperbolic moment model of arbitrary order for the three-dimensional special relativistic Boltzmann equation with the Anderson-Witting collision

Evaluation approach for whole dose distribution in clinical cases using spherical projection and spherical harmonics expansion: spherical coefficient tensor and score method.

Spherical Harmonic sentence examples within Grace Spherical Harmonic

An Innovative Slepian Approach to Invert GRACE KBRR for Localized Hydrological Information at the Sub-Basin Scale

High-resolution GRACE Monthly Gravity Field Solutions Expressed as Geopotential Coefficients

Spherical Harmonic sentence examples within Degree Spherical Harmonic

Reduced misclosure of global sea-level budget with updated Tongji-Grace2018 solution

Impact of low-degree gravity field estimation in the SLR data processing of spherical satellites at AIUB

Spherical Harmonic sentence examples within Simplified Spherical Harmonic

Time-dependent simplified spherical harmonics formulations for a nuclear reactor system

X-ray Luminescence Computed Tomography Using a Hybrid Proton Propagation Model and Lasso-LSQR Algorithm.

Spherical Harmonic sentence examples within Discrete Spherical Harmonic

Radiative transfer technique for retrieving the radiative properties of agricultural soils

Radiation distribution in inhomogeneous atmosphere-ocean system by discrete spherical harmonics method

Spherical Harmonic sentence examples within Fast Spherical Harmonic

Pixel domain multi-resolution minimum variance in-painting of CMB maps

Statistical representation of the microstructure and strength for a two-phase Ti–6Al–4V

Spherical Harmonic sentence examples within Adjusted Spherical Harmonic

Broadcast ionospheric delay correction algorithm using reduced order adjusted spherical harmonics function for single-frequency GNSS receivers

Modeling and optimization of ionospheric model coefficients based on adjusted spherical harmonics function

Spherical Harmonic sentence examples within Invariant Spherical Harmonic

Interpretable Deep Learning as a means for decrypting disease signature in Multiple Sclerosis.

Quantifying Mechanical Properties of Molecular Crystals: A Critical Overview of Experimental Elastic Tensors.

Spherical Harmonic sentence examples within Coupled Spherical Harmonic

Proximity resonances of water-entrained air bubbles near acoustically reflecting boundaries.

Collisional excitation of NH by H2: Potential energy surface and scattering calculations.

Spherical Harmonic sentence examples within Parametric Spherical Harmonic

A Comprehensive Computer-Assisted Diagnosis System for Early Assessment of Renal Cancer Tumors

A novel computer-aided diagnostic system for accurate detection and grading of liver tumors

Spherical Harmonic sentence examples within Sampled Spherical Harmonic

Spherical Harmonic Representation for Dynamic Sound-Field Measurements

Enhancement of direction-of-arrival estimation performance of spherical ESPRIT via atomic norm minimisation

Spherical Harmonic sentence examples within Monthly Spherical Harmonic

Effects of Extreme Climate Change in 2016 and Its Correlation with EWH Variability in Indonesia

Simple regional analyses are still possible once correlated errors are removed

Spherical Harmonic sentence examples within Bipolar Spherical Harmonic

Singular value decomposition of the longitudinal ray transform of vector fields in a ball in cone beam coordinates

Bayesian estimation of our local motion from the Planck-2018 CMB temperature map

Spherical Harmonic sentence examples within 1 Spherical Harmonic

Evaluation of hydrological and cryospheric angular momentum estimates based on GRACE, GRACE-FO and SLR data for their contributions to polar motion excitation

Secular polar motion observed by GRACE

Spherical Harmonic sentence examples within spherical harmonic coefficient

Evaluation of Gravity Anomaly and Geoid Height Derived from Various Global Geopotential Model

GOCO06s – a satellite-only global gravity field model

Spherical Harmonic sentence examples within spherical harmonic expansion

Impact of the stochastic model of the ocean tides on GRACE monthly gravity field solutions

Quantification of Deformation-Induced Concentration Fluctuations in Polymeric Liquids by Small-Angle Neutron Scattering

Spherical Harmonic sentence examples within spherical harmonic function

Accuracy evaluation of XUST’s global ionospheric products

Magnetic Field Mapping and Correction for Moving OP-MEG.

Spherical Harmonic sentence examples within spherical harmonic analysi

New algorithms for spherical harmonic analysis of area mean values over blocks delineated by equiangular and Gaussian grids

Geomagnetic Virtual Observatories: monitoring geomagnetic secular variation with the Swarm satellites

Spherical Harmonic sentence examples within spherical harmonic degree

Physics-based secular variation candidate models for the IGRF

Coupled evolution of supercontinents and lower mantle structure

Spherical Harmonic sentence examples within spherical harmonic decomposition

Search for anisotropic gravitational-wave backgrounds using data from Advanced LIGO and Advanced Virgo’s first three observing runs

Cosmological perturbations in f(G) gravity

Spherical Harmonic sentence examples within spherical harmonic representation

Computing the orientational-average of diffusion-weighted MRI signals: a comparison of different techniques

The Far-Field Equatorial Array for Binaural Rendering

Spherical Harmonic sentence examples within spherical harmonic domain

A mixed-order modeling approach for head-related transfer function in the spherical harmonic domain

Reducing Modal Error Propagation through Correcting Mismatched Microphone Gains Using Rapid

Spherical Harmonic sentence examples within spherical harmonic method

Morphological and Crystalline Phase Study of ZnO and CuO