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Sound Technologies sentence examples within Environmentally Sound Technologies

Arms Technology and Disarmament

Research, development and transfer of environmentally sound technologies in Brazil

Mediating the “Upside Down”: the techno-historical acoustic in Netflix’s Stranger Things and The Black Tapes podcast

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Электрохимическая прошивка микроотверстий в трубчатом ступенчатом концентраторе-волноводе медицинского назначения

Lindbergh’s Engine: Hollywood’s Transition to Sound and the Aviation Film

Simultaneous Axial Multifocal Imaging Using a Single Acoustical Transmission: A Practical Implementation

Feasibility Evaluation of Commercially Available Video Conferencing Devices to Technically Direct Untrained Nonmedical Personnel to Perform a Rapid Trauma Ultrasound Examination

Influence of averaged fetal heart rate in heart rate variability analysis*

Portability in analytical chemistry: a green and democratic way for sustainability

Sonic Modernity and Decolonizing Countersounds in the Poetry of Urayoán Noel

Expanding Virtual Reality to Teach Ultrasound Skills to Nurse Practitioner Students

Update on thyroid ultrasound: a narrative review from diagnostic criteria to artificial intelligence techniques

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Breast ultrasound for the non-expert: Pearls and pitfalls

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New ultrasonic technologies and application progress

The Fetal Posterior Fossa on Prenatal Ultrasound Imaging: Normal Longitudinal Development and Posterior Fossa Anomalies.

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Опыт использования компрессионной эластографии и контрастно-усиленного ультразвукового исследования при дифференциальной диагностике первичных и метастатических опухолей яичников у больных раком тела матки

Spanish sound studies

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Sound Technologies 声音技术

Sound Technologies 声音技术
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