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Understanding Religion and Politics in Africa: A Call for the Re-enchantment of the Scholarly Imagination

Discursive construction of the farmer-pastoralist conflict in Nigeria

Religion, Law, and Politics in Ghana: Duabɔ (Imprecation) as Spiritual Justice in the Public Sphere

Clever Maids, Fearless Jacks, and a Cat: Fairy Tales from a Living Oral Tradition

The Spiritual Globe

The Religious Imagination and Contemporary Public Theology

“Nature Naturized”: Plague, Contagious Atheism, and The Alchemist

The significance of the symbols of Mirror and Portrait in teaching Symbolism

Book review: Flourishing: Why We Need Religion in a Globalized World

The Religious Imagination in Literary Network and Muslim Contestation in Nusantara

Book Review: Kasule, Dennis D: Tillard and von Balthasar: A Quest for Rapprochement

The Imagination of Interconnection: Laudato Si’ and Celtic Christian Spirituality

The religious imagination of children project: an initial research report

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Religious Imagination 宗教想象

Religious Imagination 宗教想象
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