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Rock Aquifers sentence examples within Hard Rock Aquifers

Groundwater quality of an hard rock aquifer in the Subledu Basin of Khammam district, India

Factors controlling the distribution of radon (222Rn) in groundwater of a tropical mountainous river basin in southwest India.

Rock Aquifers sentence examples within Fractured Rock Aquifers

Groundwater resource exploration & development – Focus on groundwater to support surface water supply in the Lower Olifants River, South Africa

Insight into watershed hydrodynamics using silica, sulfate, and tritium: Source aquifers and water age in a mountain river

Rock Aquifers sentence examples within Basement Rock Aquifers

Hydrogeochemical and spatial assessment of groundwater quality from basement aquifers in the Central Plateau Region of Burkina Faso, West Africa

Sources and behavior of trace elements in groundwater in the South Eastern Desert, Egypt

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Rock Aquifers sentence examples within rock aquifers occur

Alpine hydrogeology: The critical role of groundwater in sourcing the headwaters of the world.

Alpine Hydrogeology: The Critical Role of Groundwater in Sourcing the Headwaters of the World

High Plains groundwater isotopic composition in northeastern New Mexico (USA): relationship to recharge and hydrogeologic setting

Arsenic fate in upper Indus river basin (UIRB) aquifers: Controls of hydrochemical processes, provenances and water-aquifer matrix interaction.

The application of environmental isotopes to conceptualize groundwater recharge in a coastal aquifer system: Case study of the West Coast Aquifer System, South Africa

Review: Hydrogeology of weathered crystalline/hard-rock aquifers—guidelines for the operational survey and management of their groundwater resources

An analysis of the spatio-temporal occurrence of anthelmintic veterinary drug residues in groundwater.

Using Carbon-14 of dissolved organic carbon to determine groundwater ages and travel times in aquifers with low organic carbon

Geochemical and isotopic evidence for pumping-induced impacts to bedrock groundwater quality in the City of Guelph, Canada.

Water inflow characteristics of coal seam mining aquifer in Yushen mining area, China

A Basin-Scale Groundwater Flow Model of the Columbia Plateau Regional Aquifer System in the Palouse (USA): Insights for Aquifer Vulnerability Assessment

Evaluation and application of the Purge Analyzer Tool (PAT) to determine in-well flow and purge criteria for sampling monitoring wells at the Stringfellow Superfund site in Jurupa Valley, California, in 2017

Preliminary conceptual models of groundwater and nutrient dynamics in typical agricultural river catchments underlain by hard-rock aquifers in Scotland and Northern Ireland: The River Ythan and Upper Bann River Catchments

Occurrence, Geochemistry and Speciation of Elevated Arsenic Concentrations in a Fractured Bedrock Aquifer System

A semi-empirical model for water inflow into a tunnel in fractured-rock aquifers considering non-Darcian flow

Evaluation of natural attenuation-potential and biogeochemical analysis in nitrate contaminated bedrock aquifers by carbon source injection.

Estimation of recharge in mountain hard-rock aquifers based on discrete spring discharge monitoring during base-flow recession

Tracing δ18O and δ2H in Source Waters and Recharge Pathways of a Fractured-Basalt and Interbedded-Sediment Aquifer, Columbia River Flood Basalt Province

Qualitative risk aggregation problems for the safety of multiple aquifers exposed to nitrate, fluoride and arsenic contaminants by a ‘Total Information Management’ framework

Groundwater recharge in a confined paleovalley setting, Northeast British Columbia, Canada

Hydrogeologic Study of the Bryce Canyon City Area, Including Johns and Emery Valleys, Garfield County, Utah

Prediction of the Water-Bearing Capacity of Coal Strata by Using the Macro and Micro Pore Structure Parameters of Aquifers

Correlating Bedrock Folds to Higher Rates of Arsenic Detection in Groundwater, Southeast Wisconsin, USA.

The effect of river regulation on the hydrological conditions of the aapa mire in a mining development site in Northern Finland

Mapping of Groundwater Recharge Potential Zones and Identification of Suitable Site-Specific Recharge Mechanisms in a Tropical River Basin

Solute transport performance analysis of equivalent apertures in a single undisturbed basaltic fracture

Integrated hydrogeological modelling of hard-rock semi-arid terrain: supporting sustainable agricultural groundwater use in Hout catchment, Limpopo Province, South Africa

Arsenic variability and groundwater age in three water supply wells in southeast New Hampshire

Spatiotemporal Heterogeneity of Water Flowpaths Controls Dissolved Organic Carbon Sourcing in a Snow-Dominated, Headwater Catchment

Electrical Resistivity Tomography for Sustainable Groundwater Development in a Complex Geological Area

About this title - Groundwater in Fractured Bedrock Environments: Managing Catchment and Subsurface Resources

Conceptualizing leakage and storage contributions from long open interval wells in regional deep basin flow models

Subsampling of Regional-Scale Database for improving Multivariate Analysis Interpretation of Groundwater Chemical Evolution and Ion Sources

Wastewater impacts on groundwater at a fractured sedimentary bedrock site in Ontario, Canada: implications for First Nations’ source-water protection

Documentation of a Soil-Water-Balance Model to estimate recharge to Blue Ridge, Piedmont, and Mesozoic Basin fractured-rock aquifers, Fauquier County, Virginia, 1996 through 2015

Transient characteristics of effective porosity and specific yield in bedrock aquifers

Assessing toluene biodegradation under temporally varying redox conditions in a fractured bedrock aquifer using stable isotope methods.

Arsenic concentrations after drinking water well installation: Time-varying effects on arsenic mobilization.

Long-term transient groundwater pressure and deep infiltration in Alpine mountain slopes (Poschiavo Valley, Switzerland)

How preferential flow delivers pre-event groundwater rapidly to streams

Applicability of method to estimate transmissivity based on yield-drawdown analysis in mountainous fractured-rock aquifers: A case study in Taiwan

Assessment of Aquifer Vulnerability Using Integrated Geophysical Approach in Weathered Terrains of South China

Significance of the connection between bedrock, alluvium and streams: A spatial and temporal hydrogeological and hydrogeochemical assessment from Queensland, Australia

Water Sources of Upland Swamps in Eastern Australia: Implications for System Integrity with Aquifer Interference and a Changing Climate

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Rock Aquifers 岩石含水层

Rock Aquifers 岩石含水层
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