Shallow Aquifers
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Shallow Aquifers sentence examples within Relatively Shallow Aquifers
The coastline has relatively shallow aquifers at a depth of 2-10 m in a sand layer with coral inserts, while the lower part is composed of silt and clay.
海岸线有相对较浅的含水层,深度为 2-10 m,沙层中夹有珊瑚,下部为粉砂和粘土。
海岸线有相对较浅的含水层,深度为 2-10 m,沙层中夹有珊瑚,下部为粉砂和粘土。
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Precipitation is the main driver of groundwater recharge and relatively shallow aquifers respond rather quickly to changes in the precipitation rates.
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Shallow Aquifers sentence examples within Underlying Shallow Aquifers
In heavily populated residential areas lacking adequate subsurface drainage, leakage from urban water supplies and wastewater discharge causes groundwater levels in underlying shallow aquifers to rise.
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aquaculture ponds in areas with a thin surface clay layer have increased the
salinity in the underlying shallow aquifers.
最近, 表层粘土层较薄的地区的水产养殖池塘增加了 下伏浅层含水层的盐度。
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Shallow Aquifers sentence examples within Two Shallow Aquifers
Additionally, ground and surface water samples were also collected for chemical and isotopic analyses to define the compositional features and the main geochemical processes affecting the two shallow aquifers.
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In this study, different interpolation methods were evaluated in two shallow aquifers according to their hydrogeological characteristics.
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Learn more from Shallow Aquifers 浅含水层
Shallow Aquifers sentence examples within shallow aquifers underlying
In one extreme case on the Nyack floodplain in Montana, methane-derived carbon comprised a majority of biomass carbon in stoneflies (Order: Plecoptera) living in shallow aquifers underlying river floodplains, helping to explain how large organisms survive in such a carbon-limited system.
在蒙大拿州 Nyack 漫滩的一个极端案例中,甲烷衍生的碳构成了石蝇(目:Plecoptera)中生物质碳的大部分,它们生活在河流漫滩下方的浅层含水层中,这有助于解释大型生物如何在这样一个碳受限的系统中生存.
在蒙大拿州 Nyack 漫滩的一个极端案例中,甲烷衍生的碳构成了石蝇(目:Plecoptera)中生物质碳的大部分,它们生活在河流漫滩下方的浅层含水层中,这有助于解释大型生物如何在这样一个碳受限的系统中生存.
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In addition to nitrate-contaminated groundwater, surface waters can also be supplied by shallow aquifers underlying coarsetextured soils, which in turn can affect nitrate concentrations in the entire watershed (Young and Briggs, 2005).
除了受硝酸盐污染的地下水外,地表水还可以由粗糙土壤下面的浅层含水层提供,这反过来又会影响整个流域的硝酸盐浓度(Young 和 Briggs,2005 年)。
除了受硝酸盐污染的地下水外,地表水还可以由粗糙土壤下面的浅层含水层提供,这反过来又会影响整个流域的硝酸盐浓度(Young 和 Briggs,2005 年)。
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Shallow Aquifers sentence examples within shallow aquifers around
Finally, these fractures and faults could become contaminant pathways for shallow aquifers around the dumpsite.
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Nitrate and ammonium are common inorganic contaminants of anthropogenic origin in many shallow aquifers around the world, while nitrite is less common, but it is most harmful than nitrate and ammonium due to its high reactivity.
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We applied the methodology in the shallow aquifers of the Luy River in the Binh Thuan province, Vietnam, where water resources are under pressure due to agricultural, aquacultural, and industrial production.
我们将该方法应用于越南平顺省 Luy 河的浅层含水层,那里的水资源因农业、水产养殖和工业生产而面临压力。
我们将该方法应用于越南平顺省 Luy 河的浅层含水层,那里的水资源因农业、水产养殖和工业生产而面临压力。
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Our results allowed us to characterize the natural composition of the water and to measure the intense process deterioration of the water quality of the shallow aquifers.
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The majority of our sampled aquifer gases and waters have stable isotopic signatures distinct from CSG, where methane had likely been formed insitu in shallow aquifers by primary microbial CO2 reduction or fermentation processes.
我们采样的大多数含水层气体和水具有不同于 CSG 的稳定同位素特征,其中甲烷可能是通过初级微生物 CO2 减少或发酵过程在浅层含水层中原位形成的。
我们采样的大多数含水层气体和水具有不同于 CSG 的稳定同位素特征,其中甲烷可能是通过初级微生物 CO2 减少或发酵过程在浅层含水层中原位形成的。
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Therefore, we collected 105 groundwater samples (78 from shallow aquifers and 27 from deep aquifers) from the western district of the Loess Plateau for physicochemical and isotopic analysis to investigate the sources of F- and NO3- in groundwater and associated health risks.
