Discover more insights into Spectral Efficiency 光谱效率

Spectral Efficiency sentence examples within non orthogonal multiple

Generalized User Grouping in NOMA: An Overlapping Perspective

EE Optimization for Downlink NOMA-Based Multi-Tier CRANs

Spectral Efficiency sentence examples within orthogonal frequency division

Index and Composition Modulation

Is Multipath Channel Beneficial for Wideband Massive MIMO With Low-Resolution ADCs?

Spectral Efficiency sentence examples within bit error rate

An optimized code book design and assignment based on 32-QAM constellation in downlink SCMA systems

A Comparative Study of Asynchronous and Synchronous OCDMA Systems

Spectral Efficiency sentence examples within multiple input multiple

Reconfigurable Intelligent Surface-Empowered MIMO Systems

Performance Analysis of SIC based hybrid precoding for multi-user case in 3D scenario

Spectral Efficiency sentence examples within massive multiple input

On PAPR Reduction and Transmit Distortion Compensation in Massive MIMO OFDM Systems

Pilot and Data Power Allocation for Massive MIMO Systems with an Acceptable Complexity

Spectral Efficiency sentence examples within closed form expression

Sum-SE for Multigroup Multicast Cell-Free Massive MIMO With Multi-Antenna Users and Low-Resolution DACs

Performance Analysis and Optimization of Uplink Cellular Networks with Flexible Frame Structure

Spectral Efficiency sentence examples within wireless communication system

Slotted E-Shaped Meta-Material Decoupling Slab for Densely Packed MIMO Antenna Arrays

Orbital Angular Momentum-Based Multiple-Input-Multiple- Output with Receive Antenna Shift Keying for 6G

Spectral Efficiency sentence examples within high data rate

Image and index fused sequence-to-sequence algorithm for vision-aided millimeter-wave beam tracking

Investigation of Faster Than Nyquist Transmission For Terahertz Communication Using Harmonic Receiver

Spectral Efficiency sentence examples within cell free massive

Optimization of Duplex Mode Selection for Network-Assisted Full-Duplex Cell-Free Massive MIMO Systems

Weighted MMSE Optimization of Conjugate Beamforming for Cell-Free Massive MIMO

Spectral Efficiency sentence examples within orbital angular momentum

UCA-Based OAM Non-Orthogonal Multi-Mode Multiplexing

A Novel Inverse Gaussian Profile for Orbital Angular Momentum Mode Division Multiplexing Optical Networks

Spectral Efficiency sentence examples within visible light communication

Resource Allocation Approach for Hybrid Cognitive Visible Light Communication

Hybrid Adaptive Bias OFDM-Based IM/DD Visible Light Communication System

Spectral Efficiency sentence examples within average power ratio

Widely-Linear Nyquist Criterion for DFT-Spread OFDM with Frequency-Domain Spectrum Shaping

Layered antisymmetry-constructed clipped optical OFDM for low-complexity VLC systems.

Spectral Efficiency sentence examples within channel state information

Attitude Information Aided Digital Beamforming in Millimeter-Wave MIMO Systems

AMC2-Pyramid: Intelligent Pyramidal Feature Engineering and Multi-Distance Decision Making for Automatic Multi-Carrier Modulation Classification

Spectral Efficiency sentence examples within inter symbol interference

Trimming the Fat from OFDM: Pilot- and CP-less Communication with End-to-end Learning

On Optimizing Guard Interval Lengths for UWA-OFDM Communication Systems Using Geometry-Based Channel Modelling

Spectral Efficiency sentence examples within mean square error

Joint Active and Passive Beamforming Design for IRS-Assisted Multi-User MIMO Systems: A VAMP-Based Approach

Channel State Information (CSI) based Sparse Reconstruction for Biomedical Applications Using hybrid mm-WAVE MIMO System

Spectral Efficiency sentence examples within frequency division multiplexing

Spatial Transmit Diversity for GFDM via Low Complexity Transceiver Design

PAPR Reduction of OFDM System with Biorthoganoal Wavelet Transforms

Spectral Efficiency sentence examples within multiple input–multiple output

Massive MIMO for Underwater Industrial Internet of Things Networks

Optimal Microwave Wireless Backhaul Link Design Using a Massive MIMO for 5G HetNet-Practical Deployment Scenario

Spectral Efficiency sentence examples within differential chaos shift

A Time-Delay Overlapping Modulation-Based High Spectral Efficiency and Secure DCSK System

Performance of Improved-DCSK system over land mobile satellite channel under effect of time-reversed chaotic sequences

Spectral Efficiency sentence examples within mean squared error

Experimental Investigation of Frequency Domain Channel Extrapolation in Massive MIMO Systems for Zero-Feedback FDD

Nonconvex Regularized Gradient Projection Sparse Reconstruction for Massive MIMO Channel Estimation

Spectral Efficiency sentence examples within novel closed form

Mixed RF/FSO Communications With Outdated-CSI-Based Relay Selection Under Double Generalized Gamma Turbulence, Generalized Pointing Errors, and Nakagami-m Fading

UAV Communications With WPT-Aided Cell-Free Massive MIMO Systems

Spectral Efficiency sentence examples within deep neural network

Deep Learning-Aided Distributed Transmit Power Control for Underlay Cognitive Radio Network

Deep Learning for Uplink Spectral Efficiency in Cell-Free Massive MIMO Systems

Spectral Efficiency sentence examples within input single output

5G/4G Emerging Technologies Simulation and Hardware Implementation

A Novel Index Modulation Dimension Based on Filter Domain: Filter Shapes Index Modulation

Spectral Efficiency sentence examples within minimum mean squared

Uplink Performance of Cell-Free Massive MIMO Over Spatially Correlated Rician Fading Channels

Extreme Learning Machine-Based Receiver for Multi-User Massive MIMO Systems

Spectral Efficiency sentence examples within quadrature amplitude modulation

Transmission Performance of OFDM-based 1024-QAM under Different Types of Multipath Fading Channels

Investigation on the PAPR performance of odd-bit QAM constellations for DFT spread OFDM systems

Spectral Efficiency sentence examples within wavelength division multiplexing

Ultra-Dense Wavelength-Division Multiplexing With Microring Modulator

Supervised regression modelling for mitigation of four-wave mixing in dense wavelength-division multiplexing systems

Spectral Efficiency sentence examples within multiuser multiple input

Design of Large Scale MU-MIMO System with Joint Precoding and Detection Schemes for Beyond 5G Wireless Networks

Performance Analysis of Decoupled UL/DL User Association in Wireless-Powered Massive MIMO-Aided Heterogeneous Networks

Spectral Efficiency sentence examples within co channel interference

Performance analysis of downlink-NOMA over generalized-k fading channels

An efficient adaptive modulation technique over realistic wireless communication channels based on distance and SINR

Spectral Efficiency sentence examples within full duplex communication

Shared Aperture Simultaneous Transmit and Receive Architecture for Reflectarray Antennas

Multiple Access Control in a Centralized Full-Duplex Cognitive Machine Type Network with RF Energy Harvesting

Spectral Efficiency sentence examples within user multiple input

On the Trade-Off between Energy Efficiency and Spectral Efficiency in RIS-Aided Multi-User MISO Downlink

Optimizing the Spectral Efficiency in mmWave Massive SU-MIMO Systems Using Hybrid Processing

Spectral Efficiency sentence examples within asymmetrically clipped optical