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Large stroke fast steering mirror for free-space optical communication

Development status and breadboard results of a laser communication terminal for large LEO constellations

Satellite Links sentence examples within Optical Satellite Links

Optimum Power Allocation Based on Channel Conditions in Optical Satellite Downlinks

Resource allocation in a Quantum Key Distribution Network with LEO and GEO trusted-repeaters

Satellite Links sentence examples within Inter Satellite Links

Optical Inter Satellite Links for Broadband Networks

Parameter decomposition filter of BDS-3 combined orbit determination using inter-satellite link observations

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Satellite Links sentence examples within Space Satellite Links

Rain Height Statistics from GPM Data for Satellite Communication Systems in Nigeria

Variability and trends in rain height retrieved from GPM and implications on rain-induced attenuation over Nigeria

Satellite Links sentence examples within satellite links provide

Analysis of Channel Models for LoRa-based Direct-to-Satellite IoT Networks Served by LEO Nanosatellites

Evaluation of Skype Video Call with TCP Variants over Satellite Networks

Satellite Links sentence examples within satellite links operating

Rain Height Statistics from GPM Data for Satellite Communication Systems in Nigeria

Variability and trends in rain height retrieved from GPM and implications on rain-induced attenuation over Nigeria

Analysis of Inter-Satellite Link Paths for LEO Mega-Constellation Networks

Advanced Routing Algorithms for Low Orbit Satellite Constellations

Integer Linear Programming Based Topology Design for GNSSs With Inter-Satellite Links

Spooky action at a global distance: analysis of space-based entanglement distribution for the quantum internet

Optical clock technologies for global navigation satellite systems

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Exploiting Mobile Carrying to Improve the Capacity of Satellite Networks

The H2020-SPACE-ORIONAS project: “Lasercom-on-chip” for high-speed satellite constellation interconnectivity

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The influence of operating laser wavelengths on Doppler effect in LEO Optical satellite constellation

More Satellite Links 卫星链接 sentence examples

An Adaptive Multipath Routing for LEO Satellite Network

Free-space optical communication technologies will enable next generation of ultra high throughput satellite

Wireless Telecommunication Links for Rainfall Monitoring: Deep Learning Approach and Experimental Results

Editorial: Signal Processing for Beyond 5G Non-Terrestrial Networks

More Satellite Links 卫星链接 sentence examples

Long-term Prediction Algorithm for Navigation Satellite Clocks Supported by Inter-satellite Links

Free Space Optics for Next-Generation Satellite Networks

Collaborative Multi-Resource Allocation in Terrestrial-Satellite Network Towards 6G

A State-Space Approach for Tracking Doppler Shifts in Radio Inter-Satellite Links

Galileo precise orbit determination with optical two-way links (OTWL): a continuous wave laser ranging and time transfer concept

Performance Analysis of a Dual Terahertz/Ka Band Communication System for Satellite Mega-Constellations

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Planar Quasi-End-Fire Antenna Design using SIW Technology for CubeSats and Other Small Satellites

LED-Based Visible Light Intersatellite Communication for Distributed Space Systems

Multi-objective optimization of earth cooperative observation hybrid satellite constellation

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Modeling and Analysis of Inter-Satellite Link in LEO Satellite Networks

Acquisition of Positional Accuracy with Comparative Analysis of GPS and EGNOS in Urban Constituency

More Satellite Links 卫星链接 sentence examples

Performance Analysis of Hybrid Satellite-Terrestrial Relay Networks

Continuous-Variable Quantum Secret Sharing Based on Thermal Terahertz Sources in Inter-Satellite Wireless Links

Operational Envelope and Link Scheduling for Inter-Satellite Links in Next-Generation GNSSs

Simulation of Inter-Satellite Link schemes for use in precise orbit determination and clock estimation

Spectral compression and entanglement reduction in the cascaded biphoton state with cavities

Statistical characterization of the signal-in-space errors of the BDS: a comparison between BDS-2 and BDS-3

Rethinking Figure-of-Merits of Liquid Crystals Shielded Coplanar Waveguide Phase Shifters at 60 GHz

Recent trends in coherent free-space optical communications

Improved performance of composite pseudo-code ranging between satellite links

Enabling NOMA in Overlay Spectrum Sharing in Hybrid Satellite-Terrestrial Systems

Inter-Plane Inter-Satellite Connectivity in Dense LEO Constellations

Relativistic Modelling for Accurate Time Transfer via Optical Inter-Satellite Links

Intelligent Reflecting Surface Operation Under Predictable Receiver Mobility: A Continuous Time Propagation Model

Precise orbit and Earth parameter determination supported by LEO satellites, inter-satellite links and synchronized clocks of a future GNSS

Implementation of a 46-node quantum metropolitan area network

Ultralow-Profile Circularly Polarized Reflectarray Antenna for CubeSat Intersatellite Links in K-Band

Interfacing quantum dots with laser-cooled atomic ensembles

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Reducing power consumption in LEO satellite network

25, 50 & 75 years ago

Accurate Computation of Scintillation in Tropospheric Turbulence With Parabolic Wave Equation

UAV Based Satellite-Terrestrial Systems With Hardware Impairment and Imperfect SIC: Performance Analysis of User Pairs

Using ground relays for low-latency wide-area routing in megaconstellations

More Satellite Links 卫星链接 sentence examples

Download Traffic Scheduling for CubeSats Swarms with Inter-Satellite Links

Towards optical data highways through the atmosphere

Visible-Light Communication and Performance Analysis Based on Medium- and Short-Distance Inter-Satellite Links

Optical technologies for very high throughput satellite communications

Optimized Power Control Scheme for Global Throughput of Cognitive Satellite-Terrestrial Networks Based on Non-Cooperative Game

A Novel Topology Design Method for Multi-layered Optical Satellite Networks

Outage Performance of NOMA-Based Cognitive Hybrid Satellite-Terrestrial Overlay Networks by Amplify-and-Forward Protocols

Demonstrating Quantum Advantage in Security and Efficiency with Practical Photonic Systems

Spooky action at a global distance: analysis of space-based entanglement distribution for the quantum internet

More Satellite Links 卫星链接 sentence examples

Elevation Scaling of Rain Attenuation Time Series

More Satellite Links 卫星链接 sentence examples

Multi-Channel Transmission of Signal using Optical Wireless Communication (OWC) Channel : Channel Diversity Using OWC

Validation of New ITU-R Rain Attenuation Prediction Model over Malaysia Equatorial Region