因此,我们从黄土高原西部地区采集了 105 个地下水样本(其中 78 个来自浅层含水层,27 个来自深层含水层)进行物理化学和同位素分析,以调查地下水中 F- 和 NO3- 的来源及相关的健康风险。
因此,我们从黄土高原西部地区采集了 105 个地下水样本(其中 78 个来自浅层含水层,27 个来自深层含水层)进行物理化学和同位素分析,以调查地下水中 F- 和 NO3- 的来源及相关的健康风险。
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Groundwater is the main source for drinking in Egypt, especially in rural communities; however, water quality of shallow aquifers is more susceptible to human activities.
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Focusing on the geology and stratigraphic architecture of the first 25-meters of the subsoil, in which the shallow aquifers are included, the sedimentary record consists in Pleistocene alluvial deposits and Holocene deposits.
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It suffers from air pollution and lacks sufficient drinking water due to shallow aquifers.
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We synthesized nitrate isotope data (n = ~5200) for global rivers and shallow aquifers for common patterns and processes.
我们合成了全球河流和浅层含水层常见模式和过程的硝酸盐同位素数据 (n = ~5200)。
我们合成了全球河流和浅层含水层常见模式和过程的硝酸盐同位素数据 (n = ~5200)。
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This study shows that the adsorption process plays an important role in controlling the migrantion of heavy metals and inorganic pollutions into shallow aquifers.
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Without biodegradation, in fine-grained sediments risk was very high for shallow aquifers (> 1.
如果没有生物降解,在细粒沉积物中,浅层含水层的风险非常高(> 1.
如果没有生物降解,在细粒沉积物中,浅层含水层的风险非常高(> 1.
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Seasonal storage of heat in shallow aquifers for increasing the efficiency of geothermal energy systems requires a proper monitoring strategy.
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The subsoil of the study area, in turn, highlights the presence of two principal aquifers: shallow aquifers at depths of approximately 6 m and deep aquifers lying between 28 and 56 m of depth.
反过来,研究区的底土突出了两个主要含水层的存在:深度约为 6 m 的浅层含水层和深度介于 28 和 56 m 之间的深层含水层。
反过来,研究区的底土突出了两个主要含水层的存在:深度约为 6 m 的浅层含水层和深度介于 28 和 56 m 之间的深层含水层。
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Nitrate represents the most widespread contaminant in shallow aquifers, especially in urban areas, and poses risks to human health, when the contaminated groundwater is ingested.
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HT-ATES induces temperature fluctuations that exceed the natural variability in shallow aquifers, which could lead to adverse effects in subsurface ecosystems by altering the groundwater chemistry, biodiversity, and microbial metabolic activity, resulting in changes of the groundwater quality, biogeochemical processes, and ecosystem functions.
HT-ATES 引起的温度波动超过浅层含水层的自然变率,这可能通过改变地下水化学、生物多样性和微生物代谢活动对地下生态系统产生不利影响,从而导致地下水质量、生物地球化学过程和生态系统的变化职能。
HT-ATES 引起的温度波动超过浅层含水层的自然变率,这可能通过改变地下水化学、生物多样性和微生物代谢活动对地下生态系统产生不利影响,从而导致地下水质量、生物地球化学过程和生态系统的变化职能。
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The percolation of heavy metals from waste piles contaminates the groundwater and the impact is more in shallow aquifers.
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Significant head increase (> 5% of SLR) is experienced in shallow aquifers between 2 to 10 km inland, dependent on the varying hydrogeological settings along the Dutch coast.
内陆 2 至 10 公里的浅层含水层水头显着增加(> SLR 的 5%),这取决于荷兰海岸不同的水文地质环境。
内陆 2 至 10 公里的浅层含水层水头显着增加(> SLR 的 5%),这取决于荷兰海岸不同的水文地质环境。
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Shallow aquifers are interpreted to exist in sand inserted by gravel layer (13.
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Populations in peri-urban communities of Sub-Saharan Africa frequently depend on shallow aquifers and on-site sanitation facilities concurrently.
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The shallow aquifers are silty and unconfined, whereas the deeper aquifers are coarse, sandy-gravelly, and semi-confined.
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In agricultural watersheds, little is known about how the increased use of sulfur as a soil amendment to optimize crop production is affecting the isotopic composition of groundwater sulfate, especially in shallow aquifers.
