Research Toward
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Research Toward sentence examples within Future Research Toward
Here, we provide a comprehensive look at the current ECM models in use to mimic the in vivo diseased states, the different types of SPPs that have been experimentally tested in these models, and suggest directions for future research toward clinical translation of SPPs in diverse biomedical settings.
在这里,我们全面介绍了当前用于模拟体内疾病状态的 ECM 模型,已在这些模型中进行了实验测试的不同类型的 SPP,并为未来研究 SPP 在不同生物医学中的临床转化提出了方向。设置。
在这里,我们全面介绍了当前用于模拟体内疾病状态的 ECM 模型,已在这些模型中进行了实验测试的不同类型的 SPP,并为未来研究 SPP 在不同生物医学中的临床转化提出了方向。设置。
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In doing so, it provides a framework to support future research towards finding combinational therapy for specific neuropathologies.
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Research Toward sentence examples within Intensive Research Toward
Findings of this paper are that the Industrial Mineral Sector has been neglected by relevant stakeholders and needs sufficient funding and intensive research towards economic-geological mapping of industrial minerals in order to thrive.
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The emergence of the deadly SARS-CoV-2, the etiologic agent of COVID-19 towards the end of the fourth quarter of 2019 has necessitated intensive research towards the development of drugs and vaccine that can combat the disease.
致命的 SARS-CoV-2(COVID-19 的病原体)在 2019 年第四季度末出现,需要对能够对抗该疾病的药物和疫苗进行深入研究。
致命的 SARS-CoV-2(COVID-19 的病原体)在 2019 年第四季度末出现,需要对能够对抗该疾病的药物和疫苗进行深入研究。
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Research Toward sentence examples within Ongoing Research Toward
In this paper, we report on our ongoing research towards developing a framework for (semi-)automatically transforming variability models.
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We present an overview of our ongoing research towards such neuro-steered hearing implants.
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Research Toward sentence examples within Scientific Research Toward
Conclusion: The plant information collected in the present survey is suggestive of significant prospects for further scientific research towards discovery of lead compounds and possibly better drugs.
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The continuous decrease in the availability of fossil resources, along with an evident energy crisis, and the growing environmental impact due to their use, has pushed scientific research towards the development of innovative strategies and green routes for the use of renewable resources, not only in the field of energy production but also for the production of novel advanced materials and platform molecules for the modern chemical industry.
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Research Toward sentence examples within Direct Research Toward
The novelty of the manuscript is to provide a detailed collection of past and recent comparative studies between geopolymers and ordinary Portland concrete mixes in terms of strength properties, durability, fire resistance, and environmental impact by LCA analysis, intending to evaluate the advantages and limitations of this technology and direct research towards a targeted optimization of the material.
该手稿的新颖之处在于通过 LCA 分析详细收集了地质聚合物与普通波特兰混凝土混合物在强度性能、耐久性、耐火性和环境影响方面过去和最近的比较研究,旨在评估其优点和局限性。这项技术和直接研究有针对性地优化材料。
该手稿的新颖之处在于通过 LCA 分析详细收集了地质聚合物与普通波特兰混凝土混合物在强度性能、耐久性、耐火性和环境影响方面过去和最近的比较研究,旨在评估其优点和局限性。这项技术和直接研究有针对性地优化材料。
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Reforms are needed to direct research toward health equity, both during this pandemic and beyond.
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Research Toward sentence examples within Guide Research Toward
Future research directions are also covered to guide research toward the commercialization of flexible ZIBs.
还涵盖了未来的研究方向,以指导柔性 ZIB 商业化的研究。
还涵盖了未来的研究方向,以指导柔性 ZIB 商业化的研究。
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These findings pave the way for further characterization of caffeine-free species in the Coffea genus and will guide research towards naturally-decaffeinated coffee drinks for consumers.
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Research Toward sentence examples within New Research Toward
This study provides comprehensive biological data about taxonomy, distribution and prevalence of AMF in Qatar soil, which opens new research towards developing its future applications for environmental conservation and sustainable agriculture.
本研究提供了有关卡塔尔土壤中 AMF 的分类、分布和流行的综合生物学数据,为开发其在环境保护和可持续农业方面的未来应用开辟了新的研究。
本研究提供了有关卡塔尔土壤中 AMF 的分类、分布和流行的综合生物学数据,为开发其在环境保护和可持续农业方面的未来应用开辟了新的研究。
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, the technological features of the RBIs and the characteristics and commitment of the research teams that develop them) affects three different commercialization outcomes: licensing, establishing spin-offs and propelling new research toward improving the commercialization potential of the RBIs.
