Discover more insights into Spectral Sensor 光谱传感器

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Spectral Sensor sentence examples within unmanned aerial vehicle

Wheat Yellow Rust Detection Using UAV-Based Hyperspectral Technology

A Particle Swarm Optimization Based Approach to Pre-tune Programmable Hyperspectral Sensors

Spectral Sensor sentence examples within high spectral resolution

Hyperspectral and Multispectral Image Fusion by Deep Neural Network in a Self-Supervised Manner

Unaligned Hyperspectral Image Fusion via Registration and Interpolation Modeling

Spectral Sensor sentence examples within long term monitoring

Recent Advances in Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Forest Remote Sensing—A Systematic Review. Part I: A General Framework

Spectroscopic detection of forest diseases: a review (1970–2020)

Learn more from Spectral Sensor 光谱传感器

Spectral Sensor sentence examples within nm ± 16

Simulating the Leaf Area Index of Rice from Multispectral Images

Spectral Sensor sentence examples within Hyper Spectral Sensor

Hyperspectral Image Processing in Internet of Things model using Clustering Algorithm

Solar Induced Fluorescence measured from satellite sensors captures mostly structural than physiological responses to environmental stressors

Spectral Sensor sentence examples within spectral sensor datum

Using Open Remote Sensing Data to build an Agriculture Big Data System

Depth and Width Changeable Network-Based Deep Kernel Learning-Based Hyperspectral Sensor Data Analysis

Spectral Sensor sentence examples within spectral sensor mounted

Integration of Crop Growth Model and Random Forest for Winter Wheat Yield Estimation From UAV Hyperspectral Imagery

Comparison of Machine Learning Methods for Leaf Nitrogen Estimation in Corn Using Multispectral UAV images

Spectral Sensor sentence examples within spectral sensor technology

Hyperspectral-cube-based mobile face recognition: A comprehensive review


Spectral Sensor sentence examples within spectral sensor system

Multispectral thermal camera using copper plasmonics

Optimal multispectral sensor configurations through machine learning for cognitive agriculture

Radiometric Cross-Calibration of GF-4/PMS Based on Radiometric Block Adjustment

Integrated Near-Infrared Spectral Sensor based on Near-Infrared Detector Arrays

Early Detection of Plant Viral Disease Using Hyperspectral Imaging and Deep Learning

Assessing Drought and Heat Stress-Induced Changes in the Cotton Leaf Metabolome and Their Relationship With Hyperspectral Reflectance

Detection of Biogenic Oil Films near Aquaculture Sites Using Sentinel-1 and Sentinel-2 Satellite Images

Evaluating the Spectral Response and Yield of Soybean Following Exposure to Sublethal Rates of 2, 4-D and Dicamba at Vegetative and Reproductive Growth Stages

Supervised and Unsupervised Clustering Based Dimensionality Reduction of Hyperspectral Data

PRISMA Hyperspectral – First insights in the performance in urban surface cover and coastal seascape analysis

Soil Spectral Analysis

Water body extraction based on region similarity combined adaptively band selection

Application of Feature Based Principal Component Analysis (FPCA) technique on Landsat8 OLI multispectral data to map Kimberlite pipes

FPGA Accelerator for Gradient Boosting Decision Trees

Identification of minerals from hyperspectral imaging based on a fuzzy logic approach

Assessment of Polymer Atmospheric Correction Algorithm for Hyperspectral Remote Sensing Imagery over Coastal Waters

Near-Ground-Based Optical Plant Phenology Measurements at China Ecological Meteorology Sites

A Parsimonious Approach to Estimate Soil Organic Carbon Applying Unmanned Aerial System (UAS) Multispectral Imagery and the Topographic Position Index in a Heterogeneous Soil Landscape

Retrieving High-Resolution Aerosol Optical Depth from GF-4 PMS Imagery in Eastern China


Mapping Opuntia stricta in the Arid and Semi-Arid Environment of Kenya Using Sentinel-2 Imagery and Ensemble Machine Learning Classifiers

Low altitude spatial assessment and monitoring of intertidal seagrass meadows beyond the visible spectrum using a remotely piloted aircraft system

Learning-Based Approach for Atmospheric Compensation of VNIR Hyperspectral Data

Combining Radar and Optical Satellite Imagery with Machine Learning to Map Lava Flows at Mount Etna and Fogo Island

Advances, Limitations, and Future Applications of Aerospace and Geospatial Technologies for Apple IPM

Application of Spectral Sensor in Determination of Uric Acid Levels

Low-Cost Hyperspectral Imaging with A Smartphone

Mapping of potential rare earth deposits in the Schiel alkaline complex using sentinel-2B multispectral sensor

Can a Remote Sensing Approach with Hyperspectral Data Provide Early Detection and Mapping of Spatial Patterns of Black Bear Bark Stripping in Coast Redwoods?

Hyperspectral image super-resolution through clustering-based sparse representation

Radiometric Calibration for a Multispectral Sensor Onboard RISESAT Microsatellite Based on Lunar Observations

Radiometric Correction of Multispectral UAS Images: Evaluating the Accuracy of the Parrot Sequoia Camera and Sunshine Sensor

Radiometric Cross-Calibration of Large-View-Angle Satellite Sensors Using Global Searching to Reduce BRDF Influence

Stochastic Perturbations on Low-Rank Hyperspectral Data for Image Classification

Hyperspectral Mapping for the Detection of SARS-CoV-2 Using Nanomolecular Probes with Yoctomole Sensitivity

More Spectral Sensor 光谱传感器 sentence examples

Plastic sorting with an integrated NIR spectral sensor

Genetic dissection of seasonal vegetation index dynamics in maize through aerial based high-throughput phenotyping.

Neural network-based band selection on hyperspectral imagery

M3GPSpectra: A novel approach integrating variable selection/construction and MLR modeling for quantitative spectral analysis.

UAV-Based Hyperspectral Imaging Technique to Estimate Canola (Brassica napus L.) Seedpods Maturity

Initial Onboard Calibration Results of the HISUI Hyperspectral Sensor

Learn more from Spectral Sensor 光谱传感器

Spectral Sensor 光谱传感器

Spectral Sensor 光谱传感器
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