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Gravitational waves and higher dimensions: Love numbers and Kaluza-Klein excitations

Phase transitions and geothermodynamics of black holes in dRGT massive gravity

Gravitational waves and higher dimensions: Love numbers and Kaluza-Klein excitations

Phase transitions and geothermodynamics of black holes in dRGT massive gravity

Quasinormal modes of p-forms in spherical black holes

Universal Lowest-Twist in CFTs from Holography.

Yttrium-90 Microsphere Selective Internal Radiation Therapy–Induced Cholecystitis

Tuning the Intercage Distance in Charge-Regulated Blackberry-Type Assemblies through Host-Guest Chemistry.

Multimodal Sensor Fusion for Robust Obstacle Detection and Classification in the Maritime RobotX Challenge

Probing Universalities in d>2 CFTs: from Black Holes to Shockwaves

On generalized quasi-topological cubic-quartic gravity: thermodynamics and holography

Einstein-Maxwell-scalar black holes: classes of solutions, dyons and extremality

Black hole shadow in the view of freely falling observers

Learn more from Spherical Black 球形黑色

Spherical Black 球形黑色

Spherical Black 球形黑色
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