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Microplastic contamination in salt pans and commercial salts - A baseline study on the salt pans of Marakkanam and Parangipettai, Tamil Nadu, India.

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Evaluation of salts in salt pans, Siwa Oasis, Egypt

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Photoinhibition and β-Carotene Production From Dunaliella sp. Isolated From Salt Pans of Goa

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Vulnerability to sea-level rise and the potential for restoration to enhance blue carbon storage in salt marshes of an urban estuary

Fish sauce fermentation using Marinococcus halotolerans SPQ isolate as a starter culture

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An index-based approach to assess groundwater quality for drinking and irrigation in Asir region of Saudi Arabia

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Palynomorph distribution in a mangrove ecosystem along environmental and salinity gradient: a tool for palaeoecological reconstruction

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Modeling of coastal vulnerability to sea-level rise and shoreline erosion using modified CVI model

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The impact of runoff flux and reclamation on the spatiotemporal evolution of the Yellow River estuarine wetlands

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Spatio-temporal modelling for the evaluation of an altered Indian saline Ramsar site and its drivers for ecosystem management and restoration

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Life in High Salt Concentrations with Changing Environmental Conditions: Insights from Genomic and Phenotypic Analysis of Salinivibrio sp.

Saltmarsh conservation through inventory, biogeographic analysis and predictions of change: Case of Tasmania, south‐eastern Australia

Diet and Foraging Range of Slender-Billed Gulls Chroicocephalus genei Breeding in the Saloum Delta, Senegal

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The first report of ants (Formicidae: Hymenoptera) in salt marshes and salt pans in central parts of Iran

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Turkish Borate Deposits: Geological Setting, Genesis and Overview of the Deposits

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Microbial Diversity of Saline Habitats: An Overview of Biotechnological Applications

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Climatic Controls on the Distribution of Foundation Plant Species in Coastal Wetlands of the Conterminous United States: Knowledge Gaps and Emerging Research Needs

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Water legislation in the context of lithium mining in Argentina

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Distribution of Phytoplankton in Selected Salt Pans of Tamil Nadu, Southeast Coast of India

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Winter highway maintenance strategies: Are all the sodium chloride salts the same?

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Península Valdés, Argentina

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