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The groundwater memory effect varied according to the geographical location, being shorter in shallow aquifers and flood-prone areas and longer in deep aquifers and coastal areas.
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Lowland rivers and shallow aquifers are closely coupled and their interactions are crucial for maintaining healthy stream ecological functions.
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Analysis of the inventory data highlighted the action of two types of conditioning factors: (i) susceptibility factors represented by the presence of clay, marl deposits with low mechanical resistance characteristics, the presence of shallow aquifers, the morphology and steep slope, the tectonic features network and a dense hydrographic network; (ii) the triggering factors corresponds to the high intensity rainfall and the uncontrolled human activity.
对清单数据的分析突出了两类调节因素的作用:(i) 以粘土、具有低机械阻力特征的泥灰沉积物、浅层含水层、形态和陡坡、构造特征为代表的敏感性因素网络和密集的水文网络; (ii) 触发因素对应于高强度降雨和不受控制的人类活动。
对清单数据的分析突出了两类调节因素的作用:(i) 以粘土、具有低机械阻力特征的泥灰沉积物、浅层含水层、形态和陡坡、构造特征为代表的敏感性因素网络和密集的水文网络; (ii) 触发因素对应于高强度降雨和不受控制的人类活动。
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Shallow aquifers are vulnerable to natural geogenic processes as well as anthropogenic influences, and this is especially apparent in desert regions.
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Moreover, the analyses identified two types of involved causative factors: (i) the triggering factor related to the antecedent rainfall and human activity through slope excavations and embankment; (ii) susceptibility factors related to the lithological nature and the internal structure of the flysch deposits, their weak mechanical resistance characteristics, the presence of shallow aquifers, steep slope and basal erosion and undercutting of the Iazoughen and Aboud rivers torrents.
此外,分析确定了两类涉及的致病因素:(i)与前期降雨和通过斜坡开挖和路基的人类活动有关的触发因素; (ii) 与复理石沉积物的岩性性质和内部结构、其弱机械阻力特征、浅含水层的存在、陡坡和基底侵蚀以及 Iazoughen 和 Aboud 河洪流的底切有关的敏感性因素。
此外,分析确定了两类涉及的致病因素:(i)与前期降雨和通过斜坡开挖和路基的人类活动有关的触发因素; (ii) 与复理石沉积物的岩性性质和内部结构、其弱机械阻力特征、浅含水层的存在、陡坡和基底侵蚀以及 Iazoughen 和 Aboud 河洪流的底切有关的敏感性因素。
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The modeling strategy relies on partitioning infiltration between 1) Boussinesq groundwater flows in shallow aquifers and 2) fast flows close to the surface.
建模策略依赖于 1) 浅层含水层中的 Boussinesq 地下水流和 2) 靠近地表的快速流之间的分区渗透。
建模策略依赖于 1) 浅层含水层中的 Boussinesq 地下水流和 2) 靠近地表的快速流之间的分区渗透。
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Results from this study may provide important insight for understanding the transport behaviors of Cr (VI) in shallow aquifers.
这项研究的结果可能为了解 Cr (VI) 在浅层含水层中的输运行为提供重要的见解。
这项研究的结果可能为了解 Cr (VI) 在浅层含水层中的输运行为提供重要的见解。
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To observe the current hydro-geo-chemical condition of shallow aquifers and the response from anthropogenic activities as well as to study the arsenic contents and affiliated health risks, groundwater samples from different parts of north-central Bangladesh (Tangail) were studied.
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Although localized salinization of shallow aquifers has commonly been studied, geochemical constraints on the time scale of regional freshwater and seawater in coastal aquifers are limited especially in carbonate aquifers.
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The Digha-Shankarur-Tajpur-Mandarmani (DSTM) area in West-Bengal is well known for seawater invasion in shallow aquifers.
西孟加拉邦的 Digha-Shankarur-Tajpur-Mandarmani (DSTM) 地区以海水侵入浅层含水层而闻名。
西孟加拉邦的 Digha-Shankarur-Tajpur-Mandarmani (DSTM) 地区以海水侵入浅层含水层而闻名。
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The high chloride content is thought to be due to the increase in geothermal fluids containing CO2and condensing in shallow aquifers.
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But water from shallow aquifers is prone to pollution from sewage systems, industry and agriculture.
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For this study, a natural analogue was investigated: in the Virgin River Basin of SW Utah, water with moderate salinity and high CO2 concentrations is leaking upwards into shallow aquifers that contain heavy-metal-bearing concretions.
