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Rust Caused sentence examples within Leaf Rust Caused

Genotype groups of the wheat leaf rust fungus Puccinia triticina in the United States as determined by genotyping by sequencing.

Potensi Ekstrak Lengkuas sebagai Fungisida Nabati untuk Mengendalikan Penyakit Karat Daun Anggur (Phakopsora euvitis)

Rust Caused sentence examples within Stem Rust Caused

Chromosomal composition analysis and molecular marker development for the novel Ug99-resistant wheat-Thinopyrum ponticum translocation line WTT34.

Impact of Stem and Yellow Rusts on Grain Yield of Bread Wheat (Triticum Aestivum L) Genotypes Under Rainfed Conditions of Ethiopia

Rust Caused sentence examples within Stripe Rust Caused

Meta-QTL Analysis for Stripe Rust Resistance in Wheat

Development and Identification of a Novel Wheat-Thinopyrum scirpeum 4E (4D) Chromosomal Substitution Line with Stripe Rust and Powdery Mildew Resistance.

Rust Caused sentence examples within White Rust Caused

DNA marker for resistance to Puccinia horiana in chrysanthemum (Chrysanthemum morifolium Ramat.) “Southern Pegasus”

Identification of resistant sources in chrysanthemum to white rust

Rust Caused sentence examples within Common Rust Caused

Preliminary Screening of Maize Accessions Against Common Rust Disease (Puccinia sorghi Schw) in Arsi Negele District, Ethiopia

Southern Rust Disease of Corn – A Review

Rust Caused sentence examples within Brown Rust Caused

The Occurrence of Barley (Hordeum vulgare) and Wild Barley (H. spontaneum) Leaf Diseases in Batman Province and Surrounding Areas of Turkey

Developing genetically segregating populations for localization of novel sugarcane brown rust resistance genes

Rust Caused sentence examples within Blister Rust Caused

First Report of White Blister Rust Disease Caused by Wilsoniana amaranthi on Amaranthus hybridus in Korea

Limber pine (Pinus flexilis James) genetic map constructed by exome-seq provides insight into the evolution of disease resistance and a genomic resource for genomics-based breeding.

Rust Caused sentence examples within Soybean Rust Caused

Reduced Asian Soybean Rust Control by Commercial Fungicides Co-formulations in the 2018-2019 Growing Season in Southern Brazil

Fungicidas sitio-específicos combinados con Mancozeb para el control de la roya asiática de la soya

Rust Caused sentence examples within Spruce Rust Caused

Temperature range for germination of Thekopsora areolata aeciospores from Finnish Norway spruce seed orchards

Alternate host screening of Thekopsora areolata in Scandinavia: A new record on Prunus grayana

Rust Caused sentence examples within Asian Rust Caused

Performance of soybean genotypes (Glycine Max L.) against Asian rust (Phakopsora Pachyrhizi Syd.) in Cameroon

Spray mixture volume in the control of Asian soybean rust

More Rust Caused 生锈引起 sentence examples

Extração de DNA e identificação molecular de Olivea neotectonae (T.S. Ramakrishnan & K. Ramakrishnan) isoladas de folhas de teca (Tecto-na grandis L.f)

Numerical Study on Influences of Drag Reducing Additive in Supercritical Flow of Kerosene in a Millichannel

Fungal diseases of trees and shrubs growing in Siberian Square in Warsaw

Molecular mapping of all stage stripe rust resistance gene YrPak in wheat landrace PI388231

More Rust Caused 生锈引起 sentence examples

Potential Tsunami Hazard on the Coast of the Indonesia’s New Capital Candidate

Dynamics of russian citizens’ social fears during the first and second waves of COVID-19

More Rust Caused 生锈引起 sentence examples

COVID-19 vaccine hesitancy in an ethnically diverse community: descriptive findings from the Born in Bradford study

Impact of Post-Earthquake Seismic Waves on the Terrestrial Environment

A novel model-based multivariable framework for aircraft gas turbine engine limit protection control

More Rust Caused 生锈引起 sentence examples

Early hydrosphere-rock interactions and intra-crustal recycling recorded by remarkably high-δ18O Mesoarchean granitoids in the Sulu orogenic belt, eastern China

More Rust Caused 生锈引起 sentence examples

DeeSCVHunter: A Deep Learning-Based Framework for Smart Contract Vulnerability Detection

Screening and evaluation of bread wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) genotypes resistance to stripe rust

Genome-wide association mapping identifies yellow rust resistance loci in Ethiopian durum wheat germplasm

Penyelenggara Dana Perlindungan Pemodal Bagi Investor Dalam Transaksi Saham Pada Pasar Modal

Deciphering Genotype-by- Environment Interaction for Targeting Test Environments and Rust Resistant Genotypes in Field Pea (Pisum sativum L.)

Identification of Stripe Rust Resistance in Ethiopian Durum Wheat by Phenotypic Screening and Kompetitive Allele Specific PCR (KASP) SNP Markers

Marker-Assisted Gene Pyramiding and the Reliability of Using SNP Markers Located in the Recombination Suppressed Regions of Sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.)

A study of coaxial rotor aerodynamic interaction mechanism in hover with high-efficient trim model

Unravelling the diversity and distribution of the soybean rust fungus Phakopsora pachyrhizi in East Africa

Cantilevered Pipes Conveying Fluid

More Rust Caused 生锈引起 sentence examples

Formation of defused stress areas in the Earth’s crust of the Kola region and associated environmental risks in capital construction

More Rust Caused 生锈引起 sentence examples

Changeability in Stripe Rust Infection and Grain Yield of WheatAssociated to Climatic Conditions

Analysis of Spring Triticale Collection for Leaf Rust Resistance Genes with PCR Markers

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Rust Caused 生锈引起

Rust Caused 生锈引起
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