、RBI 的技术特征以及开发它们的研究团队的特点和承诺)影响三种不同的商业化成果:许可、建立衍生产品和推动新的研究以提高 RBI 的商业化潜力。
、RBI 的技术特征以及开发它们的研究团队的特点和承诺)影响三种不同的商业化成果:许可、建立衍生产品和推动新的研究以提高 RBI 的商业化潜力。
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Research Toward sentence examples within Clinical Research Toward
This study quantitively summarizes the current status of TNBC research from a macro perspective and will aid in redirecting basic and clinical research toward a better outcome of TNBC.
本研究从宏观角度定量总结了 TNBC 研究的现状,将有助于将基础和临床研究转向更好的 TNBC 结果。
结论: 本研究从宏观角度定量总结了 TNBC 研究的现状,将有助于将基础和临床研究转向更好的 TNBC 结果。
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No in-depth studies or mechanistic studies analyzing biomarker differential expressions, molecular pathways and omic profiles were found that might drive preclinical and clinical research towards sex-/gender-oriented protocols.
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Research Toward sentence examples within Translational Research Toward
This article covers the milestones of translational research towards the drug delivery in CI application that took place in association with MED-EL.
本文介绍了与 MED-EL 相关的 CI 应用中药物输送转化研究的里程碑。
本文介绍了与 MED-EL 相关的 CI 应用中药物输送转化研究的里程碑。
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The identified AXL interactors can be used in translational research toward development of effective therapies for metastatic and/or chemoresistant cancers with AXL overactivation.
已鉴定的 AXL 相互作用物可用于转化研究,以开发针对具有 AXL 过度激活的转移性和/或化学耐药性癌症的有效疗法。
已鉴定的 AXL 相互作用物可用于转化研究,以开发针对具有 AXL 过度激活的转移性和/或化学耐药性癌症的有效疗法。
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Research Toward sentence examples within Extensive Research Toward
On the other hand, there is extensive research towards the use of surfactants to solubilize drugs and pharmaceuticals; therefore, it is evident that the interaction between surfactants with macromolecules is important for many applications which includes environmental processes and the pharmaceutical industry.
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The ever-increasing regulations and the continuous demand for more sustainability have led to extensive research towards more environmentally suitable alternatives to petroleum-based materials.
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Research Toward sentence examples within Applied Research Toward
The main objective is to combine theoretical, experimental and applied research towards the development of radiation-hard SiC-based detectors of special nuclear materials (SNM), with the end goal to enhance border and port security barriers.
主要目标是将理论、实验和应用研究相结合,以开发特殊核材料 (SNM) 的抗辐射 SiC 基探测器,最终目标是加强边境和港口安全屏障。
主要目标是将理论、实验和应用研究相结合,以开发特殊核材料 (SNM) 的抗辐射 SiC 基探测器,最终目标是加强边境和港口安全屏障。
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A focus is given to approaches that show promising features to bridge the gap between fundamental and applied research towards industrial applications.
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Research Toward sentence examples within Academic Research Toward
Orientation The coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic has caused a ‘coronafication’ of research and academia, including the instrumentalisation of academic research towards the demands of society and governments.
方向 2019 年冠状病毒病 (COVID-19) 大流行已引起研究和学术界的“加冕”,包括将学术研究工具化以满足社会和政府的需求。
方向 2019 年冠状病毒病 (COVID-19) 大流行已引起研究和学术界的“加冕”,包括将学术研究工具化以满足社会和政府的需求。
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The results of the current study can help in increasing the focus of the academic research towards sustainable consumer behaviour.
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Research Toward sentence examples within Drive Research Toward
Excessive use of chemical fungicides continues to drive research towards biological alternatives, as natural products are enjoying increasing interest in many areas and have the potential to control biological agents that cause various diseases in agricultural crops.
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Tools and data must be shared, both internationally and within the resource-constrained low-income and middle-income countries, to drive research towards better interventions to reduce the burden of dementia.
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Research Toward sentence examples within Laboratory Research Toward
This study provided a significant reference in connecting construction sites and laboratory research toward asphalt VOCs quantification.
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As such, in order to transition from laboratory research towards the treatment of patients, distinguishing accurate 3D printing parameters is necessary for the manufacture of medicines with key quality attributes that follow Pharmacopoeia requirements.
因此,为了从实验室研究过渡到患者治疗,区分准确的 3D 打印参数对于制造具有符合药典要求的关键质量属性的药物是必要的。
因此,为了从实验室研究过渡到患者治疗,区分准确的 3D 打印参数对于制造具有符合药典要求的关键质量属性的药物是必要的。
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Research Toward sentence examples within Interdisciplinary Research Toward
Interdisciplinary research towards individual and organizational carbon offset behaviors in a broader context of socio-economic development and cooperation among various agents is the emphasis and direction for future study.
