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Shallow Aquifers sentence examples within Relatively Shallow Aquifers

Geophysical approach for assessment of seawater intrusion in the coastal aquifer of Bandar Lampung, Indonesia

Impact of climate change on groundwater : a global assessment with the CNRM climate models

Shallow Aquifers sentence examples within Underlying Shallow Aquifers

Hydraulic evaluation of a dewatering scheme in shallow aquifers in Kuwait

Groundwater salinity variation in Upazila Assasuni (southwestern Bangladesh), as steered by surface clay layer thickness, relative elevation and present-day land use

Shallow Aquifers sentence examples within Two Shallow Aquifers

Adaptation to Saltwater inTrusion in sEa level RIse Scenarios (ASTERIS): hydrogeochemical surveys and aquifer modelling for groundwater behaviour assessing in the coastal areas of Fano and Ravenna (central-eastern Italy)

Groundwater quality assessment in two shallow aquifers with different hydrogeological characteristics (case study: Lenjanat and Babol–Amol aquifers in Iran)

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Shallow Aquifers sentence examples within shallow aquifers underlying

Methane-derived carbon supports a complex food web in the shallow aquifer

Assessing the Benefit of Polymer-Coated Urea for Corn Production on Irrigated Sandy Soils

Shallow Aquifers sentence examples within shallow aquifers around

Geophysical assessment of open dumpsite nearby Khamis Mushait industrial zone, Southwestern Saudi Arabia

Intense rainfalls trigger nitrite leaching in agricultural soils depleted in organic matter.

Imaging the Structure and the Saltwater Intrusion Extent of the Luy River Coastal Aquifer (Binh Thuan, Vietnam) Using Electrical Resistivity Tomography

Modeling of hydrochemistry evolution in carbonatic–siliciclastic aquifer system in coastal environment

Gas sources and concentrations in Surat Basin shallow aquifers: a field sampling method comparison, and isotopic study

Fluoride and nitrate contamination of groundwater in the Loess Plateau, China: Sources and related human health risks.

Implications of irrigation water quality on shallow groundwater in the Nile Delta of Egypt: A human health risk prospective

Hydrostratigraphic setting and groundwater dynamics in high salinized low-lying farmlands at the southern margin of the Venice Lagoon

Material Itineraries: Southeast Asian Urban Transformations

Global patterns of nitrate isotope composition in rivers and adjacent aquifers reveal reactive nitrogen cascading

Investigation of landfill leachate pollution impact on shallow aquifers using numerical simulation

Assessment of groundwater contamination risk by BTEX from residual fuel soil phase

More Shallow Aquifers 浅含水层 sentence examples

Pulse Testing for Monitoring the Thermal Front in Aquifer Thermal Energy Storage

Delineation of groundwater potential zones in Logbadjeck, Cameroun: an integrated geophysical and geospatial study approach

Probabilistic backward location for the identification of multi-source nitrate contamination

Monitoring of the effects of a temporally limited heat stress on microbial communities in a shallow aquifer.

More Shallow Aquifers 浅含水层 sentence examples

Contamination of water resources in the mining region

Modelling nationwide climate change effects on coastal groundwater in the Netherlands

Interpretation of 1D-Resistivity Data to Describe the Aquifer Model in the Serayu Watershed Area of Somagede Village, Somagede District, Banyumas Regency

Evaluating the impacts of on-site sanitation facilities and saltwater intrusion on shallow groundwater quality in peri-urban communities of Cape Coast, Ghana

Appraisal of groundwater potentiality of multilayer alluvial aquifers of the Varuna river basin, India, using two concurrent methods of MCDM

Isotopic Characterization of Sulfate in a Shallow Aquifer Impacted by Agricultural Fertilizer

Groundwater dynamics in the Vietnamese Mekong Delta: Trends, memory effects, and response times

Exploring river–aquifer interactions and hydrological system response using baseflow separation, impulse response modelling and time series analysis in three temperate lowland catchments

Spatial distribution, controlling factors and failure mechanisms of the large-scale landslides in the urban area of Azazga city (northern Algeria)

Groundwater physico-chemical properties and water quality changes in shallow aquifers in arid saline wetlands, Ouargla, Algeria

The Large Deep-Seated Landslide Induced by the March 12th, 2012 Rainfall Event in the City of Azazga, Northern Algeria: Deformation Characteristics and Failure Mechanisms

