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Spectroscopy Derived sentence examples within Infrared Spectroscopy Derived

Near-infrared spectroscopy for assessing microcirculation during laparoscopic gynaecological surgery under combined spinal-general anaesthesia or general anaesthesia alone: a randomised controlled trial

Effect of blood flow occlusion on neuromuscular fatigue following sustained maximal isometric contraction.

Near-infrared spectroscopy for assessing microcirculation during laparoscopic gynaecological surgery under combined spinal-general anaesthesia or general anaesthesia alone: a randomised controlled trial

Correlations between the metabolic profile and 18F-FDG-Positron Emission Tomography-Computed Tomography parameters reveal the complexity of the metabolic reprogramming within lung cancer patients

Effect of blood flow occlusion on neuromuscular fatigue following sustained maximal isometric contraction.

Learn more from Spectroscopy Derived 光谱衍生

Spectroscopy Derived 光谱衍生

Spectroscopy Derived 光谱衍生
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