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More River Bathymetry 河流测深 sentence examples

Developing a Baseline Characterization of River Bathymetry and Time-Varying Height for Chindwin River in Myanmar Using SRTM and Landsat Data

Testing of sUAS ground-penetrating radar for non-contact measurement of river bathymetry

Assessing the nature of sediment transport with bridge scour by 1D sediment transport model in the sub-catchment basin of Bhagirathi–Hooghly river


Development of an Image Registration Technique for Fluvial Hyperspectral Imagery Using an Optical Flow Algorithm

Comparison of different spatial interpolation methods for historical hydrographic data of the lowermost Mississippi River

Large-eddy simulation of the Mississippi River under base-flow condition: hydrodynamics of a natural diffluence-confluence region

Sensitivity of Simulated Hyporheic Exchange to River Bathymetry: The Steinlach River Test Site.

Time-Averaged Turbulent Velocity Flow Field through the Various Bridge Contractions during Large Flooding

Assessing the effect of different bathymetric models on hydraulic simulation of rivers in data sparse regions

sUAS-Based Remote Sensing of River Discharge Using Thermal Particle Image Velocimetry and Bathymetric Lidar

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River Bathymetry 河流测深

River Bathymetry 河流测深
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