Partitioning fast flow from stratified groundwater flow modulates seasonal variations of old streamwater transit times

Adsorption model identification for chromium (VI) transport in unconsolidated sediments

Characterization of arsenic contaminated groundwater from central Bangladesh: Irrigation feasibility and preliminary health risks assessment

Origin of water masses in Floridan Aquifer System revealed by 81Kr

Electrical Resistivity and Induced Polarization signatures to delineate the near-surface aquifers contaminated with seawater invasion in Digha, West-Bengal, India

Analysis of fluid characteristics and estimation of geothermal reservoir temperature in Kaleosan Area, North Minahasa Regency

Characterization of shallow groundwater chemistry in the Yogyakarta basin, Central Java

Potential Pb2+ mobilization, transport, and sequestration in shallow aquifers impacted by multiphase CO2 leakage: a natural analogue study from the Virgin River Basin in SW Utah

Geomorphological Controls on Groundwater Transit Times: A Synthetic Analysis at the Hillslope Scale

Removal of 1,4-dioxane during on-site wastewater treatment using nitrogen removing biofilters.

Correlation of Vp/Vs ratio against the resistivity value to determine the aquifers presence estimation in jetak sub-village, getasan sub-district, Semarang regency

Potential Impacts of Shale Gas Development on Inorganic Groundwater Chemistry: Implications for Environmental Baseline Assessment in Shallow Aquifers.

Arsenic redistributive accretion in interdune marshes and its impact on groundwater contamination of coastal plains (southern Brazil)

Evaluation of hydrochemical data using multivariate statistical methods to elucidate heavy metal contamination in shallow aquifers of the Manipur valley in Indo-Myanmar Range

Using regional datasets of isotope geochemistry to resolve complex groundwater flow and formation connectivity in northeastern Alberta, Canada

Relationship between infiltration, sewer rehabilitation, and groundwater flooding in coastal urban areas

Seismological and Hydrogeological Controls on New Zealand-Wide Groundwater Level Changes Induced by the 2016 Mw 7.8 Kaikōura Earthquake

More Shallow Aquifers 浅含水层 sentence examples

Climate Resilient Deep Groundwater Investigation and Development in the Ogaden Jesoma Sandstone Aquifers of Somali Region, Ethiopia

Buffering distance between hazardous waste landfill and water supply wells in a shallow aquifer


More Shallow Aquifers 浅含水层 sentence examples

The interaction of volcanic gas and deep magmatic fluid with shallow aquifers at Tokachidake volcano, Japan

An implication of boron and fluoride contamination and its exposure risk in groundwater resources in semi-arid region, Western India

Assessing potential impacts of shale gas development on shallow aquifers through upward fluid migration: A multi-disciplinary approach applied to the Utica Shale in eastern Canada

Avaliação do impacto do vazamento de água termal do Aquífero Caiuá no munícipio de presidente Epitácio/SP

A geochemical and multi-isotope modeling approach to determine sources and fate of methane in shallow groundwater above unconventional hydrocarbon reservoirs.

Spatial distribution of arsenic along groundwater flow path in Chaobai River alluvial–proluvial fan, North China Plain

Assessment of Groundwater Vulnerability Risk in Shallow Aquifers of Kandaihimmat Watershed, Hoshangabad, Madhya Pradesh

More Shallow Aquifers 浅含水层 sentence examples

Radium isotopes for groundwater age and sustainability in the highland of Antananarivo, Madagascar

Assessing the potential of cross-contamination from oil and gas hydraulic fracturing: A case study in northeastern British Columbia, Canada.

Establishing an urban geo-observatory to support sustainable development of shallow subsurface heat recovery and storage

More Shallow Aquifers 浅含水层 sentence examples

The aqueous solubility of common organic groundwater contaminants as a function of temperature between 5 and 70 °C.

Radon in groundwater baseline study prior to unconventional shale gas development and hydraulic fracturing in the Karoo Basin (South Africa).

Development of a Hydrogeological Conceptual Model for Shallow Aquifers in the Data Scarce Upper Blue Nile Basin

Potential impact of leaking CO2 gas and CO2-rich fluids on shallow groundwater quality in the Chungcheong region (South Korea): A hydrogeochemical approach