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In this way, lattice gauge theories provide both motivation and a framework for interdisciplinary research towards the development of special purpose digital and analog quantum simulators, and ultimately of scalable universal quantum computers.
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Research Toward sentence examples within Motivate Research Toward
The findings of this work motivate research toward methods of early detection of challenging behaviours, which may enable the timely intervention by caregivers and possibly by social robots.
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With the augmentation of affordable multimedia wireless gadgets, the ubiquitous availability of the internet access, and the rapid pace of mobile traffic motivate research towards fifth generation (5G) communications to realize energy-efficient cloud radio access networks (C-RAN) with guaranteed quality of experience.
随着负担得起的多媒体无线设备的增加、互联网接入的普遍可用性以及移动流量的快速发展,推动了对第五代 (5G) 通信的研究,以实现具有保证质量的节能云无线电接入网络 (C-RAN)的经验。
随着负担得起的多媒体无线设备的增加、互联网接入的普遍可用性以及移动流量的快速发展,推动了对第五代 (5G) 通信的研究,以实现具有保证质量的节能云无线电接入网络 (C-RAN)的经验。
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Research Toward sentence examples within Encourage Research Toward
Our results confirm previous research on cross-domain transferability, and encourage research towards language-sensitive Music Emotion Recognition (MER) models.
我们的结果证实了之前关于跨域可迁移性的研究,并鼓励对语言敏感的音乐情感识别 (MER) 模型的研究。
我们的结果证实了之前关于跨域可迁移性的研究,并鼓励对语言敏感的音乐情感识别 (MER) 模型的研究。
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Their predictive value is mechanism-based and will encourage research towards understanding the multiple pathways contributing to ovarian failure after chemotherapy.
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Research Toward sentence examples within Basic Research Toward
Nowadays, the use of peptides for this purpose is at an early stage, but it is gaining more and more interest, and we are now witnessing the transition from basic research towards applications.
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(4) Globally, the current authoritative studies have focused on basic research towards the stem cell treatment of diabetic retinopathy.
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Research Toward sentence examples within Pushed Research Toward
Biodiesel’s aptness in substituting petro-diesel conveniently has pushed research toward more on economically and environmentally benign production technologies.
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However, the increasing demand for renewable fuels and chemicals has pushed research toward new processing methods to recover and use this valuable biomass source.
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Research Toward sentence examples within Ad Research Toward
Shifting the focus of AD research towards alternative β secretases might unveil promising alternatives to BACE1 inhibitors constantly failing in clinical trials due to ineffectiveness and harmful side effects.
将 AD 研究的重点转向替代 β 分泌酶可能会揭示 BACE1 抑制剂的有希望的替代品,这些替代品由于无效和有害副作用而在临床试验中不断失败。
将 AD 研究的重点转向替代 β 分泌酶可能会揭示 BACE1 抑制剂的有希望的替代品,这些替代品由于无效和有害副作用而在临床试验中不断失败。
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Our review is the first to consider the physiological roles of VK2 in the context of AD, and, given the recent shift in AD research toward nonpharmacological interventions, our findings emphasize the timeliness and need for clinical studies involving VK2.
我们的综述首次考虑了 VK2 在 AD 中的生理作用,并且鉴于最近 AD 研究转向非药物干预,我们的研究结果强调了涉及 VK2 的临床研究的及时性和必要性。
我们的综述首次考虑了 VK2 在 AD 中的生理作用,并且鉴于最近 AD 研究转向非药物干预,我们的研究结果强调了涉及 VK2 的临床研究的及时性和必要性。
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Research Toward sentence examples within Steer Research Toward
<br>The resulting sensitivities to CMP complexity are envisioned to guide CMP model simplifications as well as steer research towards those processes where a more accurate representation proves to be necessary.
<br>预计由此产生的对 CMP 复杂性的敏感性可以指导 CMP 模型的简化,并引导研究转向那些证明需要更准确表示的过程。
<br>预计由此产生的对 CMP 复杂性的敏感性可以指导 CMP 模型的简化,并引导研究转向那些证明需要更准确表示的过程。
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To foster the discussion and steer research towards reproducible transport simulations, this paper introduces a process for generating a synthetic travel demand with individual households, persons, and their daily activity chains for Paris and its surrounding region Ile-de-France — entirely based on open data and open software and replicable by any researcher.
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Research Toward sentence examples within Led Research Toward
The necessity for a more realistic and accurate user interaction with the remote environment has led research towards the usage of immersive technologies such as augmented and virtual reality.
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Our results also confirm a strong bias in zoo-led research towards vertebrates, and especially mammals.
