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Receptor Knockdown sentence examples within A2b Receptor Knockdown

Adenosine, Via A2B Receptors, Inhibits Human (P-SMC) Progenitor Smooth Muscle Cell Growth.

Involvement of adenosine A2B receptor in radiation-induced translocation of epidermal growth factor receptor and DNA damage response leading to radioresistance in human lung cancer cells.

Receptor Knockdown sentence examples within Insulin Receptor Knockdown

FoxO-KlLF5 Pathway Switches the Flow of Macronutrients Under the Control of Insulin

Insulin and the insulin receptor collaborate to promote human gastric cancer

Nanoparticles that do not compete with endogenous ligands - Molecular characterization in vitro, acute safety in canine, and interspecies pharmacokinetics modeling to humans.

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Receptor Knockdown 受体敲低

Receptor Knockdown 受体敲低
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