Discover more insights into Segmented Polyurethane 分段聚氨酯

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Hard Block Degradable Polycarbonate Urethanes: Promising Biomaterials for Electrospun Vascular Prostheses.

Metallo‐supramolecular Crosslinked Polyurethanes

Mechanical properties of l-lysine based segmented polyurethane vascular grafts and their shape memory potential.

Structure-property relationships of ferrocene functionalized segmented polyurethane

Methylsilicone-functionalized superhydrophobic polyurethane porous membranes as antifouling oil absorbents

Synthesis and characterization of polycaprolactone-based segmented polyurethanes

A Facile Synthetic Route to Ether Diols Derived from1,1-Cyclopentylenylbisphenol for Robust Cardo-Type Polyurethanes

Learn more from Segmented Polyurethane 分段聚氨酯

Segmented Polyurethane 分段聚氨酯

Segmented Polyurethane 分段聚氨酯
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