在这项研究中,研究了一种天然类似物:在犹他州西南部的维尔京河流域,具有中等盐度和高 CO2 浓度的水向上泄漏到含有重金属结核的浅层含水层中。
在这项研究中,研究了一种天然类似物:在犹他州西南部的维尔京河流域,具有中等盐度和高 CO2 浓度的水向上泄漏到含有重金属结核的浅层含水层中。
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We investigated how geomorphological structures shape Transit Time Distributions (TTDs) in shallow aquifers.
我们研究了地貌结构如何塑造浅层含水层中的渡越时间分布 (TTD)。
我们研究了地貌结构如何塑造浅层含水层中的渡越时间分布 (TTD)。
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Given that there are ~500,000 conventional OWTS on LI, the 1,4-dioxane discharge to groundwater from residential wastewater was estimated at 195 ± 205 kg yr -1, suggesting high risk of contamination to shallow aquifers.
鉴于 LI 有约 500,000 个常规 OWTS,从住宅废水排放到地下水的 1,4-二恶烷估计为 195 ± 205 kg -1 年,这表明对浅层含水层的污染风险很高。
鉴于 LI 有约 500,000 个常规 OWTS,从住宅废水排放到地下水的 1,4-二恶烷估计为 195 ± 205 kg -1 年,这表明对浅层含水层的污染风险很高。
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Based on the interpretation of the correlation results of the HVSR model using the Vp/Vs ratio against the rock resistivity value showed the presence of shallow aquifers at a depth of between 20-50 m below the earth’s surface in the sandstone layer.
根据 HVSR 模型使用 Vp/Vs 比值与岩石电阻率值的相关性结果的解释表明,在砂岩层中地表以下 20-50 m 深度存在浅层含水层。
根据 HVSR 模型使用 Vp/Vs 比值与岩石电阻率值的相关性结果的解释表明,在砂岩层中地表以下 20-50 m 深度存在浅层含水层。
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The objective of this paper is to provide a conceptual and methodological framework for establishing a baseline of inorganic groundwater quality in shale gas areas, which is becoming standard practice as a prerequisite for evaluating shale gas development impacts on shallow aquifers.
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In this region, the shallow aquifers are mainly constituted by a mosaic distribution of marsh sediment lenses formed in the interdune depressions in past times and subsequently covered by eolian sands.
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Descriptive statistics, factor analysis, correlation matrices, and cluster analysis are used to gain insights on hydrochemical processes and contamination in the shallow aquifers of Manipur valley.
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iii) Areas with potential connectivity to shallow aquifers were identified by their lower TDS values, modern meteoric δ18O and δ2H signatures, HCO3 type waters, and δ34S SO4 and 87Sr/86Sr signatures, consistent with weathering of shallow aquifer material.
iii) 通过其较低的 TDS 值、现代大气 δ18O 和 δ2H 特征、HCO3 型水以及 δ34S SO4 和 87Sr/86Sr 特征识别出与浅层含水层潜在连通的区域,这与浅层含水层物质的风化一致。
iii) 通过其较低的 TDS 值、现代大气 δ18O 和 δ2H 特征、HCO3 型水以及 δ34S SO4 和 87Sr/86Sr 特征识别出与浅层含水层潜在连通的区域,这与浅层含水层物质的风化一致。
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Overall, this work highlights the susceptibility of shallow aquifers in coastal urban areas and suggests that they should be regarded in flooding predictions.
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Water level changes were recorded at 433 sites in compositionally diverse, young, shallow aquifers, at distances of between 4 and 850 km from the earthquake epicentre.
在距震中 4 至 850 公里的地方,在成分多样、年轻、浅层含水层的 433 个地点记录了水位变化。
在距震中 4 至 850 公里的地方,在成分多样、年轻、浅层含水层的 433 个地点记录了水位变化。
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As a result, shallow aquifers in alluvial deposits of Somali region have low yields and produce brackish and saline water.
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In order to provide decision-making support and technical guidance for the determination, and management of buffering distance, this paper coupled the dose-response model, leakage estimation model, exponential decay source model, and the advection-dispersion model for contaminants transportation and transformation in vadose and aquifer groundwater, and constructed an integral risk-based framework to help to calculate the buffering distance in shallow aquifers against the leachate contamination.
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The potential of groundwater in shallow aquifers is strongly influenced by seasonal conditions.
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Here, we supplement the previous dataset with the geochemical data from 2014 to 2018 and comprehensively discuss the results of geochemical and geophysical monitoring to reveal the interactions between deep magmatic fluids, volcanic gases, and shallow aquifers.
