Discover more insights into Refractive Index Sensor 折射率传感器

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A Refractive Index Sensor Based on PCF With Ultra-Wide Detection Range

Highly Sensitive Refractive Index Sensor Based on Polymer Long-Period Waveguide Grating With Liquid Cladding

Effect of Silver and Gold on SPR Based D-shaped Photonic Crystal Fiber Refractive Index Sensor

Functional Plasmonic Fiber-Optic Based Sensors Using Low-Cost Microsphere Photolithography

Simultaneously performing optical and electrical responses from a plasmonic sensor based on gold/silicon Schottky junction.

Ultrafast Plasmonic Optical Switching Structures and Devices

Colorimetric and Near-Absolute Polarization-Insensitive Refractive-Index Sensing in All-Dielectric Guided-Mode Resonance Based Metasurface

Symmetry-broken square silicon patches for ultra-narrowband light absorption

Learn more from Refractive Index Sensor 折射率传感器

Refractive Index Sensor 折射率传感器

Refractive Index Sensor 折射率传感器
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