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Spectroscopy Probes sentence examples within Raman Spectroscopy Probes

Noise Sources and Requirements for Confocal Raman Spectrometers in Biosensor Applications

Raman and quantitative-phase microscope with counter-propagating beams demonstrated on HeLa cells

Simulation of the Chiral Sum Frequency Generation Response of Supramolecular Structures Requires Vibrational Couplings.

Hybrid Materials Based on Magnetic Iron Oxides with Benzothiazole Derivatives: A Plausible Potential Spectroscopy Probe

Site-directed spin labeling-electron paramagnetic resonance spectroscopy in biocatalysis: Enzyme orientation and dynamics in nanoscale confinement

Monitoring the online live cell concentration in the expansion phase of gene and cell therapy applications

Process analytical technologies to monitor the liquid phase of anaerobic cultures

Efficient simulation of near-edge x-ray absorption fine structure (NEXAFS) in density-functional theory: Comparison of core-level constraining approaches.

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Spectroscopy Probes 光谱探头

Spectroscopy Probes 光谱探头
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