在这里,我们以 2014 年至 2018 年的地球化学数据补充之前的数据集,并全面讨论地球化学和地球物理监测的结果,以揭示深层岩浆流体、火山气体和浅层含水层之间的相互作用。
在这里,我们以 2014 年至 2018 年的地球化学数据补充之前的数据集,并全面讨论地球化学和地球物理监测的结果,以揭示深层岩浆流体、火山气体和浅层含水层之间的相互作用。
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For this purpose, 68 representative groundwater samples from shallow aquifers were collected and analysed for major ions to find the geochemistry in relation to B and F.
为此目的,收集了来自浅层含水层的 68 个具有代表性的地下水样品,并分析了主要离子,以发现与 B 和 F 相关的地球化学。
为此目的,收集了来自浅层含水层的 68 个具有代表性的地下水样品,并分析了主要离子,以发现与 B 和 F 相关的地球化学。
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Potential impacts of shale gas development on shallow aquifers has raised concerns, especially regarding groundwater contamination.
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Due to the uncertainties of the existence of leaks that allow water flow from the well to shallow aquifers, this work aimed to use stable isotopes, hydrochemical characterization and numerical models of flow and transport in order to evaluate the influence of the thermal water in the shallow aquifer Caiua in the area of interest.
由于存在允许水从井流向浅层含水层的泄漏的不确定性,这项工作旨在使用稳定同位素、水化学表征以及流动和传输的数值模型来评估热水对浅层的影响感兴趣区域的含水层 Caiua。
由于存在允许水从井流向浅层含水层的泄漏的不确定性,这项工作旨在使用稳定同位素、水化学表征以及流动和传输的数值模型来评估热水对浅层的影响感兴趣区域的含水层 Caiua。
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The objective of this study was to determine the methane sources, the extent of potential methane oxidation, and gas-water-rock-interactions in shallow aquifers by integrating chemical and isotopic monitoring data of dissolved gases and aqueous species into a geochemical PHREEQC model.
本研究的目的是通过将溶解气体和含水物种的化学和同位素监测数据整合到地球化学 PHREEQC 模型中,确定浅层含水层中的甲烷来源、潜在甲烷氧化程度和气-水-岩石相互作用。
本研究的目的是通过将溶解气体和含水物种的化学和同位素监测数据整合到地球化学 PHREEQC 模型中,确定浅层含水层中的甲烷来源、潜在甲烷氧化程度和气-水-岩石相互作用。
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Vertically, high-As groundwater mainly occurred in shallow aquifers (depths < 100 m) in zones II and III.
纵向上,高砷地下水主要分布在Ⅱ区和Ⅲ区的浅层含水层(深度 < 100 m)。
纵向上,高砷地下水主要分布在Ⅱ区和Ⅲ区的浅层含水层(深度 < 100 m)。
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The study focused on the appraisal of vulnerability chances of shallow aquifers of Kandaihimmat watershed.
该研究的重点是评估 Kandaihimmat 流域浅层含水层的脆弱性机会。
该研究的重点是评估 Kandaihimmat 流域浅层含水层的脆弱性机会。
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Radium isotopes in the groundwater of this area have been measured to estimate the residence time of the water in these shallow aquifers.
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This paper presents the various tools and data sources in British Columbia (Canada) that can be used by environmental consultants to assess the potential of cross-contamination between shale gas formation fluids and shallow aquifers from hydraulic fracturing and related oil and gas activities.
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Development of this technology is applicable in urban areas where high housing density often coincides with the presence of shallow aquifers.
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High-temperature thermal energy storage in shallow aquifers can potentially increase ambient groundwater temperatures up to 70 °C or even more.
浅层含水层中的高温热能储存可能会将环境地下水温度提高到 70°C 甚至更高。
浅层含水层中的高温热能储存可能会将环境地下水温度提高到 70°C 甚至更高。
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The mean radon-in-water levels for shallow aquifers were systematically higher (55 ± 10 Bq/L) compared to deep (14 ± 3 Bq/L) or mixed aquifers (20 ± 6 Bq/L).
与深层含水层(14±3 Bq/L)或混合含水层(20±6 Bq/L)相比,浅层含水层的平均水中氡水平(55±10 Bq/L)系统性地更高。
与深层含水层(14±3 Bq/L)或混合含水层(20±6 Bq/L)相比,浅层含水层的平均水中氡水平(55±10 Bq/L)系统性地更高。
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Rural communities in sub-Saharan Africa commonly rely on shallow hand-dug wells and springs; consequently, shallow aquifers are an extremely important water source.
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This study indicates that upwelling of deep CO2-rich fluids with long-term water-rock interactions can be harmful to shallow potable groundwaters by supplying high levels of trace elements into shallow aquifers.
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