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Simplified Model sentence examples within model predictive control

Optimal control of centrifugal spreader

Probabilistic conformance for cyber-physical systems

Simplified Model sentence examples within & # 160

Climate effects of changing aerosol emissions over the coming decades

Introducing the complexity of climate change through a videogame: Change Game – Play with the Planet

Simplified Model sentence examples within Use Simplified Model

The Numerical Approach to Mosaic Patterns in Filament-Wound Composite Pipes

Optimal Calibration of Evaporation Models against Penman–Monteith Equation

Simplified Model sentence examples within Proposed Simplified Model

Modelling the conditions for natural convection onset in open-cell porous Al/paraffin composite phase change materials: Effects of temperature, paraffin type and metallic structure geometry

Seismic behaviour analysis of a wind turbine tower affected by sea ice based on a simplified model

Simplified Model sentence examples within Existing Simplified Model

Secondary Circulation in Partially Vegetated Channels

Investigation on a Duct Noise Control Method through Membranes in Tandem

Simplified Model sentence examples within Highly Simplified Model

Colloidal assembly by directional ice templating.

Modelling and Experimental Validation of a Hybrid Electric Propulsion System for Light Aircraft and Unmanned Aerial Vehicles

Simplified Model sentence examples within New Simplified Model

Use of Extended Cover Factor Theory in UV Protection of Woven Fabric

Modeling the drying shrinkage of structural concretes

Simplified Model sentence examples within Dimensional Simplified Model

Approximate inertial manifold-based order reduction of rigid-flexible coupling manipulator

A study on the influence of schooling patterns on the energy harvest of double undulatory airfoils

Simplified Model sentence examples within Novel Simplified Model

Model order reduction and dynamic characteristic analysis of the bolted flange structure with free-free boundaries

Thickness Measurement of Titanium Alloy Sheet Based on Eddy Current Method With a Novel Simplified Model

Simplified Model sentence examples within Different Simplified Model

Numerical investigation and assessment of flamelet-based models for the prediction of pulverized solid fuel homogeneous ignition and combustion

Comparative Study on the Small Radius Curved Bridge and Simplified Models by Shaking Table Tests

Simplified Model sentence examples within These Simplified Model

Urban Nocturnal Cooling Mediated by Bluespace

Ground-level NO2 concentration estimation based on OMI tropospheric NO2 and its spatiotemporal characteristics in typical regions of China

Simplified Model sentence examples within Three Simplified Model

Numerical study of new techniques drag reduction: application to aerodynamic devices

A Comparison on Numerical Simulation Models for Vibrational Performances of the Wood Truss Joist Floor System

Simplified Model sentence examples within Two Simplified Model

Pricing and Investment Decision Issues of an Automobile Manufacturer for Different Types of Vehicles

Secret Life versus Double Life: Modes of Clandestinity of Italian Terrorist Groups

Simplified Model sentence examples within My Simplified Model

Reproducing pyroclastic density current deposits of the 79 CE eruption of the Somma–Vesuvius volcano using the box-model approach

Dosage-dependent antimicrobial activity of DNA-histone microwebs against Staphylococcus aureus.

Simplified Model sentence examples within Equivalent Simplified Model

Power Supply Reliability Evaluation Method for DC Distribution Network with Power Energy Router

Effects of ground motion spectral shapes on the design of seismic base isolation for multi-story building according to Eurocode 8

Simplified Model sentence examples within Final Simplified Model

Systematic derivation of hydrodynamic equations for viscoelastic phase separation

Substructure Damage Identification Based on Model Updating of Frequency Response Function

Simplified Model sentence examples within Resulting Simplified Model

SARS-CoV-2 adsorption on suspended solids along a sewerage network: mathematical model formulation, sensitivity analysis, and parametric study

Reduced soil fauna decomposition in a high background radiation area

Simplified Model sentence examples within Available Simplified Model

Experimental and low-dimensional numerical study on the application of conventional NOx reduction methods in pulse detonation combustion

Modelling of Electric Arcs for Industrial Applications, a Review

Simplified Model sentence examples within Employing Simplified Model

Top-philic heavy resonances in four-top final states and their EFT interpretation

Estimation of Switching Losses using Simplified Compact Models for SiC Power MOSFETs

Simplified Model sentence examples within Appropriate Simplified Model

Kinetic modeling and parameter estimation of TSPO PET imaging in the human brain

Analysis of Fault Waveforms of Key Electrical Parameters in Hybrid Multi-terminal DC System

Simplified Model sentence examples within 2d Simplified Model

Modeling of spillage and debris floods as Newtonian and viscoplastic Bingham flows with free surface with mixed stabilized finite elements

A Neural Network PID Control for Predicting Morphing Kinematics during Perching to Resist Deep Stall

Simplified Model sentence examples within Conceptually Simplified Model

Use of microgravity for identification of delayed gravity drainage and conceptual model selection in unconfined aquifers

Conceptual MINLP approach to the development of a CO2 supply chain network – Simultaneous consideration of capture and utilization process flowsheets

Simplified Model sentence examples within Developed Simplified Model

Prediction of tea theanine content using near-infrared spectroscopy and flower pollination algorithm.

Seismic performance of ATLS modular house based on joint stiffness analysis

Simplified Model sentence examples within Several Simplified Model

Four-Loop Gauge and Three-Loop Yukawa Beta Functions in a General Renormalizable Theory.

Double-Layer Nitrogen-Rich Two-Dimensional Anionic Uranyl-Organic Framework for Cation Dye Capture and Catalytic Fixation of Carbon Dioxide.

Simplified Model sentence examples within Optimal Simplified Model

Effective use of DEM to design chain conveyor geometry

Chemometrics in Tandem with Hyperspectral Imaging for Detecting Authentication of Raw and Cooked Mutton Rolls

Simplified Model sentence examples within Greatly Simplified Model

PmlBeta: A PyMOL extension for building β-amino acid insertions and β-peptide sequences

Dark Matter Detection with Bound Nuclear Targets: The Poisson Phonon Tail.

Simplified Model sentence examples within simplified model system

Laboratory Investigation of Renoxification from the Photolysis of Inorganic Particulate Nitrate.

Regulation of a pentameric ligand-gated ion channel by a semiconserved cationic lipid-binding site

Simplified Model sentence examples within simplified model result

Dynamic test and numerical simulation on avoiding the weak-story failure mechanism in structures using LSFDs

A SModelS interface for pyhf likelihoods

Simplified Model sentence examples within simplified model could

The contribution of wetland flora to regional floristic diversity across a wide range of climatic conditions in southern Africa

On Accurate and Compact Model of High DER-Penetrated Sub-Transmission/Primary Distribution Systems in ISO Energy Market

Simplified Model sentence examples within simplified model predictive

Model Predictive Current Control With Low Complexity for Single-Phase Four-Level Hybrid-Clamped Converters