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Research Toward sentence examples within Experimental Research Toward
Altogether, this study provides a starting platform to be more exploited by future experimental research towards the development of inhibitors against TEAD, a persuasive strategy for therapeutic intervention in cancer treatment.
总而言之,这项研究提供了一个起始平台,未来的实验研究可以更多地利用该平台来开发针对 TEAD 的抑制剂,这是一种有说服力的癌症治疗干预策略。
总而言之,这项研究提供了一个起始平台,未来的实验研究可以更多地利用该平台来开发针对 TEAD 的抑制剂,这是一种有说服力的癌症治疗干预策略。
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We anticipate that the results of this study will motivate experimental research toward developing FETs with anisotropic insulators.
我们预计这项研究的结果将激发实验研究,以开发具有各向异性绝缘体的 FET。
我们预计这项研究的结果将激发实验研究,以开发具有各向异性绝缘体的 FET。
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Research Toward sentence examples within Biomedical Research Toward
Finally, possible amalgam alternatives and the urgent need for biomedical research towards restorative dentistry are presented, embedded into the crucial question of whether we are actually conducting the correct debate.
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Macroeconomic progress has, indeed, increased the funding of biomedical research towards the development of new drugs and treatments.
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Research Toward sentence examples within Stimulated Research Toward
The synergy between photo and electrochemical processes inspired several papers and stimulated research toward new systems that could be increasingly adapted to work under visible or solar radiation, and with minimum bias potential.
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The continuous need to improve the performance of photonic, electronic and optoelectronic devices has stimulated research toward the development of innovative semiconducting materials which display better properties with respect to standard bulk semiconductors [.
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Research Toward sentence examples within Active Research Toward
The scarcity of single-phase magnetoelectric multiferroics has motivated active research towards the design of composites where polarization and magnetization are coupled through elastic strain at their interfaces.
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This process is poorly understood and remains an area of active research toward the goal of developing effective delivery strategies.
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Research Toward sentence examples within Driven Research Toward
Conclusion M3Cs acted to fill the gap by applying translational bioinformatics (TBI) general pathway to transfer data-driven research toward data-driven clinical care and/or hypothesis generation.
结论 M3Cs 通过应用转化生物信息学 (TBI) 一般途径将数据驱动的研究转移到数据驱动的临床护理和/或假设生成来填补空白。
结论 M3Cs 通过应用转化生物信息学 (TBI) 一般途径将数据驱动的研究转移到数据驱动的临床护理和/或假设生成来填补空白。
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However, rapidly depleting fossil fuel reserves coupled with the negative environmental impacts has driven research toward biofuels.
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Research Toward sentence examples within Push Research Toward
Urgent environmental challenges and emerging additive manufacturing (AM) technologies push research towards more performant and new materials.
紧迫的环境挑战和新兴的增材制造 (AM) 技术推动了对更高性能和新材料的研究。
紧迫的环境挑战和新兴的增材制造 (AM) 技术推动了对更高性能和新材料的研究。
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The depletion of non-renewable energy sources and negative effects towards the environment push research towards the widespread adoption of renewable energy sources such as solar energy.
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Research Toward sentence examples within Vivo Research Toward
These findings provide novel insights into the mechanisms of mPCa immunosurveillance escape and help in providing the basis to foster in vivo research toward novel therapeutic strategies for immunotherapy of mPCa.
这些发现为 mPCa 免疫监视逃逸的机制提供了新的见解,并有助于为促进 mPCa 免疫治疗新治疗策略的体内研究提供基础。
这些发现为 mPCa 免疫监视逃逸的机制提供了新的见解,并有助于为促进 mPCa 免疫治疗新治疗策略的体内研究提供基础。
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These findings provide novel insights into the mechanisms of PCa osteoblastic metastases and foster in vivo research toward new therapeutic strategies interfering with PCa/OB cross-talk.
这些发现为 PCa 成骨细胞转移的机制提供了新的见解,并促进了对干扰 PCa/OB 串扰的新治疗策略的体内研究。
这些发现为 PCa 成骨细胞转移的机制提供了新的见解,并促进了对干扰 PCa/OB 串扰的新治疗策略的体内研究。
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Research Toward sentence examples within research toward developing
We anticipate that the results of this study will motivate experimental research toward developing FETs with anisotropic insulators.
我们预计这项研究的结果将激发实验研究,以开发具有各向异性绝缘体的 FET。
我们预计这项研究的结果将激发实验研究,以开发具有各向异性绝缘体的 FET。
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The impetus of steadfast rise of fraction of biologics in approved drugs is thrusting the research toward developing less-invasive or noninvasive delivery systems to translate biologics into convenient nonparenteral medicines.