Discover more insights into Salt Sensitive Hypertensive 盐敏感性高血压

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Hypertension, cardiovascular disease, and nocturia: a systematic review of the pathophysiological mechanisms

The Effects of Short-Term Changes in Sodium Intake on Plasma Marinobufagenin Levels in Patients with Primary Salt-Sensitive and Salt-Insensitive Hypertension

DNA Methylation of the Angiotensinogen Gene, AGT, and the Aldosterone Synthase Gene, CYP11B2 in Cardiovascular Diseases

QiShenYiQi ameliorates salt-induced hypertensive nephropathy by balancing ADRA1D and SIK1 expression in Dahl salt-sensitive rats.

Effect of Angiotensin 1-7 on Myocardial Calcium Pump in Salt-Sensitive Hypertensive Rats

Salt sensitivity and timed drug therapy in arterial hypertension. Enhancing antihypertensive drug efficacy: a controlled randomised trial

Learn more from Salt Sensitive Hypertensive 盐敏感性高血压

Salt Sensitive Hypertensive 盐敏感性高血压

Salt Sensitive Hypertensive 盐敏感性高血压
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