Recycled Iron(再生铁)研究综述
Recycled Iron 再生铁 - Hepcidin is a 25 amino acid peptide hormone which inhibits entry of iron into the plasma compartment from the three main sources of iron: dietary absorption in the duodenum, the release of recycled iron from macrophages and the release of stored iron from hepatocytes. [1] Effects of Water cement ratios on strengths characteristics of concrete produced with Recycled Iron and Steel Slag (RISS) aggregates was studied to understand the structural integrity of RISS aggregate in concrete and to determine the veracity of RISS aggregate as alternative aggregate to granite in concrete works. [2] It inhibits iron entry into the circulation by blocking dietary absorption in the duodenum, the release of recycled iron from macrophages and the exit of stored iron from hepatocytes. [3] In this study, the use of recycled iron and steel slag (RISS) aggregate to improve the tensile strength of concrete was considered. [4]铁调素是一种 25 个氨基酸的肽激素,可抑制铁从三个主要来源的铁进入血浆室:十二指肠的饮食吸收、巨噬细胞释放回收的铁和肝细胞释放储存的铁。 [1] 研究了水灰比对用再生钢渣 (RISS) 骨料生产的混凝土强度特性的影响,以了解 RISS 骨料在混凝土中的结构完整性,并确定 RISS 骨料作为混凝土工程中花岗岩替代骨料的准确性。 [2] 它通过阻断十二指肠中的膳食吸收、巨噬细胞释放回收的铁和肝细胞排出储存的铁来抑制铁进入循环。 [3] 在这项研究中,考虑使用再生铁和钢渣(RISS)骨料来提高混凝土的抗拉强度。 [4]