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Resources and Reserves

Laser-Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy—An Emerging Analytical Tool for Mineral Exploration

Prospects delineation and evaluation using the CDP gathers characterization, onshore Nile Delta, Egypt

Classification of reservoir facies using well log and 3D seismic attributes for prospect evaluation and field development: A case study of Sawan gas field, Pakistan

AVO analysis aids in differentiation between false and true amplitude responses: a case study of El Mansoura field, onshore Nile Delta, Egypt

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Basement configuration and lineaments mapping from aeromagnetic data of Gongola arm of Upper Benue Trough, northeastern Nigeria

Assessing the Hydrocarbon Prospectivity in the Nigeria Offshore West Delta Using Seismic Volume and Well Log Data

Extraction and on line availability of indicators related to social responsibility, popularization and result prospection of research in nanotechnology in Brazil

Three-dimensional interpretation of tectono-sedimentary evolution and hydrocarbon prospectivity by the integration of airborne gravity gradiometer, regional gravity, magnetic, and two-dimensional seismic data in the Canning Basin, Western Australia

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Spect Evaluation 光谱评估

Spect Evaluation 光谱评估
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