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Saline Aquifers sentence examples within long term storage

Benchmarking a reduced order finite element method for multiphase carbon sequestration models

Monovalent Cation-Induced Rock-Fluid Interactions in Saline Aquifers

Saline Aquifers sentence examples within enhanced oil recovery

Geological storage potential of CO2 emissions for China’s coal-fired power plants: A city-level analysis

Saline Aquifers sentence examples within Deep Saline Aquifers

Prediction of CO₂ Saturation Spatial Distribution Using Geostatistical Inversion of Time-Lapse Geophysical Data

A Comprehensive Review on CO2/N2 Mixture Injection for Methane Gas Recovery in Hydrate Reservoirs

Learn more from Saline Aquifers 盐水含水层

Saline Aquifers sentence examples within Large Saline Aquifers

CO 2-Brine Co-Injection in Carbonate Aquifers Using Geothermal Doublets

Carbon Neutral Baltic Sea Region by 2050: Myth or Reality?

Saline Aquifers sentence examples within saline aquifers involf

Evaluating numerical simulation errors of CO2-brine flow with capillary heterogeneity using a 1D semi-analytical solution

Influence of interphase mass transfer and diffusion processes on CO2-brine displacement in saline aquifers

Effects of the mechanical response of low-permeability sandstone reservoirs on CO2 geological storage based on laboratory experiments and numerical simulations.

The method for prediction of formation pore pressure based on mechanical specific energy theory

Influence of reservoir properties on the dynamics of a migrating current of carbon dioxide

A review of large-scale CO2 shipping and marine emissions management for carbon capture, utilisation and storage

Storing CO2 in buried volcanoes

Experimental investigation of the geochemical and mineralogical interaction between CO2 and carbonate: Evaluation of CO2 sequestration in dolomite-calcite formations

Technology Focus: EOR Operations (June 2021)

Revisiting Geologic Storage Potential in Unconventional Formations Is Key to Proactive Decision Making on CCS in India

Numerical modelling of long-term CO2 storage mechanisms in saline aquifers using the Sleipner benchmark dataset

Modeling Evaluates CO2 EOR, Storage Potential in Depleted Reservoirs

CO2 enhanced gas recovery and sequestration in depleted gas reservoirs: A review

CCSNet: a deep learning modeling suite for CO2 storage

Pore-Scale Grain-Binding Cement Dissolution in Sandstone Rocks and its Effect on CO2 Injectivity

The impacts of heterogeneity on CO2 capillary trapping within the Captain Sandstone - a core to field scale study.

A quantitative assessment of the hydrogen storage capacity of the UK continental shelf

Developing machine learning models to predict CO2 trapping performance in deep saline aquifers

Toward Probabilistic Modeling of Halite Nucleation and Growth during Carbon Storage Process: Pore Scale Modeling

Joint elastic-electrical monitoring for detecting and quantifying CO2-induced salt precipitation during geological carbon and storage

Reservoir Simulation Studies for Planning Monitoring Schemes for CO2 Storage

An Investigation into CO2–Brine–Cement–Reservoir Rock Interactions for Wellbore Integrity in CO2 Geological Storage

Spreading and mixing during solutal convection in uniform porous media with application to geologic CO2 storage

Effect of Convective Mixing Process on Storage of CO2 in Saline Aquifers with Layered Permeability

Compositional modeling of multicomponent gas injection into saline aquifers with the MUFITS simulator

Pressure Dependence of the Low Temperature Carbonation Kinetics of Calcium Oxide for Potential Thermochemical Energy Storage Purposes and Sustainable CO 2 Fixation

Compositional modelling of impure gas injection into saline aquifers with the MUFITS simulator

Simulation of interfacial mass transfer process accompanied by Rayleigh convection in NaCl solution

Machine Learning Provides Effective Leak Detection in Carbon Sequestration Projects

The Geological Potential of the Arabian Plate for CCS and CCUS - An Overview

Pore-scale study of capillary and dissolution trapping of CO2 in saline aquifers

Potential for uranium release under geologic CO2 storage conditions: The impact of Fe(III)

Experimental study on brine-CO2-rock interaction in carbonate formations of Tazhong-Uplift, Tarim Basin China

Assessing roles of geochemical reactions on CO2 plume, injectivity and residual trapping

Reducing the risk of CO2 storage projects through cost effective reservoir characterisation: application of digital core analysis to a CO2 injection reservoir

Techno-economic analysis of offshore isothermal compressed air energy storage in saline aquifers co-located with wind power

Evaluating 3D and 4D DAS VSP image quality of subsea carbon storage

Engineering design of CO2 storage in saline aquifers and in depleted hydrocarbon reservoirs: similarities and differences

Experimental Determination of CO2 Diffusion Coefficient in a Brine-Saturated Core Simulating Reservoir Condition

Carbon Dioxide Sequestration and Drainage in Saline Aquifer

Assessment of Geochemical Limitations to Utilizing CO2 as a Cushion Gas in Compressed Energy Storage Systems

CO2 messes with rock physics

Towards Defining Reasonable Minimum Composition Thresholds – Impacts of Variable CO2 Stream Compositions on Transport, Injection and Storage

A hybrid scenario analysis for the selection of future greenhouse gas emissions reduction technologies in China’s oil and gas industry

Underground Hydrogen Storage Using Saline Aquifers from Santa Lucía Basin Onshore Uruguay

Application of the PROMETHEE and VIKOR methods for selecting the most suitable carbon dioxide geological storage option

Enhancement of storage capacity of CO2 in megaporous saline aquifers using nanoparticle-stabilized CO2 foam

Provenance and Sediment Maturity as Controls on CO2 Mineral Sequestration Potential of the Gassum Formation in the Skagerrak

CO2‐Saturated Brine Injection Into Unconsolidated Sandstone: Implications for Carbon Geosequestration

Microfluidic Study on the Two-Phase Fluid Flow in Porous Media During Repetitive Drainage-Imbibition Cycles and Implications to the CAES Operation

Sustainable Agriculture Reviews 37: Carbon Sequestration Vol. 1 Introduction and Biochemical Methods

Uncertainty in regional estimates of capacity for carbon capture and storage

Liquid CO2 behaviour during water displacement in a sandstone core sample

Introduction to Carbon Dioxide Capture and Storage

Opportunities for a Low Carbon Transition-Deploying Carbon Capture, Utilization, and Storage in Northeast India

More Saline Aquifers 盐水含水层 sentence examples

Enhancement of CO2 dissolution and sweep efficiency in saline aquifer by micro bubble CO2 injection

Application of VES and ERT for delineation of fresh-saline interface in alluvial aquifers of Lower Bari Doab, Pakistan

A High Performance Lattice Boltzmann Solver with Applications to Multiphase Flow in Porous Media

Salinity effect on micro-scale contact angles using a 2D micromodel for geological carbon dioxide sequestration

More Saline Aquifers 盐水含水层 sentence examples

Carbon Geological Storage: Coupled Processes, Engineering and Monitoring

Fruit and Vegetable-based Saline Agricultural Systems for Nutritional and Livelihood Security

A review of chemical and mineralogical concerns of CO2 sequestration in deep saline aquifers

Statistical learning based predictive models to assess stress changes-reservoir deformation due to CO2 sequestration into saline aquifers